Arad's Sword

Chapter 407 Double Sword Betting

Chapter 407 Double Sword Betting
With the guarantee of the eighth apostle, Midi immediately seemed to have taken a reassurance.

Although he is more inclined to rely on his own strength, but now, Midi and Rotes can be regarded as sharing weal and woe, and their interests are closely related.

Whether it is to deal with the death order or to reshape the body to reincarnate, the inheritance of the Dark Dragon City is indispensable, and all available means must be used.

Therefore, under the temptation of "triple price", Midi made a decisive decision and prepared to try alchemy.

More precisely, it is to try to let the eighth apostle Lotos guide himself in alchemy.

"I have to admit that your alchemy potion is indeed unique, and many techniques are unheard of in the Arad continent." After pretending to go back and forth a few times, Midi finally commented.

Sherlock didn't respond to this at all. As the alchemist of the Tarantula Tribe, his status and respect can be said to be higher than that of Galantis.

After all, there are two black dragon priests, and they are still rivals. This one doesn't bother you, so you can ask for the other one.

But he is the only alchemist of the tarantula, and the other people in the alchemy workshop are just doing odd jobs.

In other words, in the Tarantula Tribe, the only way to increase the value of the material was to go to Menzoberranzan through the long business road, and there was only one way to find Sherlock.

Under such circumstances, Sherlock has to hear more compliments than normal conversations every day, and he has already been immune to it, so how can he feel about Midi's words?

Unexpectedly, just when Sherlock was about to open his mouth to taunt the other party, Midi suddenly changed the topic: "However, in a comprehensive comparison, of course our alchemy on the surface is better."

As soon as this remark came out, the temperature in the entire alchemy workshop suddenly dropped several degrees.

Those dark elf apprentices looked at Midi no longer with contempt, but with dead eyes.

How stupid is it to dare to provoke Sherlock in the alchemy workshop?

"You, what did you say?" Sherlock thought for a moment that he didn't hear clearly.

"It's just that although your approach has many merits, in most cases, it is not so much alchemy as it is to mix the materials together according to a specific ratio. Doing this will not only fail to make the full effect of the materials It’s really not brilliant.” Midi talked eloquently, with a completely condescending attitude of inspection.

Of course, in a place like the Underdark, where only strength is valued, it is impossible for Sherlock to become the person in charge of the alchemy workshop if he has no skills. His alchemy potions are actually quite good in quality.

It's a pity that the person who really made the evaluation was not Midi, but the eighth apostle Lotos.

In the eyes of this supreme powerhouse, this dark elf's trick is naturally extremely crude, and of course it needs to be severely criticized.

"Good boy, your mouth is quite powerful!" Sherlock finally reacted.

It was the first time he was criticized in this way after being in the Tarantula Tribe for so many years, and he became extremely angry immediately.

However, it was because of being too angry that Sherlock could not scold, but sneered.

"The Underdark has the style of the Underdark, boy, since you dare to say that, please make it clear, otherwise, I will ask the patriarch to expel you from the Tarantula Tribe!" Sherlock let out a low growl. "Of course, this is just the beginning, because I will immediately call a large number of people, and then capture you back as a slave again, and only give me a slave!"

"Be clear? Of course there's no problem." Midi nodded, as if he didn't take the other party's threat to heart at all. "However, if it's just a theory, you won't be convinced, right?"

"Oh? What tricks do you have?" Sherlock narrowed his eyes.

He was not in a hurry. Alchemists were always very patient. At this moment, Sherlock was like a beast playing with its prey, wanting to see what this human being who dared to provoke him was capable of.

But the next moment, when he heard Midi's words, he was stunned again.

"Although I'm a warrior, I still know some common sense of alchemy. How about letting me refine some potions for your reference?" Midi looked at Sherlock calmly, as if saying something very important. Everyday things.

"What?" Sherlock was really stunned this time.

If Midi's provocation made him unable to react, then at this moment, Midi proposed to carry out alchemy by himself, which completely shocked him.

This human boy can also do alchemy?
How can this be?

This is absolutely impossible!

There must be something wrong with this!

Sherlock turned his brain rapidly, and suddenly thought of a possibility—could it be that this human being was instructed by some people to deliberately make trouble, even specifically to target those precious materials in the alchemy workshop?
Thinking of this, the old alchemist, who was originally full of contempt for Midi, suddenly showed a trace of fear and caution in his eyes.

Crazy to crazy, who can survive in the Underdark and gain a higher status, who is a fool?
However, Midi had already expected this, he smiled slightly and said: "I'm just a warrior after all, and I don't have any advanced skills in alchemy, so I just refine the simplest blood coagulation potion and magic power potion here." , materials, how about asking Master Sherlock to provide it?"

Refining here?

The vigilance that Sherlock had just raised suddenly dropped again.

If you don't enter the laboratory of the alchemy workshop, you can choose the materials by yourself. In this way, there is really no danger.

However, this human being really knows alchemy?

Sherlock was still full of doubts.

Taking a full look at the old alchemist's expression, Midi knew that it was not enough to provoke and exaggerate the words, and it was not enough to dispel the other party's worries, and something had to be added to push the final push.

That is interest.

"If the refinement fails, these two swords should be regarded as compensation." Midi said again, and lightly untied the two swords "Punishment" and "Lore" from his waist, and slapped them on the ground. on the table.

As one of the collections of the Eighth Apostle Lotes, this pair of double swords is definitely a first-class weapon even if it is placed in the dark area.

Except for Alex's pair of scimitars, which may be comparable to it, the weapons of other tarantula warriors are definitely not comparable to this pair of "juejue" twin swords.

As for blood coagulation potions and magic power potions, not to mention three times the price of the materials, even if it is thirty times the price, it is still a fraction of the price of this pair of "juejue" swords.

Sherlock's vision is so sharp, how could he fail to see the value of Midi's pair of swords.

Under the obsession with greed, he didn't have time to think about whether there was any conspiracy behind him, and immediately shouted: "Okay, human being, I will give you a chance!"

With Sherlock nodding, those apprentices naturally would not and would not dare to object.

Immediately, on the lowest floor of the alchemy studio, a huge alchemy table was brought over, and all kinds of alchemy utensils were fully prepared.

Materials such as black leaf grass for coagulation potions and dark vines for magic power potions have also been prepared.

Obviously, Sherlock didn't bother to tamper with the material at all.

Moreover, for the residents of the Underdark, because most of the competitions have a blood oath as a just relationship, secretly obstructing this choice rarely comes into their sight.

Besides, if Midi really knows alchemy, if he can block it once, can he block it three times or five times?

The truth of the facts will be presented to everyone sooner or later.

That being the case, why not provide good conditions and take a closer look at what this human being can do.

"Come on, come to alchemy, let me see the ability of surface humans!" Sherlock said carelessly with his hands on his hips.

But this time, Midi stopped answering, but directly ignored his provocation.

At this moment, all of Midi's thoughts have been put on the matter of alchemy.

A ray of dark blue light flashed across his pitch-black pupils.

Psychic powers, environmental sensing!
In an instant, all the details on the alchemy table were completely controlled by Midi.

Midi can clearly sense every bump on the table, fine dust, and of course, the materials themselves.

However, Midi is very clear that this is not enough, because what can be clearly sensed now is just the "outline".

But what he needs to sense is the "internal structure" under the "outline".

You know, alchemy, even if it is a real genius, even if it is a genius with a long-term memory, even if it is theoretically well-versed, it doesn't matter if you don't go through countless times of practice, and don't waste countless materials. Still can't really grasp it.

The heat used in different time periods, the direction and composition of the flame, the change of medicinal materials, the timing of adding new medicinal materials, etc., all need to be judged by experience.

If you don't have experience, even if you have a clear grasp of the details, Midi still doesn't know when to do what.

Moreover, although there is the eighth apostle Rotes on the side, in the final analysis, Rotes' experience cannot completely become Midi's experience.

Even if the eighth apostle gave a loud reminder, or even reminded in advance, Midi was the last to act, and there would be a problem of asynchrony, and the reaction would take time after all.

Moreover, even if it is the same material, there will be subtle differences between different strains.

Take this blood coagulation potion as an example. What Rotes used was mainly the black leaf grass from the demon world. He had also used the sky and sea of ​​clouds before, but he had never used the dark area.

Therefore, even for the Eighth Apostle, it was a new experience to refine this potion in the Underdark Region.

Of course, with his wisdom and experience, he can naturally distinguish the changes during refining, and then deal with them very appropriately.

But Midi can't do this, even if he has learned a lot of theories from Rotes, when he actually tries it, he will still find many differences.

And when this difference appeared, Rotes reminded that when Midi reacted and dealt with it, there would already be deviations.

Midi had to grasp the changes in the material at the first time.

And since he has no experience and can't judge from the appearance and various indirect factors, then the only choice is to judge directly.

Use the psychic power "environmental sensing" to see through the situation inside the material, and completely abandon the way of empirical judgment!
(End of this chapter)

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