Arad's Sword

Chapter 408 Midi Alchemy

Chapter 408 Midi Alchemy
Midi's environmental sensing is only a small success, and it is far from reaching the level of being able to penetrate inside and outside.

However, if the sensing range is narrowed to a very small area, a certain degree of perspective can also be achieved.

At the beginning, he only expanded the sensing area the size of a table, and then further converged, focusing the spiritual energy on the material in his hand.

Finally, gradually, the vitality, magic power, structure, etc. inside several materials began to appear in front of Midi one by one.

In this way, he can grasp the status of the material at the first time, and then make changes in time.

"Alchemy can start." Midi raised her hand, and a golden-red sword light ignited in the palm of her hand.

"Using magic fire for alchemy?" On the side, Sherlock's eyes flickered.

You must know that apart from the basic conditions of the alchemist's experience and familiarity with the materials, the key to alchemy, especially the refining of potions, is the heat.

Different flames can bring different effects.

And the same flame can also refine completely different potions at different temperatures.

How to grasp the temperature of the fire, how to control the flame, and even collect different types of fire are problems that every alchemist must face.

But the human being in front of him actually used the sword light in his body to carry out alchemy.

In addition, the purity of this sword light is extremely high. Judging from the color, it seems that there is more than one attribute. In other words, it is a high-purity flame with multiple attributes. It can be said that it is definitely the flame that alchemists dream of.

More importantly, this flame is formed by the magic power in Midi's body. It is unique and can be manipulated in a single thought, so there is no need to get familiar with it!
It's no wonder that even Sherlock, an alchemist with a high self-esteem, would feel his heart beat at this moment.

However, although this flame is enviable, whether it can be used to refine medicine is still a question mark.

As for Midi, after turning out the sword light, he no longer cared about the surrounding situation, but concentrated his mind and started refining the potion.

Regarding some basic links of refining medicine, such as processing vessels, processing materials, heating, refining, preparations, etc., Midi has tried it before refining and synthesizing Essence of Darkness.

However, those are not official, just for convenience and better absorption.

But now, it is necessary to complete all these links in a formal way, and to create a potion that not only can be used by oneself, but also can be used by everyone, and can be stored for a long time. small test.

But just as accidents always happen in battle, now that Midi has started alchemy along the way, there is no chance to retreat, and he can only use all his strength to complete the alchemy this time.

The first step is to handle the utensils.

One of the taboos of alchemy is impurities, so any utensils must be cleaned before and after each use.

For Midi, the cleaning method is extremely simple.

He controlled the golden and red sword light to a low intensity, and with a thought, he swept it lightly, and the tweezers, pliers, crucible, test tubes, flasks, etc. on the table were directly purified under high temperature.

There is no need for other complicated methods at all, and everything has been cleaned up in the blink of an eye.

So far, the first step of "processing the vessel" is completed.

This hand was shown, although there was no technical content, but the convenience and efficiency made Sherlock on the side extremely jealous.

Then comes the second step, processing the material.

The processing of materials is also very particular, and it can be said to be a key to alchemy. The quality of material processing directly determines the success rate of subsequent alchemy.

Fortunately, the two main materials that Midi needs to refine the blood coagulation potion and magic power potion, "Black Leaf Grass" and "Dark Vine", are not particularly precious materials, and do not require any complicated processing techniques. Just grind it finely.

Of course, grinding itself is also a technical job, but it is also easy for Midi.

With a thought in his mind, the color of the golden-red sword light in his hand gradually changed. The red color representing temperature faded away, leaving only the golden color representing sharpness.

Then, the light golden sword light swept away again, directly grinding the two materials into fine powder!
After doing this, Midi carefully put the two materials into the crucible, and then spread them out evenly to ensure that they can be heated evenly.

In this way, the second step of "processing the material" was completed neatly under the surprised and shocked eyes of the dark elves.

The third step is heating.

This is the real beginning of refining medicine.

Even if the first two steps are complicated, they can be carried out slowly, but once the heating starts, it means that it cannot be stopped halfway.

There must be no difference in the type, size, temperature, or even heating area of ​​the fire used for heating.

Otherwise, the alchemy materials will be directly destroyed.

Fortunately, blood coagulation potions and magic power potions don't have high requirements for "kindling" and "heating".

In other words, as long as the temperature of the flame can be kept within a certain range, it is enough and there is no difficulty.

However, this "no difficulty" is for those experienced alchemists, such as Sherlock, who don't even need to look at the crucible, just estimate the time, feel the temperature and smell, it is enough to judge the material status.

But for Midi, this step is extremely difficult, because he doesn't know to what extent the material should be heated to be the most suitable temperature for refining.

He doesn't have any experience in this area.

Therefore, the only way is to observe carefully.

Not with eyes, but with psychic power.

When the sword light in his hand returned from golden to reddish gold, and began to heat the crucible, Midi also turned on the environment sensor with all his strength, and saw clearly the changes in the life force and magic power in the black leaf grass powder in a perspective way. Chu.

At the same time, he carefully manipulated the sword light to ensure that the entire crucible could be evenly heated.

On the side, the eighth apostle, Rotes, would also give reminders from time to time.

As time passed, the powder in the crucible began to melt gradually, and emitted a faint fragrance.

"The main material has been processed, and it's time to refine the potion." Rotes' voice sounded, changing from the usual slowness to a slightly hurried one.

Midi didn't answer either, but immediately began to put other materials into the crucible.

Finally entered the fourth step, refining!
This is the most crucial step in the whole alchemy.

The essence of alchemy is to fuse different materials together to form new substances and obtain new properties.

In the whole refining process, what is needed is not only the power of fire, but even the power of magic.

What's more, for some relatively large-scale refinements, it is even more necessary to use the magic circle that was planned in advance, or even the magic vein.

Of course, this kind of refinement has completely exceeded the ability of a beginner like Midi, and I dare not even think about it.

But the refining of coagulation potions and magic potions is much simpler.

To be precise, this is not alchemy, it's just to maximize the effects of herbs.

Therefore, what is added is not any other medicinal materials, but substances similar to catalysts.

These things can further exert the characteristics of black leaf grass and dark vine, and at the same time have a certain nourishing effect on the human body, and can also speed up absorption.

Add it to the melted paste in the crucible, and then filter it to remove impurities, and then you can produce the original medicine of two low-grade medicines.

With the environment sensor to distinguish the medicinal materials anytime and anywhere, coupled with the guidance of Rotes on the side, Midi easily completed this step.

However, although Midi did it easily and thought it was no big deal, Sherlock saw something strange from his movements.

Because Midi's movements are too precise.

The control of the flame is extremely precise.

The timing of adding materials is extremely precise.

Even the added weight is extremely accurate.

Sherlock was even surprised to find that the quality of the catalyst added by Midi was exactly the same every time!

At least, according to his feeling, there is no difference at all.

This shows that the opponent's perception of weight has greatly exceeded Sherlock's own limit.

how can that be!

Sherlock was terribly shocked.

This is no longer a question of alchemy.

A person who can precisely control the quality to such an extent, whether it is in the alchemy of medicines or in other aspects of production, will definitely stand out.

Even during the time he was studying in Menzoberranzan, Sherlock had never seen a master alchemist who could do this.

Only Midi, who possesses powerful psychic powers and has mastered high-level psychic powers such as environmental sensing, and as a powerful ghost swordsman, has a strong control over the physical body, can this "every time The weight of the materials put in is exactly the same," such an unbelievable thing.

If this human can be used as an assistant, Sherlock is sure that the products of the alchemy workshop will be upgraded several grades.

Not to mention satisfying the demands of the Tarantula Tribe, maybe even occupying a place in Menzoberranzan!
Thinking of this, Sherlock's eyes burst into two gleams.

The pair of "juejue" swords had already been forgotten by him at this moment.

At the same time, while Sherlock's mind was active, Midi's alchemy finally came to an end.

Half an hour later, the catalyst and the main ingredients had been completely fused together, and the original paste had now turned into a deep red medicinal liquid.

Midi withdrew the golden red sword glow, and as the temperature dropped, a trace of medicinal fragrance emanated from the crucible, refreshing.

Midi sniffed it, and it really smelled like blood coagulation medicine. Since it was the original solution of the medicine and hadn't been diluted, it seemed particularly strong at the moment.

After waiting for a while, Midi turned his wrist, and with a precise posture, poured the stock solution in the crucible evenly into the potion bottle that had been prepared earlier, and added water to dilute it at the same time.

This is exactly the last link, the preparation.

The original medicine solution needs to be diluted in a certain proportion before it can be completely absorbed by the human body.

Among them, there is also a lot of knowledge to master.

If the concentration is too large, it may cause harm and become a poison.

If the concentration is too small, it may cause the property of the medicine to become weak, and the desired effect cannot be achieved.

Therefore, the dilution ratio must be kept within a certain range.

For Midi, this is of course no difficulty.

In the blink of an eye, one crucible of raw liquid had turned into six bottles of freshly baked coagulation medicine.

And Sherlock once again discovered that, judging from the color and taste, the concentration of these six bottles of potion was exactly the same!

This kid has some use, so I have to find a way to win him over!
After seeing these potions, the old alchemist, who was still a little hesitant, finally made up his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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