Arad's Sword

Chapter 420 Fighting the Water Spider

Chapter 420 Fighting the Water Spider

"Hidden strength?" In the stands, seeing Midi's sword, Simon's eyes moved slightly, and then he snorted coldly, "It's just a trick."

And Wu Erhan, who was waiting for the round in the fourth group, chuckled even more, and said: "If this person is at this level, maybe I don't need to take action at all."

Although he himself was not in the first group, the other six warriors of the water spider tribe naturally also fell into the first group.

Judging from Midi's current performance and his equipment, Uerhan didn't think this person was any threat.

Although he is not a close combat professional, he also knows that when a ghost swordsman launches an attack, he should not let his breath overflow like this at will. Doing so is completely distracting his strength.

The real masters all restrain their aura and concentrate their magical and ghostly powers on one point, thus producing huge lethality.

Although it is possible that Midi is hiding his strength, this method of hiding his strength is a bit too clumsy.

From this, it can be seen that this person can't be any threat at all.

Of course, he never thought that the tyrannical Set in Menzoberranzan City was capable.

Although he knew the cause and effect of the whole incident from Simon, in Wuerhan's view, it was just a situation of waste wood against waste firewood, that's all.

It was only because of the prestige of the Red Blood Bat Family that he didn't say this.

In the eyes of this self-respecting ice master, the only real opponent of this bonfire gathering is the black dragon man Ruisen who has a strand of black dragon blood, and nothing else is justified.

As for the attack against the Tarantula tribe, it was just a strategy to show favor to the Red Blood Bat family by the way.At the combat level, there will be no difficulty at all.

"The one in the first group should be my brother Uday, right?" Wuerhan rolled his eyes and told the servants beside him, "Go and tell my brother to get rid of this human being as soon as possible. Looking at it from above, we must not lose face of our water spider tribe."

Just as the few people watching the battle were arbitrarily labeling Midi's strength, Midi was feeling the change of the "horn king sword" in his hand with satisfaction.

The opponent just now had no strength at all, and it was unbelievable that he would underestimate the enemy in the face of Midi who was one level higher than himself, so Midi had no superfluous thoughts at all to win with one blow.

It can even be said that he was quite dissatisfied with the blow just now, because the opponent was too weak, so he couldn't even try the power of the "Jiaowang Great Sword".

However, the golden-red sword glow specially released by Midi just now had a further resonance with the horned king's great sword, further activating the violent ancient dragon breath in it.

This shows that the more battles there are, the stronger the Horn King sword will become.

Just by proving this point, Midi felt that he had gained a lot.

In the second round, Midi also encountered a weaker opponent. He released a large amount of golden and red sword light again, nourished the sword with Qi, and won with one blow.

But in the third round, a stronger enemy finally appeared.

A peak level 62 elemental mage.

This elemental mage was obviously a veteran, and he launched a fierce attack without saying hello when he came up.

All of a sudden, roaring rain of fire, burning fireballs, and streaks of thunder that fell from the sky immediately engulfed most of the arena.

If it weren't for the power of the magic circle to absorb the magic veins to restrain the destructive power on the ring, there is no doubt that the entire arena would be affected.

After all, this is a level 62 master, and a mage known for his destructive power.

Placed in the sea of ​​clouds in the sky, this kind of attack is probably enough to destroy a heavy armored cruiser.

However, for Midi, such an attack is obviously not enough to pose a threat.

The seemingly broken horned sword in his hand fluttered up and down in the air, weighing as if nothing, cutting through the air and drawing bright lines one after another.

The extremely heavy sword edge cut all the attacks towards Midi, whether it was meteorites falling from the sky or high-temperature fireballs, without any stagnation at all.

Even the astonishing thunder and lightning, when it encountered this great sword, was cut off like a candle in the wind with one blow!
It is obviously just a big, heavy and cumbersome weapon, and even the blade is cracked, and there is no magic power fluctuation, it is just hard.

But it is such a sword that can block all attacks!

For the first time, many warriors in the first group began to cast their eyes on the humans who were fighting on the stage, and began to focus their eyes on Midi, who had a calm and calm expression.

"It's impossible. You, a ghost swordsman who has just reached level 62, can stop my attack?" The elemental mage turned pale with fright, and immediately increased the intensity of his attack desperately.

However, this still couldn't stop Midi's pace.

In the midst of the indiscriminate bombardment of magic, Midi's figure still moved forward without stagnation. He was like a giant rampaging beast, kicking away everything in front of him until he came to the target.

"Your strength is not strong enough to unseal this sword, so let me spare your life." Saying this, Midi had already entered in front of the elemental mage.

Then, the big sword in his hand swept out, setting off a scorching gust of wind, and then slapped the opponent heavily.

The magic shield on the mage shattered under this blow.

Just like Midi's first two opponents, he also sprayed blood all over his body and flew out like a kite with a broken string.

"Is this the real strength of this person? It's really okay." A dark elf freezer commented this way, and then, he sneered again, "However, he will definitely not be my opponent , it seems that luck is good this time, the chief position of the first group is mine, and I can also sell it to the Red Blood Bat Family as a favor!"

This dark elf is Udai, the younger brother of Uerhan, the great warrior of the water spider tribe.

Level 63 Dacheng Ice Master!
He is also the highest ranked person in the first group.

In the first three rounds, if Midi won easily, then Uday won without a fight.

The warriors he encountered all chose to surrender directly.

Although the one in the second round tried to resist, he was directly frozen into an ice sculpture by Uday's skill, and then completely shattered.Since then, none of the opponents below level 62 dared to confront Uday.

In this way, the fourth round, the fifth round, the sixth round...

Round after round of selection continued.

There are a total of 26 people in the group stage, and there are [-] people in the first group. Therefore, this points match will be a long process, and the points will be widened.

Of course, in this long process, there will naturally be many accidents.

Even stronger warriors may lose the battle they were aiming to win due to underestimating the enemy, lack of concentration, etc.

After halfway through the match, only Midi and Uday were left with a record of unbeaten victories.

Although the former seems to be overflowing with breath every time, it seems that he is not very good at controlling magic power precisely, but his power seems to be endless, and there is no sign of exhaustion at all.

The latter, on the other hand, is murderous, powerful, and backed by the water spider tribe and even the red-blooded bat family, it will make the opponent three or four points weaker when it comes up.

In addition, in the group stage, the "top four" can advance, so it is not necessary to maintain a complete victory. Most people choose to surrender when they encounter Uday.

In this way, naturally, the victory and points flowed to these two people.

And with the passage of time, Midi's series of incomparably stable victories finally attracted everyone's attention.

If Midi and Uday meet, who will win?
The members of the first group couldn't help but have such a thought in their hearts.

However, most people still prefer Uday. After all, Midi only has a minor achievement of level 62, while Uday has a major achievement of level 63.

Moreover, Midi belonged to the Tarantula Tribe, while Uday belonged to the well-known Water Spider Tribe. The gap between the forces of the two parties was also extremely obvious.

However, if the two really meet, there must be a fierce battle.

Wu Erhan's threat to the Tarantula Tribe before was carried out in full view, and the conflict between the two sides was obvious to all.

No one thought Meady could win, but no one thought Meady would just throw in the towel.

No one thought that the brutal Uday would allow his opponent to escape from under his nose like this.

Moreover, if it was a real life-and-death battle, Uday must have consumed a lot of magic power, maybe even injured?In this way, his next battle must also be affected to a certain extent.

Many people are looking forward to this, especially those warriors who have not yet fought against Uday.

If Uday is really injured, there is no doubt that their chances of successfully entering the top four will increase a lot.

As for Midi, a human being from the tarantula tribe, no one cared about his life or death.

In other words, in other people's eyes, it was not easy for Midi to survive Uday's hands.

In the No.18 round of the group stage, Midi and Uday finally met.

"This is the first time I have seen a living human being in the Underdark, but unfortunately, you will soon die under my magic." Looking at Midi with a contemptuous look, Uday said condescendingly "However, if you are willing to kneel down and beg for mercy, I may spare your life. By the way, I will help you intercede in front of the Red Blood Bat Family."

Hearing Uday's provocative and insulting words, Midi not only showed no anger, but showed a sunny smile.

"That's right, thanks to your defiant attitude, I don't have any worries about killing people." Midi nodded and said, "A professional with a level 63 mastery, bring me a big sword to unseal it. , is a good choice.”

"Boy, you are looking for death!" A trace of killing intent flashed in Uday's eyes, as well as uncontrollable anger.

The next moment, he raised his hand, and there was a bone-chilling wave of ice.

This pure white tide, like a surging ocean wave, rushed towards Midi!

(End of this chapter)

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