Arad's Sword

Chapter 421 Wild Heavy Sword

Chapter 421 Wild Heavy Sword
The overwhelming tide of ice makes people feel extremely suffocating.

Even though the protective magic circle is separated, even if the obsidian sand under the ring has a strong moderating and absorbing effect on magic power, the people in the stands can still feel the bone-chilling cold breath.

The surrounding temperature suddenly dropped by nearly ten degrees at this moment.

This is Uday's true strength.

Midi also dealt with the Ice Master before, in the ranking match of the slave fighters, the guy called "Ice Hand".

But compared with the enraged Uday now, Ice Hand's magic can only be regarded as a slightly cold breeze.

The power between the two can be said to be worlds apart.

At the beginning, as a ghost swordsman, Midi could choose to use Asura's Explosive Flame Wave Sword to fight against the ice hand, which was tantamount to directly using his own weaknesses to confront the opponent's strengths.

After all, even if Asura is half a legal profession, there is still a certain gap between the magic power and magical power and the real legal profession.

Therefore, it can be said that Midi has enough leeway to deal with the ice hand.

But now, in the face of Uday, who is a 63-level master, Midi doesn't dare to trust him at all.

If you still use Asura's skills to fight now, you will immediately find the gap in the magic power of the two sides. Even if the explosive flame wave sword volley, I am afraid that it may not be able to break through the opponent's ice wall, on the contrary, it will exhaust yourself. magic.

But this time, there was no need for Midi to do that.

Now he has the "Great Sword of the Horned King" in his hand, and the breath of dragon blood is completely integrated with the weapon, so he can make a real frontal breakthrough.

Facing the oncoming tide of ice, Midi's whole body once again burst into golden-red light.

Only this time, the light was no longer scattered and overflowing like it was when raising the sword at the beginning, but extremely restrained like a needle glow.

This ray of light wandered all over Midi's body, above the rust-covered collapsed blade, condensing like substance, making Midi's person and the sword in his hand merge into one, so dazzling that people couldn't look directly at it.

It's like the sun that will never appear in the dark region!
The next moment, Midi moved, like a shooting star, rushing towards the layer upon layer of ice tide without hesitation.

There was only a roar, the blow of the horn king's great sword, the speed directly broke through the sound barrier, and immediately aroused a violent explosion in the air.

That huge and cumbersome sword edge is like the claws of a giant dragon at this moment, just a simple blow can shatter the entire ice tide!

Not only that, after Midi's attack lightly broke through the ice tide, the momentum did not weaken at all, and it just slashed at Uday directly.

For a moment, the Freezing Master only felt a violent breath full of destruction, completely enveloped himself.

Who is this guy?

Uday, who has always ignored people other than his elder brother, just felt suffocated, as if he was pinched by the claws of a giant dragon, and the claws were gradually tightening, trying to crush him completely .

Years of rich combat experience made him forcefully suppress the fear in his heart, and continuously displayed several skills.

The frosty realm instantly dyed the entire arena a reflective white.

The ice-breaking flying blade filled the air with ice knives that were so sharp that they could even cut through iron armor.

The extreme ice bloomed, causing countless icicles to fall from the sky like meteors, hitting the ground with an unstoppable force.

Finally, there is the Ice Dragon Dance.

This skill, which is the bottom of the box for ice players, is cast in Uday's hands, as natural as eating and drinking.

In the blink of an eye, without even being out of breath, Uday directly released two ice dragon dances, and in an instant, four extremely violent tornadoes raged on the ring.

No matter how big the area of ​​the arena is, four tornadoes rolled up at the same time, almost completely occupying the entire stage.

But even so, this series of skills smashed down, but still couldn't stop Midi's offensive.

In this ice hell made up of countless ice blades, icicles, and even whistling ice tornadoes, Midi, with golden and red sword lights blooming all over her body, stood majestically like a little sun, unmoved at all.

The horned sword in his hand, which looked dilapidated, obviously didn't have any fluctuations in magic power, it didn't even seem to be enchanted, it was just simple and heavy.

But it was this heaviness that crushed all of Uday's attacks and defenses like pieces of paper.

Every time the big sword is swung, it will arouse a strong sonic boom, and every time it is cut, countless flying debris will be splashed.

Just like a hot knife cutting butter, in just a few short breaths, Midi has torn a hot fiery red crack in the ice hell, rushing to Uday.

"It's useless, how could it stop me at this level?" Midi asserted calmly, without any showing off or complacency, as if she was just talking about a very common thing.

His originally pitch-black eyes were now completely red, and the pupils even melted into a line.

It's like the eyes of a dragon.

Who is this guy?

Uday was so taken aback that his heart almost stopped beating.

But the reality does not allow him to have any hesitation, because the Horned King sword in Midi's hand has already roared through the air and slashed straight down.

In the nick of time, Uday gritted his teeth and crushed a crystal in his hand. The huge inflated magic power helped him break free from the pressure of Midi's tyrannical breath, and he had the opportunity to cast a teleportation magic, teleportation On the other side of the ring.

There was a distance of hundreds of meters between the two of them.

With the support of this distance, an ice master who is good at controlling is enough to play melee professions in the palm of his hand.

But now, for Uday, it is probably only possible to repeat the skills just now, and stop Midi's pace a little bit.

If within this time, Uday can't find Midi's flaw, then his only choice is to surrender.

Whether it's the honor of the water spider tribe, the dignity of being a warrior, or the mission entrusted by the red blood bat family, how can it compare to his own life?
However, when the transfer magic ended, Uday suddenly found out in despair that he didn't even have a chance to do it again.

Under extreme circumstances, people will only fight in the most familiar way.

Using the life-saving amulet to break free from the suppression of the dragon's breath, and then release the teleportation magic to open the distance. For Midi, Uday's actions are not difficult to guess at all.

So although his sword was mighty, it was contained but not sent.

At the same time that Uday teleported, Midi's environment sensor also locked his real position immediately.

Then, of course, comes the truly fatal blow.

The introverted golden red sword glow all over his body really burst out at this moment, sweeping away the frost within tens of meters around him.

Then, Midi jumped up like a human-shaped cannonball, and directly jumped over the distance of nearly a hundred meters. The Horned King sword in his hand directly cut a crimson blood light that was [-] meters long in the air, and then slashed down!

The crisp sound of pieces of glass shattering resounded under this sword.

A series of magic shields shattered like thin paper under this cut.

Even the last strength of the life-saving talisman couldn't stop this unstoppable blow that fell from the sky and spanned a hundred meters!
Midi's speed didn't decrease at all from the beginning to the end.

And the extremely heavy edge of the Jiaowang Great Sword has never stagnated even a little bit in front of any protection.

This clean and sharp sword broke through countless protections, cut directly from Uday's forehead, crossed his eyebrows, crossed his chest, and then fell to the ground!
There was a deafening bang.

The surrounding air was rolled up at this moment, rushing wildly in all directions.

Not only the four arenas, but even the people in the stands could clearly feel the ground under their feet, producing an obvious vibration.

When the strong wind dissipated, people suddenly discovered that the extremely hard arena made of obsidian was torn open by the blow of the horned king's great sword, and a bottomless smooth sword mark appeared around it. Cobweb-like cracks!

After several seconds, a straight and slender red line appeared from Uday's body, whose eyes were blank.

The red line slowly extended, and then divided Uday's whole body into two halves.

The next moment, with a muffled sound, the level 63 master Dark Elf Freezer exploded into a large cloud of blood mist.

This hot blood mist dyed the surrounding frost red.

The red blood and the pure white ice, the two interpenetrated and mixed together, looked extraordinarily dazzling.

And amidst the hot blood and icy wind, the human man with a sword glow as dazzling as the sun is slowly standing up like a demon god.

He waved the big sword in his hand casually, and the heavy wind of the sword swept away the cold wind around him in an instant.

The horned king's great sword that drank the blood of the strong man, the collapsed edge on the surface gradually receded at this moment, and the rust began to fade away bit by bit, as if it had regained some of its former strength. From a distance, it seemed to be sharp. Dragon claws are average.

And the deep sound of the sword wind it brings gives people a sense of suffocation like a dragon's chant.

But what makes everyone truly awe-inspiring is not the great sword itself, but the person holding it.

Midi Asrex.

Humans from the surface world.

A weak race that doesn't even have night vision.

But with just one blow, it broke through layers of protection around an Ice Master, even the life-saving talisman bestowed by the elders of the Water Spider Tribe, and then killed him in one blow, directly smashing into blood mist, leaving no residue !
What kind of attack is this?
Actually, the answer is very simple.

Collapsing mountain strike.

After changing jobs at level 20, the basic skills that ghost swordsmen can use are characterized by great strength and heavy momentum.

But it was such a basic skill that was displayed by Midi in such a terrifying way, bursting out with incredible power.

For a moment, whether in the stands or in the arena, these carefully selected and arrogant dark elf warriors, priests, and team leaders suddenly felt their minds went blank.

Who can use the Collapsing Mountain Strike to this extent, Midi Asrex, who is so divine?

(End of this chapter)

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