Arad's Sword

Chapter 423 Campfire Party Final

Chapter 423 Campfire Party Final
The final adopts the elimination system.

Before, the ranking of the slave fighters of the Tarantula Tribe was also an elimination system, but it was a pity that the imitation was not in place, so that the number of people in the final finals turned out to be five.

In this case, there is always a bye.

Mason, who was ranked number one, had two byes, and Midi, who was challenging, met Mason after two consecutive battles.

That kind of final is obviously full of various flaws, or in other words, only slave fighters will participate in the final without the blood oath.

Now, the official final at this bonfire party is held by 16 people. At the beginning, the position of each person is determined by drawing lots, and then there are one-eighth, one-quarter, one-half and finals. Until the strongest No.1 is determined.

And when the four arenas finally came together, the host of Menzoberranzan announced that No.1 would get three bottles of Dragon's Breath Potion and [-] black gold coins as a reward!
"Huh? Then what about the selection of Menzoberranzan fighters?" Midi couldn't help frowning slightly.

Before, he only cared about understanding the opponent, adjusting his state, and fighting, but he didn't carefully understand the rules of the campfire party. Now that the reward result was announced, he naturally felt a little strange.

Although the dragon's breath potion is good, it is not something unattainable for Midi who has already mastered some high-level alchemy. As for fifty thousand black gold coins, it is even less attractive.

On the contrary, the most important part related to the qualification of the Black Dragon Conference was not mentioned at all, which surprised Midi.

"Be safe, my friend." On the side, Zaknafein, who also advanced to the finals, smiled slightly, and then patiently explained to Midi.

It turned out that the bonfire gathering itself did not have a mandatory effect, so that the winner must be eligible to participate in the selection of Menzoberranzan fighters.

After all, there was a gap between the tribe and the great clan of Menzoberranzan. In some bad times, the strongest warriors selected by the bonfire party could not be ranked in the middle of the clan.

In that case, the entire bonfire party can only be regarded as a way for the big family to show their influence, and it has nothing to do with the Black Dragon Conference.

In addition, in order to ensure that the tribe is not simply showing off its force, but also to ensure a loyalty and respect for Menzoberranzan, the final result will naturally not be directly linked to the selection of Menzoberranzan fighters.

In the final analysis, this bonfire gathering was originally a rule formulated by the city council. Naturally, everything was to serve their interests, not really consider these scattered tribes.

Winning, domesticating, and dividing these wild tribes with great benefits is the ultimate goal of the bonfire gathering.

In a word, whether one can win the favor of a big family depends on whether one's level is attractive enough.

If the military force is really strong enough, even able to squeeze into the level of the first-class warriors in the big families of Menzoberranzan, they can naturally be recruited easily and be qualified to participate in the selection of fighters.

And if the force is average, they may be recruited to serve as guards, but it is unlikely to go further in the Black Dragon Conference.

In addition, various other factors, such as personal potential, previous identities and experiences, etc., will of course also become factors that are valued in the recruitment of big families.

The question of "the relationship with the Red Blood Bat Family is hostile" is of course also under consideration.

In other words, if the warriors of the Tarantula Tribe such as Midi want to win favor, they must not only show strong force, but also must be very powerful.

In this way, the agents of those big families will feel that the benefits they can gain by recruiting Midi are greater than the disadvantages of angering the Red Blood Bat Family.

"However, if it was you, there shouldn't be too many problems." Zaknafein suddenly said this.

"Oh? Are you trying to comfort me?" Midi glanced at the other party in surprise.

"This is not consolation. I have participated in many bonfire gatherings in the Windy City before, as an observer of the big family, so I understand a little bit about the key." Zaknafein paused intentionally, and sold a Guan Zi continued, "The key is the weapon."

The dark elf glanced at the heavy sword that was as long as a man on Midi's body, and showed an unabashed expression of admiration.

"So that's how it is." Midi made it clear.

The Black Dragon Conference is a grand gathering of dark elves. Although there are many other races participating in it, the main force is dark elves after all.

Based on their racial characteristics, the dark elves' professions tend to be agile, long-range, and magic, but they are relatively weak in frontal attack.

Although Midi is a human with the same body shape as the Dark Elf, those who have seen the wild sword before can't understand what kind of power is contained in this seemingly inconspicuous and well-proportioned body.

To some extent, Midi, like the black dragonman Ruisen, has been classified by the dark elves into the categories of "meat shield", "frontal attack position", and "humanoid monster".

Leaving aside whether this type is strong or weak in the selection process, once a real relic adventure takes place, a professional like Midi will undoubtedly become the most critical core profession.

That's why Zaknafein said that the value of Midi is definitely far greater than the trouble he will cause.

It is estimated that, apart from the Red Blood Bat Family, any other family that has a place in the city council will extend an olive branch to Midi and try to recruit him as a new member, right?

But of course, the premise is that Midi can pass Wuerhan first.

Judging from Wu Erhan's expression, this will undoubtedly be a battle of life and death. If even this guy can't be defeated, then there is nothing left to say.

"Let's discuss here first. If you and I meet in this knockout round, don't let us lose too badly." Zaknafein said lightly in a joking tone, and at the same time, he patted Mason aside. "It's the same with this guy, Midi, please raise your hand once, we will all remember your kindness."

"Hmph..." On the side, Mason couldn't help but turned his head away. With his pride, he naturally didn't want to ask for help.

However, where the difference in strength lies, Mason himself knows best, so when Zaknafein asked Midi to release the water with a shy face, he really couldn't say anything to refute.

However, Midi did not look down on Zaknafein because of this.

As a reborn person, he has various advantages, and most of the time, he has no choice but to do so.

If Midi retreats, no one will be able to step up, so Midi never retreats.

But he can fully understand what Zaknafein is doing at the moment.

This person can bend and stretch, and from the beginning, he has been optimistic about himself, and a strong enough bond has been formed between the two parties.

Now, since the other party did not hesitate to make such a statement in order to obtain the qualifications for the Menzoberranzanian fighter election, Midi certainly had no intention of refusing.

"No problem." Midi said directly and seriously.

"Zaknafein, do you still have the dignity of a warrior for doing this?" A cold voice sounded, it was Alex who was expressionless.

"I know it's not very appropriate to do this." Zaknafein didn't refute, just sighed, looked up at the huge dragon head above the arena, and there was a flash of unshakable firmness in his eyes, "But, I The real battlefield is not here, so no matter what method I use, I must try to become a Menzoberranzan warrior!"

This guy probably has something that he must hold on to and protect, right?
Seeing Zaknafein's firm expression, Midi thought so, and then glanced at Alex in turn: "Speaking of which, the dark elves use double swords, double knives, double daggers, sword daggers, and even swords and guns. But there are not a few, what are you going to do?"

Alex's real trump card, of course, is psychic powers, but on the surface, he is nothing more than a skilled Devil May Cry wielding a double scimitar.

The peak of level 62 is the top in the Tarantula Tribe, but at this bonfire party, facing the level 64 black dragonman Rui Sen and ice master Wu Erhan, it is not enough.

And according to Midi's speculation, with Alex's character, it is absolutely impossible to easily expose his trump card in such a public.

Therefore, he is really curious about how the other party will fight and show their own strength.

Use the Phantom Array again as a blindfold?
Midi didn't think that the big families of Menzoberranzan in the stands would not see anything strange.

However, with the depth of Alex's city, it is naturally impossible for Midi to provoke tactics with such a mild provocation.

He just glanced at Midi indifferently, and then said expressionlessly: "Midi, don't think that you have nothing to be proud of after crushing a waste like Uday and being praised by a bereaved dog like Zaknafein." It's not your turn to worry about my affairs, and soon, you will know what I do. "

As Alex spoke, a cold will-o'-the-wisp ignited in his eyes.

The next moment, a huge noise sounded, interrupting the conversation between several tarantula warriors.

The lottery grouping of the sixteen warriors for the finals finally came out.

Midi swept her eyes, and immediately caught the names of several key people.

"It turned out to be so..." Midi's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Perhaps it's all luck being consumed by fate's choices?" Rotes said with a slight sigh.

"No, in my opinion, maybe this is the trial given by fate." Midi replied with a slight smile.

As a result of the lottery, if Midi wants to win all the way to the final, then the first person he will meet is Wu Erhan.

If he can beat this person, then next, he will meet Ruisen from the Black Dragon.

In the end, even if both of them are defeated by Midi, he will still meet Alex in the final.

To put it simply, out of the four No.1 teams, two are on Midi's side, and among the eight people on Alex's side, he is the only one in the situation.

(End of this chapter)

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