Arad's Sword

Chapter 424 No Suspense

Chapter 424 No Suspense
"Hmph, I'm a bit unlucky." After seeing the result of the lottery, Alex not only did not show any joy, but seemed quite dissatisfied.

Although this sentence sounds weird, after thinking about it, Midillo understood the other party's thoughts.

This Alex must be thinking that by defeating the master of fame, and defeating the master of fame overwhelmingly, he will become famous in one fell swoop, further gain the favor of the big family, and get a promotion.

But Ruisen and Wuerhan were actually among the eight people on Midi's side, so even if his side was always victorious and undefeated, it didn't really mean much.

After all, if you can't show your strength, even if you become No.1 at the bonfire party, you may not be eligible to participate in the selection of Menzoberranzan fighters.

However, although the result of the lottery is not balanced, it cannot be changed.

This is a lottery drawn after witnessing the blood oath ceremony, in other words, it is equivalent to representing the will of the Dark Dragon God.

Even the big families of Menzoberranzan City would never dare to change the result, let alone cheat.

It is said that there used to be a big force trying to cover the sky with one hand and monopolize all the fighters in the Black Dragon Conference, but the final result was that their blood could not enter the Dragon Castle, nor could they enter the Dragon Tooth Arena, let alone the Dark Dragon City.

Therefore, within a few short years, this great power directly declared its disintegration.

From then on, no one dared to do anything in the selection related to the Black Dragon Conference—even if it was only a very small selection with almost no influence.

Therefore, it can only be said that this is the will of the Dark Dragon God.

Could it be that this dark dragon god wants to test me?
Looking at the huge dragon head hanging above her head like a mountain, Midi couldn't help but have such a strange thought in her heart.

It's not that he has too much self-awareness, but because he was also in the selection of slave fighters before, there were only five people, and as a result, Midi fought three times in a row.

In the territorial challenge, due to various reasons, Midi also had to face Kuid, the second warrior of the Blue Snake who was second only to the great warrior.

Now, at this bonfire party, the No.1 of the second, third, and fourth groups are lining up to fight against themselves again.

Therefore, Midi couldn't help laughing at herself in her heart.

However, when he was laughing at himself, neither he nor the eighth apostle Lotes noticed that the dragon pupils were opened on the dragon head that symbolized the majesty of the dark dragon god and was suspended forever like a statue. Opened a line and looked down.

However, this is only a fleeting moment.

Immediately afterwards, the dragon head returned to its former appearance, and did not move any more.

On the arena, with the end of the draw for the finals, the first day of the bonfire party has come to an end.

25 rounds of battle, placed in the dark region, is definitely extremely intense, and if you want to see the winners fully display their strength, rest is essential.

However, when returning to the camp, of course, everyone would not simply rest in the usual way, but each took out various medicines that had been prepared long ago to better supplement their own consumption.

As for Midi, he even took the opportunity to have a comprehension.

The sword that beheaded Udai earlier made the horned king sword in his hand further tempered, and gradually merged with his own breath.

Even in the previous life, Midi had never encountered such a weapon that could resonate with his own blood, so at this moment, he naturally concentrated his attention to further enhance this resonance.

He could clearly feel that the horned king's great sword was gradually revived by the dragon's blood in his body.

At the same time, the extremely violent ancient dragon breath in the horned king's great sword also entered Midi's body with this circulation, making his dragon blood pure at a slow but steady speed.

And according to the gray dwarf store manager of the "Dragon Spear" weapon shop, this weapon is just a broken weapon brought out from the Dragon Castle.

If it is really possible to enter the dragon castle, and it is the largest crystal dragon castle in Menzoberranzan City, how many opportunities will there be?
Thinking of this, even Midi, who has always been extremely calm, couldn't bear it.

There was nothing to say all night, and soon, the warriors with their own thoughts finally ushered in the second day's finals.

According to the leader of Tarantula, the old mage who has led the team to participate in many bonfire gatherings, and even served as one of the selectors, this time the bonfire gathering can be regarded as the most grand one in the past 20 years. .

Not only are there fifteen tribes, but the average level is also the highest, and the competition is even more intense than expected.

However, when it comes to the finals, the suspense may only exist among the four No.1s.

These powerhouses who won the crown with an overwhelming advantage and have never lost a single battle are completely different from the professionals who have been promoted by relying on their advantages in points.

Those big families with extremely high vision are waiting for the outcome of these No.1s. As for the rest of them, including Zaknafein and Mason, if they want to be favored, they must come up with The ability to press the bottom of the box will do.

Even so, according to Midi's estimate, it would be very difficult for the two to win together, because both of them were divided among the eight people where Alex was.

Even if a trick like "psychedelic bombardment" is used, Mason will still not be an opponent of Alex with psychic powers, and Midi can be sure of this.

As for Zaknafein, who couldn't even beat Mason, it was even worse.

But when most people can clearly judge the gap in combat power, there are always some people who think that the opponent is relying on luck.

Just like the first opponent that Midi will face.

A wandering gunslinger with a level 63 success.

This wandering gunman was in the fourth group before. When facing Wuerhan, he couldn't resist the overwhelming cold wind. Even the flame bullets he fired were frozen. Although the high-speed armor-piercing bullets finally penetrated the ice wind, But still unable to break through Wu Erhan's defense, in desperation, he could only admit defeat in order to preserve his strength.

However, apart from the loss to Wu Erhan, the wandering gunman had no defeat in the fourth group.

He attributed the failure to the gap between level 63 and level 64, as well as the defense and control of the Ice Master, which restrained the roaming gunner, a high agility class.

After all, he is also a great warrior of his own tribe, and after all, he only lost one game.

Now, in the finals where he needs to fully demonstrate his strength, the roaming gunner's first opponent turned out to be Midi, who was only level 62 and a melee class. Good luck.

Of course, the wandering gunman also witnessed the scene where Uday was killed.

Midi's great sword descended from the sky with an irresistible momentum, pressing down like a mountain, directly crushing the layers of defenses of the Freezing Master, and then killing him, it is shocking.

But in the eyes of this wandering gunman, the main reason was that Uday's own speed was too slow to avoid the blow, so he lost his life.

You must know that once a person jumps up, according to the speed and direction, trajectory and landing point, they can all be predicted.

As long as Midi judges the attack range after he falls when he jumps up, and then uses the powerful teleportation skill to avoid this seemingly ferocious attack, how difficult is it?
The wandering gunslinger believed that he would never repeat the same mistakes, and was slashed by Midi's earth-shattering sword.

And as long as Midi's improved Collapsing Mountain can't hit the target, there is no doubt that the roaming gunner who has the advantage of distance will be able to kill a ghost swordsman with ease.

Especially a ghost swordsman with such a heavy sword.

Imagining how he was playing with Midi in the palm of his hand with his nimble posture, and avoiding the killing attack with precise prediction, the roaming gunman's confidence suddenly skyrocketed.

Everything, no suspense at all!

"Since we have reached the final, I will not show mercy. If you want to survive, please admit defeat as soon as possible." At this moment, Midi's voice came from across the ring.

There are countless dead souls under Midi's sword, but in his opinion, if meaningless killings can be avoided, it should be avoided as much as possible.

Of course, Midi will not pretend to be superior, and the false persuasion is actually to provoke and irritate the opponent.

He just stated the facts as calmly as possible, and then left the choice to the other party to make a decision.

However, these very peaceful and negotiable words sounded particularly harsh to the wandering gunman.

"Hmph, you, a level 62 ghost swordsman, think you can really dominate this bonfire party?" The wandering gunman sneered, "What's the point of killing a slow-moving ice master by luck? Come try my dual guns!"

Before Midi could speak again, he flew forward, opened the distance, and directly pulled the trigger, shooting sparks and barrages all over the sky.

A long time ago, Midi's only way to face Mason's barrage was to close the distance a little bit, and at the same time block the bullet with his sword edge. The whole process could not make any mistakes, and it was extremely dangerous.

But today, Mason himself doesn't dare to use this kind of barrage to restrain Midi, but uses the "psychedelic barrage" at the bottom of the press box as soon as he comes up.

At this moment, someone actually used this trick against him?

Seeing the overwhelming barrage coming, Midi's expression didn't change at all. His legs exerted force suddenly, and he immediately jumped up, and the big sword in his hand roared down from the air!

Self-created ghost swordsman skills, "heavy" slashing by collapsing mountains!

This was the blow that killed Uday. At this moment, Midi performed it for the second time, and he was already familiar with it. It was less imposing, but it was much more natural and coherent.

The wandering gunman was overjoyed when he saw Midi jumping up as he expected, and then immediately estimated Midi's landing point, and then quickly dodged away.

When Midi fell to the ground and stiffened, it was the moment when he launched a fierce attack.

But Midi just sneered in mid-air.

He suddenly changed his two-handed sword to one-handed, and with his freed right hand, he slashed to the side!
The golden-red sword light hit the air with a blow, causing a whistling sound, and then, a reverse thrust!

This made the originally straight flight path suddenly bend suddenly, and continued to smash down on the opponent's head impartially.

"What! How is this possible!" The wandering gunman was stunned.

Midi actually relied on empty attacks to adjust the landing point, he couldn't believe his eyes.

But he had no chance to believe it.

The next moment, the horn king's great sword was already pressed down like a mountain.

Everything, really no suspense.

(End of this chapter)

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