Arad's Sword

Chapter 428 Battle Chapter

Chapter 428 Battle Rhythm
Battle Mage skill, Dragon Fang!

Wu Erhan was determined to win this blow.

The many Chaser patterns on his body, at this moment, radiate brilliant brilliance at the same time, as if resonating.

This various power blessings also made the power of this move "Dragon Tooth" reach an unprecedented terrifying level.

It was an unreserved hit.

The many fights before gave Uerhan a more accurate judgment on Midi's strength. He is confident that even if Midi deliberately concealed part of his strength before, and now it all explodes, it is absolutely impossible to resist this. "Dragon Fang" supported by Chaser resonance.

But Midi didn't mean to back down at all.

Facing the spear that was stabbing straight at him, his eyes didn't waver in the slightest, he didn't even blink.

At the moment when the spear was about to hit him, Midi finally moved, and the Horned King sword in his hand suddenly slashed at a speed that was impossible to catch, like a thunderbolt.

"Hmph, do you think this kind of attack is still useful?" Wu Erhan said contemptuously.

This slash was as fast as lightning, but its power was seriously insufficient. At least, in front of Long Ya, there was no resistance, so Wu Erhan didn't pay attention at all.

However, when Midi's great sword came into contact with Wuerhan's spear, the one that was missed was actually the spear that was blessed with Chaser power!
Because this sword hit the middle of the spear.

The attack method of the spear determines that more than [-]% of its power will be concentrated on the spear tip.

And the spear body of the war spear is hidden behind the spear point, so it is difficult to be attacked. Only when it is blocked, it will become an iron rod for defense.

But now, Midi was able to miss the opponent's dragon tooth in an instant, and then slashed the spear body with a sword, which completely deviated the attack.

This can only prove one thing, that is, Midi's "combat skills" are far superior to Uerhan's.

The staggered battle spear directly pierced the hard arena made of obsidian, splashing countless flying sand and rocks, and the aftermath spread to the outside of the arena, setting off a gust of wind.

If this blow really hit Midi, even with the blessing of dragon blood, Midi would definitely fly straight out, just like the half-giant who fell like a meteor back then.

But in the end, the blow was still in vain.

Coincidence, it must be a coincidence!

Wu Erhan was secretly surprised, but his expression didn't change at all.

The Chasers around him have dimmed at this moment due to the excessive loss of magic power in the resonance, but for the battle mage, this is nothing.

The Chaser is gone, just make it up!

When the second Chaser Resonance Blessing is on Dragon Fang Strike, see how you can hide!
Wu Erhan thought viciously, and launched a combo attack again.

Another dragon tooth shot out, but this time, it was not to kill Midi, but to accumulate Chasers again.

Only this time, Wu Erhan was shocked to find that his attack seemed unable to hit.

Every time he casts a skill that can generate Chaser, such as Dragon Fang and Sky Strike, he will be interrupted by Midi with lightning speed, so that there is no way to accumulate Chaser at all.

The extremely heavy sword of the Horned King, at this moment, seems to be a bolt of lightning that is as fast as thunder, time and time again, it cuts at the middle of the spear with incomparable accuracy, where the force is the least, making Wu Erhan's attack, time and time again. fell through.

If the attack fails, chasers cannot be generated, and chasers cannot be generated, and the power of the attack will be lower. This is a vicious circle.

After a few back and forth, the Chasers on Wu Erhan's body became more and more dim, and almost disappeared. However, Midi, who had been injured in repeated head-on shocks, was full of energy at this moment, and was actually injured from the shock from the very beginning. The state gradually recovered.

This guy!
Wu Erhan was terrified.

This human being actually saw through his own attack?
As if sensing Wu Erhan's wavering in his heart, Midi showed a sarcastic smile: "I have to admit that Battle Mage is indeed a very powerful profession, and Magic Chaser is an extremely powerful skill. But, Wuerhan, you are a weakling!"

"What did you say?" A trace of uncontrollable anger flashed in Wuerhan's eyes.

weak?For the first time in history, the genius of the water spider tribe was called "weak", how could this keep him from getting angry?
However, no matter how angry he was, Wu Erhan's attack was still unable to produce any effect.

The weakness of the Spear was originally small, but at this moment, in front of Midi, it seemed to be infinitely magnified.

The originally nimble and sharp spear now looked like a giant python that had been pinched seven inches apart. It had huge strength and sharp teeth, but it couldn't be used at all.

Even Wu Erhan himself gradually became sluggish in his movements, feeling rather clumsy.

No, it wasn't that Wuerhan became clumsy, but Midi's attacks became more and more intensive, like a storm, making it difficult for him to resist.

The situation on the arena suddenly changed.

It is no longer evenly matched in the initial head-on fight.

It was no longer Uerhan's suppression of Midi under the blessing of Chaser.

Instead, under Midi's onslaught like flowing water, Wu Erhan was suppressed!

How can this be?

If Wu Erhan was shocked before, then at this moment, a trace of imperceptible fear has quietly seeped out of his heart.

In the final analysis, Wu Erhan is still an Ice Master at his core. Even though he has unique talents and has become a powerful battle mage, he still instinctively yearns for full control of the battlefield.

But now, not only did Midi escape from his control, but also how he did it made him even more unbelievable.

Why exactly?Why would he be suppressed at this moment when he was clearly evenly matched?And being suppressed to the point where Chasers couldn't even be produced, is it even more uncomfortable?
Wu Erhan roared in his heart, but he couldn't get an answer.

However, in the surrounding stands, those people with the highest level of cultivation and the best eyesight have already seen the clues.

"It's the rhythm..." In the stands of the Red Blood Bat Family, Simon's face was serious.

"He has mastered this kind of fighting rhythm, what is his calculation ability and precision?" On the other side, the martial arts chief of the Death Scorpion family's eyes glowed, and there was a lot of appreciation in his expression. color.

But under the arena, there was a trace of doubt in Alex's eyes.

"Impossible, how could it be possible to achieve such an advantage with the human naked eye?" Alex muttered to himself, "Could it be the high-level application of psychic powers in the legend, Environmental sensing? But, why can't I detect the change of spiritual energy?"

In fact, just as Alex speculated, at this moment, Midi has already used the "environmental sensing" to an extreme level.

However, precisely because it has reached the extreme, unless it is a psychic who is also proficient in environmental sensing, it is difficult to detect its existence.

After all, this is not telepathy, there is no such obvious psychic fluctuation, and Midi has not locked Alex.

From the beginning to the end, Midi locked Wu Erhan.

Just like when using alchemy to make high-level potions, the small range is enough to see through the opponent's powerful environmental sensing!
After Wuerhan revealed his identity as a battle mage, Midi already clearly understood that with his own level of 62, it was almost impossible to prevent a level 64 battle mage from producing Chasers.

Unless, he exposed his "Flying Sword Dance" and flew into the air, out of the range of the battle mage's attack.

Or use destructive psychic powers such as bursts of psychic sniping to directly blast Wu Erhan's head.

But Midi was unwilling to reveal these two hole cards.

Because there is Alex, who is also a psychic, and Simon, a red-blooded bat who has reached level 65, next to him.

The real aces and ultimate moves should not appear in such a selection, but only used in the life-and-death battle of the adventure of the ruins, which is the most suitable.

Therefore, Midi must use the existing means to deal with Wu Erhan with the horned king's sword in his hand.

He couldn't stop the Chasers from being produced, so he simply ignored the Chasers, but directly used the finest "environmental sensing" to find Wu Erhan's weakness.

When Wuerhan accumulated Chasers through frontal attacks again and again, didn't Midi analyze Wuerhan's fighting style and the flow of magic power in his body?
And when Urhan's Chasers finally accumulated to the point where they could resonate, Midi had already thoroughly understood his attacking methods.

Wuerhan's breathing, the flow of magic power in his body, the movement of muscles, etc., are all under Midi's sensing and mastery, and when all these are mastered, his weaknesses are naturally obvious at a glance.

To put it simply, this Wuerhan has had too few actual battles.

In other words, the number of actual combats with a battle mage is too small.

In most cases, Wu Erhan would not reveal his identity as a battle mage, but only fought with the skills of an ice master. Moreover, most of the enemies could not force Wu Erhan's cards at all.

This was originally a good thing, but things like melee combat originally needed to be sharpened by blood before they could mature day by day.

If you just master the skills but have no experience in actual combat, then once you actually display them, it will appear very jerky.

You know, although Midi refuses to use "Flying Sword Dance" and psychic powers, it is because he has used them countless times in the sea of ​​clouds in the sky, but Wu Erhan basically does not engage in melee combat, so how can he Familiar with the essence of a battle mage?
Soon, through environmental sensing and repeated fights, Midi discovered that Wuerhan's attack was too rigid.

Whether it's the rhythm of the attack or feints and feints, there are only a few back and forth.

Moreover, in order to maintain the Chasers on his body, most of Uerhan's attacks were not aimed at "killing Midi", but aimed at "creating Chasers".

Only after enough Chasers were generated, Urhan would try to launch an attack with the real purpose of killing Midi under the resonance of Chasers.

But if there is only one blow, without enough foreshadowing and momentum, how can it cause damage to Midi?

So, when this shot was missed, Wu Erhan had to continue to accumulate Chasers.

To put it simply, due to lack of melee combat experience and Chaker's power is too strong, Uerhan became a "Chaker slave".

(End of this chapter)

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