Arad's Sword

Chapter 429 Simon's Intervention

Chapter 429 Simon's Intervention

The only purpose of fighting is to defeat the enemy.

When the purpose of the battle was no longer to defeat the opponent, but to simply, rigidly, and single-mindedly accumulate Chasers, Uerhan had actually lost.

Chaser is the most powerful skill of a battle mage, but at the same time, it has also become an unconscious shackle in Wu Erhan's heart.

What he thinks in his mind is not how to kill Midi, but how to accumulate Chasers, and then kill Midi when he can resonate.

After going around such a big circle, how could it be Midi's opponent?

Of course, during the initial battle, Midi knew nothing about Urhan. Like everyone else, he was deeply afraid of the power of the battle mage and the horror of the Chaser. The only thing he could do was Guard the door for defense, and even be ready at any time to use the psychic power "Psychic Sniper Burst" to kill Wuerhan when his strength is exhausted.

However, Midi was not forced to play his hole card after all. On the contrary, he boldly deduced Wuerhan's weakness through his environmental sensing without missing any details in the battle, coupled with his own rich experience.

This weakness, not to mention other people, probably even Wu Erhan himself is not aware of it.

It is also true that this will become a fatal weakness.

And, grasping this fatal weakness, Midi successfully used this as a breakthrough point to grasp the rhythm of the entire battle.

Now in the eyes of Midi, this seemingly powerful and terrifying battle mage is no longer a threat.

So what if there are Chasers?It's just a rookie who has great speed, strength, and resilience, but is not familiar with close combat.

Moreover, this rookie still wants to persistently inspire more Chasers, but completely ignores the huge threat of Midi.

In the eyes of others, everything becomes unbelievable.

For Midi, it was evenly matched and even a crisis-ridden battle, but now everything is under his control.

It can even be said that every attack of Wu Erhan, under Midi's control, became extremely ridiculous and clumsy, and even a skill could not be fully displayed.

This is not a bonfire party final battle, this is simply an experienced hunter dealing with a wild beast that only knows how to rely on instinct.

Although the beast has sharp claws and teeth, although it is powerful and extremely fast, how can it be the opponent of the hunter who is just waiting for work?
what on earth is it?

The vast majority of people, even level 65 Simon and the Death Scorpion martial arts master, can only perceive the fact that "Midi has completely grasped the rhythm of the battle", but as long as they don't If he really stood on the battlefield, he would not be able to discover Wu Erhan's own problems.

Only Alex seemed to have seen a little way, but he still couldn't be sure.

However, no matter whether they are watching the excitement, the second-class warriors who are at a loss, or the strong men who have seen some clues, they may not be able to explain the reason for the reversal of the battle, but they are very clear. thing -

If this continues, Midi will win!
"No! It's impossible! You are the one who is going to die!" Wu Erhan roared out of composure with red eyes.

The eldest son of the Red Blood Bat Family is watching, many compatriots of the Water Spider Tribe are watching, the forces of Menzoberranzan City and the other [-] tribes are watching, this is the stage of Urhan, a fighter Where the mage shines, how can he allow himself to fail?
What's more, he couldn't allow Midi, the enemy who killed his brother, to take away his glory.

Definitely can't stop here!
Wu Erhan made a sudden decision in his heart.

The next moment, a surge of dark magic power suddenly surged around him, countless ice chips and snowflakes flew up, and the temperature dropped again, directly approaching the freezing point!
Not only that, the Chasers around Wu Erhan's body, which gradually faded, turned back on one after another!
Construct Chasers directly with magic power?
Midi's pupils also shrank slightly.

Although Wu Erhan's method can gain huge power for a while, since Chasers are not generated through ordinary methods, but the magic power in his body is deliberately overflowing, it will cause huge damage after the battle. It even leads to regression.

It can be said that this is a kind of desperate fighting style.

At this level, Urhan can't last long, but if Midi chooses to avoid his edge, then there is no doubt that the attacks of the battle mage will become coherent again, and the real Chasers will accumulate again .

At that time, the Chaser constructed by the magic power and the real Chaser will become one, no matter what Urhan will become after the battle, Midi will lose.

Therefore, Midi can't retreat, only advance!

Facing the battle mage dressed in Chasers, Midi's star-black eyes burst out with a faint dark blue light, and the golden-red light all over his body rose sharply, directly stepping into the most dangerous battle circle!
Environmental sensing is turned on to the maximum extent!
The Spirit Dragon Sword is in full swing!
The power of dragon blood is fully stimulated!
Midi's previously hidden strength finally exploded at this moment.

Especially the power of dragon blood, due to the return of the blood to the ancestors, the ancient dragon blood in Midi's body has been significantly improved in this battle. Now that the dragon's power is fully activated, his strength and speed have been raised to a new level!
Every movement of his was so fast that a faint afterimage was drawn out, and the power of the Horned King Sword in his hand was stronger than before. Unable to force Midi back, instead being forced back step by step by Midi's ingenious swordsmanship!

"This kid actually hides so deeply..." A trace of fear rose in Simon's eyes.

When facing a battle mage, in order to suppress the formation of Chasers, ordinary people must use all their cards and try their best to suppress them.

Of course, doing so seemed correct, but the actual result was likely to be insufficient follow-up power. As a result, the Battle Mage seized the opportunity and produced one or two Chasers, which led to a stalemate in the situation.

Then, taking this as an opportunity, the battle mage will continue to generate Chasers, and the attack power will continue to increase, until finally, the person who has lost his hole card but can't suppress it will completely collapse his defense and become a dead soul under the spear.

But this black-haired human youth was able to hold back when facing an incomparably powerful opponent who was two levels higher than himself.

Not only did he not exert all his strength, but he concealed his strength, allowing Uerhan's Chaser to appear, allowing himself to be at a disadvantage, and was even in an extremely dangerous situation for a time.

It wasn't until he discovered a certain weakness of Wu Erhan, and launched a counterattack with some mysterious and clever means, and completely grasped the situation of the battle, that he exhausted his strength.

How much patience does this require?

How calm does it take?
How confident is this person in himself?
Simon asked himself, but got no answer.

There is only one thing, but Simon can be sure that this human being has a deep heart. If he becomes the enemy of the red-blooded bat, it will definitely bring unimaginable damage. !
When the eldest son of the red-blooded bat family made up his mind, Uerhan, who was originally ordered by him to "dispose" of Midi, flew upside down like a kite with a broken string. .

Even if he forcibly blesses himself with Chasers, Wu Erhan is still no match for Midi.

In front of Midi, who is fully activated with dragon power and psychic "environmental sensing", he is like a fish swimming in a water tank, no matter how hard he struggles and jumps, he cannot escape from that small piece of stagnant water.

Wu Erhan's battle spear is very fast, but Midi's horned king's great sword comes first every time, as if predicting Wu Erhan's target, it directly cuts on the spear of the war spear, Make it return in vain.

Not only that, after the dragon blood in Midi's body was fully activated, its strength was no worse than that of Wu Erhan who had blessed a few Chasers.

Attacks were interrupted time and time again, actions were blocked time and time again, and Midi was even knocked out with body collisions time and time again.

Even the hilt of the Horned King's great sword can be used as a means for Midi to attack.

It wasn't until he entered this intense battle that Uerhan suddenly discovered that melee combat seemed to be a little different from what he had imagined, and it didn't just rely on those instant skills, and it didn't just rely on faster speed. With stronger power, you can take advantage.

On the contrary, this is a kind of battle that needs to make correct judgments in a very short period of time, and the rhythm is much faster than the magic of the ice master.

I actually... will lose?
Wu Erhan's face became extremely ugly, but he suddenly realized that victory was so far away from him.

But when the opponent's heart was shaken, the horn king's sword in Midi's hand did not relax at all.This powerful weapon containing the violent dragon power in the sword body was cut down again and again, and every time, it would bring a splash of blood.

Under this violent sword wind, the Chasers around Wuerhan flickered like a candle in the wind.

Then, at last, they exhausted their power completely, and one by one they went out.

Losing the Chaser, the wound on Wu Erhan's body began to bleed, and the injury became irresistible, and his strength and speed also dropped several levels suddenly, as if he had changed from a rabbit to a tortoise.

There was a crisp sound of "clang".

Midi directly chopped off Wuerhan's spear.

The huge impact of this blow caused Wuerhan to fly out, dragging a long bloodstain on the ground like a torn rag.

That's it!
A killing intent flashed in Midi's eyes, and the big sword in his hand was raised again, about to drink the opponent's blood.

But at this moment, a voice full of majesty and arrogance sounded from the stands.

"Enough, that's it!" Simon stood up and said coldly.

His voice was not loud, but it spread throughout the vast arena. Even with the blessing of the magic circle, the voice still rang in everyone's ears, and it was impossible to resist.

(End of this chapter)

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