Arad's Sword

Chapter 515 Dragon Tooth Arena

Chapter 515 Dragon Tooth Arena

After a whirlwind, Midi finally opened her eyes.

In front of him was an incomparably vast space.

Here is the fifth floor of the Underdark, where the Dragon Fang Arena is located.

Compared with the first four floors, this fifth floor has two notable features.

First, there is light here.

This light comes from the ground of the fifth floor. A scorching hot magma river meanders in the fifth floor. The high-temperature light emanating from the river surface, as well as countless sparks and debris floating in mid-air, Make the entire fifth floor become transparent.

It was like a huge secret room lit with a lamp.

Second, there is no zenith here.

The first four floors of the Underdark felt extremely depressing, because as soon as you raised your head, you would see a dome made of rock.

Although in a space like a cave, the distance between the dome and the ground varies from tens to hundreds of meters, it will still be clearly seen after all.

However, on the fifth floor, when Midi looked out through the light of the river of flames, he found that he couldn't see the dome of the rock!

This shows that the dome is at least several kilometers away.

In contrast, the group of caves where Menzoberranzan City is located is almost like a groundhog's burrow, and it cannot be compared with this fifth floor.

And in such a huge space, the Dragon Tooth Arena is quietly located on the side of the river of flames.

Twelve peaks with a height of 1000 meters are connected together to form a huge area. From a distance, it looks like a space surrounded by the teeth of a giant dragon.On each mountain peak, there is even a huge dragon head carved, lifelike, like a living thing, overlooking the center in the posture of King's Landing.

This is the origin of the name "Dragon Teeth" arena.

And in this area, a prehistoric aura continuously permeates from the ground, making everyone feel irresistible awe and insignificance.

Not only that, Midi felt that the magic power in the fifth layer was extremely thick, and there was no need to deliberately absorb it between each breath, and the magic power would pour into the body.

"This place is very suitable for cultivation!" Such a thought immediately flashed through Midi's mind.

The high concentration of magic power is of course suitable for cultivation. This is a matter of course. On the fifth floor, there is no doubt that everyone's cultivation speed will increase.

However, there is a limit to this increase. If the concentration of magic power exceeds a threshold, the concentration of magic power will continue to increase. Not only will there be no benefit, but it will cause harm and cause magic power erosion.

This is also the main reason why the fifth layer is not suitable for biological habitation.

However, for Midi, who is an extraordinary awakener and needs a lot of magic power, no matter how high the concentration of magic power is, he can say that he will always come.

As for the problem of mana erosion, he had already eradicated this possibility after he jumped into the Dragon Blood White Crystal Pool in Sky City.

And most importantly, Midi can not only practice fast here, but also faster than those sons of dragons!

Strength and weakness are a relative concept. Compared with raising the absolute level, narrowing the gap between the two sides is what Midi cares most about, and the high concentration of magic power can just meet this point.

Because the dragon's blood in Midi's body is the "real dragon's blood", which is more pure than the "ice dragon's blood".

If those five people are the "sons of the dragon", they are also the sons of the false dragon, but Midi can be regarded as the "sons of the real dragon".

It's just that the time for him to obtain the true dragon inheritance is too short, so that it is difficult to catch up with those opponents who have been cultivating in the temple since childhood in a short period of time.

But now, with this extremely high concentration of magic power, coupled with the prehistoric aura emanating from the Dragon Tooth Arena, combined with Midi's "primary true dragon training method", there is no doubt that he The upgrade speed will exceed everyone, including those sons of the dragon.

This is also where the true dragon blood is strongest.

Seize every minute and every second to practice, in every battle, consolidate and improve!
When meeting the son of the dragon, at least one must have the strength to fight!
This is the goal Midi set for herself after she came to the fifth floor.

At the same time, the cross-domain portals in the four major regions of the East, South, West, and North have already sent almost all the teams in the fourth floor of the Underdark Region that are eligible to participate in the Black Dragon Conference into the Dragon Tooth Arena. .

Although the Dragon Tooth Arena was bounded by mountains and was extremely vast, so many teams poured in at once, and each of them had a good cultivation level. Suddenly, the arena became a bit noisy.

But the next moment, a thunderous voice rang out, suppressing all the noise.

"Quiet! All the leaders, immediately go to the corresponding area according to the instructions on the tokens they carry, and wait for inspection. Anyone who does not have a token will be killed without mercy! Anyone who does not obey the order will be expelled immediately! We will soon Identity verification, three days later, ready to take a blood oath!"

The resolute voice came from an old dark elf in a black robe.

Just like this, the old man quietly suspended in the center of the Dragon Tooth Arena, looked around at the twelve peaks, and issued orders with great vigor.

And the wave of magic power emanating from him was even stronger than that of the previous East Palace Master.

"That one is the highest manager of the central temple, the master of the central hall. The blood oath of the Black Dragon Conference was jointly carried out by the masters of the five major temples. They can be said to be the highest-ranking black dragon priests in this dark region. It's gone." The voice of the Patriarch of the Death Scorpion rang faintly, "I will first take you to the designated location according to the instructions of the token of Menzoberranzan City, and then don't walk around at will, otherwise you may be shot. kill."

"Master Patriarch, are you leaving?" Midi was slightly surprised.

The Patriarch of the Death Scorpion gave a wry smile, and shrugged his shoulders: "Although the masters of the Five Great Halls are the organizers of the Black Dragon Conference, there must be some people to help with chores, right? We, the leaders of first-class forces, will have to do chores for them in a while. Yes, you can do it yourself."

Soon, Midi and his party arrived at the designated area.

This place is shaped like a ladder, with several teams stationed on each floor. It can be said that it is not only the camp of each team, but also the stands in the arena.

Next, after the official start of the Black Dragon Conference, the fighters will start from here, enter the arena, and improve their rankings in the long selection until the moment when the Dark Dragon City opens.

It was the first time for Midi and several other fighters to come here, but the guards of Menzoberranzan City were obviously familiar with the way.

Under the command of Chief of Martial Arts Hawk, the guards quickly set up a small camp with strong defenses and even a sentry tower.

As for the Patriarch of the Death Scorpion himself, he had already left, rushing to serve the astonishingly cultivated Central Palace Master.

In the next three days, the forces of the five great temples began to review every step and every stand to ensure that no unqualified personnel were mixed in.

This kind of inspection is more than once, first the inspection of the eastern temple, then there will be another temple for cross-examination, and finally, the central temple will conduct the final inspection.

Under the three inspections, no matter who it is, it is impossible to escape the eyes of the temple.

And Midi is secretly glad that when he first came to the Underdark, he chose such a path of "integrating into the dark elf society, and then gaining status".

If you are adventuring in the wild alone, let alone whether you can find enough resources to upgrade to level 65, even if you reach level 65 or even level 67 or 8, under such strict review, it is impossible to force your way into it. The Black Dragon Conference, let alone entering the Dark Dragon City.

Once those few palace masters are alarmed, any intruders will only have a dead end.

However, the Black Dragon Conference has gone through thousands of years, and the prestige of the temple has already spread throughout the Underdark region. Now, there will no longer be any blind fools looking for death.

The three audits are nothing more than established procedures and a process, and it is true that there are no intruders at all.

Soon, three days passed smoothly.

"Peak level 65..." Midi opened her eyes and let out a long breath.

During the three-day review period, he focused on his cultivation without distraction, and finally rose from level 65 Dacheng to level 65 peak.

Although this level of strength is still not enough for those sons of the dragon, at least it is a good start.

At the same time, in the center of the Dragon Tooth Arena, a huge magic circle has also been established.

At the center of the magic circle are the masters of the five great temples. They each occupy a corner and together form a pentagram formation.

On the periphery, there are the leaders of the first-class forces in the four regions, and the black dragon priests who accompanied the leaders formed a large outer formation.

Among them, the leader of the Blue Snake City, the leader of the Storm City, the Patriarch of the Death Scorpion, Verna and the others are all among them, each occupying a node of the magic circle, forming a huge and intricate network together.

The next moment, with the long and obscure incantation chanted by the central hall master, the ground of the entire Dragon Tooth Arena began to tremble.

The twelve mountain peaks vibrated together like tuning forks that resonated, and then, from the top of the mountain peaks, a bright brilliance bloomed.

Against the background of the brilliance, a huge dragon head emerged from the void.

It is the oath of blood!

But this time, not only the dragon head emerged, but also the dragon body, dragon wings, dragon claws, dragon tail...

The phantom of a real ancient dragon completely appeared in the sky above the Dragon Tooth Arena.

His body is several hundred meters long, with a pair of huge wings spread out, as if it can completely cover the entire sky.

And when this giant dragon phantom opened its mouth, it carried a deafening and tyrannical aura, making people involuntarily think of the person in the legend.

The ninth apostle, Tyrannosaurus King Bakar.

"Believers of the Dark Dragon God, residents of the Underdark, since you have awakened me again, then, get ready to accept the trial!" The giant dragon phantom said, and then flapped its wings violently.

In an instant, an incomparably violent wind howled and blew across the entire Dragon Tooth Arena.

And when the strong wind finally ended, a heavy and slender token appeared in the hands of every black dragon fighter.

Dragon Qi Token!

(End of this chapter)

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