Arad's Sword

Chapter 516 Demonstration of Strength

Chapter 516 Demonstration of Strength

"A human?" Katerina narrowed her eyes slightly.

Before, during the cross-domain portal, there were too many people below. Fighters were mixed with guards, leaders, followers, priests, etc., and the total number was at least several thousand.

Faced with a mass of people's heads, this high-ranking son of the dragon naturally doesn't care about who are there.

And at that time, Midi also carefully controlled the strength against the "death glacier" to avoid being noticed.

So, until now, Katerina discovered that a human appeared in the Black Dragon Conference!
Moreover, this human being is actually indifferent to his own deterrence, and it can even be said that he simply ignores it.

In Katerina's impression, the humans on the surface are synonymous with cunning, insidious and weak. It is said that they have established a huge country with fertile soil and abundant resources, but in the end the rulers are addicted to each other. Yu intrigues, but forgets to improve his cultivation.

How dare a stupid human being like this come to the Underdark, and even enter the Black Dragon Conference, even ignoring her as the son of the dragon?
This caused Katerina's always extremely cold heart to involuntarily raise a trace of disgust.

To her, it was as if a fly had just flown in front of her eyes.

"Humans, you'd better pray to the Dark Dragon God, and don't meet people from the Eastern Temple for a while." Katerina whispered to herself, and went off the arena without looking back.

Until now, after the Ice Queen walked away slowly, some staff members finally stepped forward to rescue the unlucky ghost who was frozen into a stick.

"In the first match on Channel 300, [-] wins." The giant dragon Xuying announced the result calmly.

At the same time, on several other arenas, the winners and losers were also decided almost at the same time.

Moreover, all the sons of the dragon won an overwhelming victory.

On Arena No. [-], the "Queen of Beasts" Immutisari, who sits in charge, has the blood of the Emperor Dragon and is a Summoner by profession.

However, she didn't even use a summoned beast, so she directly bombarded her opponent with unreasonable magic, knocking her opponent off the arena.

On the second arena, Shi Gefen, the "King of the Iron Wall", has the blood of a metal dragon and is a Black Dragon Knight.

The Black Dragon Knight was already extremely defensive, and with the addition of blood power, Shi Gefen became a diamond. He just walked towards the opponent step by step, and the dignified aura emanating from his body forced the opponent to vomit blood, unconscious personnel.

Arena No. [-], the "King of Slaughter" Ivanov, who sits in charge, has the blood of a Tyrannosaurus rex and is a berserker by profession.

Powerful ghosts and gods, terrifying bloodlines, the combination of the two made the son of the dragon extremely cruel, and he was also the only son of the dragon who used a real killing move.

His opponent, before he even had time to admit defeat, was directly torn to pieces by the berserk attack.

Bathed in the bloody storm, the expression of the "King of Slaughter" was particularly enjoyable, and his mouth let out roars like wild beasts.

Looking at this terrifying scene, the faces of all the black dragon fighters assigned to the No. [-] arena changed color.

No matter how strong the other sons of the dragon are, they at least have the arrogance of the strong and disdain to compete with low-level opponents.But why is their luck so bad?How can I fight against such a killing god?
As for the central arena, it is also the only arena that does not correspond to the four major regions of "southeast, northwest".

Sitting here is the "King of Thunder" Odin.

This person has the blood of Thunder Dragon, and his occupation is Sword Soul.

The central temple to which he belongs is located on the fifth floor. To some extent, it can be regarded as the main force responsible for maintaining the Dragon Tooth Arena.

In other words, this Odin has spent most of his time bathed in the incomparably rich magic power and ancient dragon breath of the fifth floor since he was born.

Therefore, the strength of this "King of Thunder", even among the five sons of dragons, seemed unfathomable.

His level has actually reached level 70!
He has the same cultivation level as the devil viscount who knocked Midi away with one punch and couldn't get up for a long time!
Moreover, if the blood power and the physical changes caused by long-term immersion in high-concentration magic power are included, I am afraid that the power of this "King of Thunder" is even better than the demon of the Viscount title!

He is also the only one among all the sons of the dragon who directly forced his opponent back without passing the skill.

This is not to say that the opponent of the "King of Thunder" is weak and timid, on the contrary, it is a black dragon fighter up to level 68, holding a silver token in his hand.

However, when this strong man launched an attack, there was an incomparably crisp popping sound on the central arena.

As soon as the explosive sound came out, the strong man seemed to be hit by an invisible big hand, immediately vomited blood, and flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, directly out of the arena!
No one knows what just happened.

The only thing that is certain is that Odin won the victory directly without even a single skill.

However, Midi is aware of the mystery.

"It's the sound of drawing the sword..." There was also a trace of admiration and admiration in Midi's eyes.

Sword Soul has a skill called "drawing the sword and chopping". It charges the power through the scabbard, and then instantly draws the sword to attack the opponent with huge power.

And when performing this sword drawing and cutting skill, when the sword body rubs against the inner side of the scabbard, there will be a crisp sword sound, which is the "sword drawing sound".

Originally, this kind of sound was meaningless for combat, just like the sound produced when two swords collided, at most it was used for listening and identifying positions.

But now, this Odin didn't even have to use his sword to slash, he could send his opponent flying just by the sound of drawing his sword!

Moreover, Midi can judge that this "sword drawing sound" is by no means a special secret book, it seems that it is just a simple move by Odin. Judging from the expression of the "King of Thunder", it is just for fun. That's all.

At the Black Dragon Conference, the biggest event in the Underdark Region, it would be too exaggerated to kill opponents in just one move while playing casually.

"The me now is probably no match for this person at all. At most, I can only block a few moves before losing." Midi couldn't help laughing bitterly.

However, emotion is emotion, the fighting spirit in his eyes has not faded in the slightest, on the contrary, because of the existence of a powerful opponent, it has burned even hotter.

The five sons of the dragon took the lead, causing all the fighters at the Black Dragon Conference to feel tremendous pressure.

At the same time, after the first round of this unsuspecting battle, starting from the second round, the Black Dragon Conference finally entered the right track.

"No. 305 vs. No. 370!"

"No. 318 vs. No. 314!"

"No. 341 vs. No. 399!"

Accompanied by the voice of the giant dragon phantom, one battle after another is proceeding rapidly.

Except for the numbers ending in 0 for the sons of the dragon, the other numbers seem to be given randomly.

And whether it is an opponent whose level is higher than his own, or an opponent whose level is weaker than his own, there is no certain rule to follow.

Fortunately, the result of victory or defeat is to capture or lose one-third of the dragon energy in the dragon energy token. Therefore, even if you are unlucky and encounter a strong enemy, you can directly admit defeat.

After all, if you encounter an opponent of the same level as yourself or a weaker one later, you can earn back the dragon energy.

Faintly, everyone's choices made the dragon energy in the entire Black Dragon Conference begin to flow continuously.

"No. 321 vs. No. 340!"

Finally, the voice of the giant dragon phantom rang directly in Midi's mind.

It was Midi's turn.

His opponent was a peak level 66 fighter.

Seeing that Midi was only at the peak of level 65, the fighter immediately showed a relaxed expression.

And when he saw that the Dragon Qi Token in Midi's hand turned out to be a Quasi-Silver Token, his expression immediately changed from relaxation to surprise.

You know, although this fighter is at the peak of level 66, there are still two strong men at level 67 in his city, which makes the dragon energy he can allocate suddenly much less, and he only has a bronze token in his hand. Card.

Now, an opponent with a lower level than him but with more Dragon Qi appeared, how could he be unhappy?

Even, in his eyes, Midi has become a delicious piece of fat.

Reminiscent of the unlucky ghost who was frozen into a stick by the "Ice Queen", the fighter suddenly felt that his luck was extremely good.

Praise the Dark Dragon God!

I will definitely live up to your expectations. In this Black Dragon Conference, I must be among the top [-], become a real dragon fighter, and enter the Dark Dragon City!

After secretly making up his mind, the fighter turned his attention to the "fat" opposite.

"Admit defeat, you are not my opponent, save some energy, the next battle will be long, it will be good for us, isn't it?" the fighter said to Midi earnestly.

When one's luck is good, one's mood will improve accordingly. Although Midi is his opponent, at this moment, this fighter doesn't mind giving the opponent a chance to admit defeat.

In his view, this is already a "win-win" approach.

Midi was stunned.

He really couldn't understand why the guy opposite, who seemed to be full of flaws, was bursting with confidence when he came up, and said such a thing.

It's as if he is also the son of the dragon.

"If you want to fight, just fight, don't talk nonsense." Midi replied in a cold voice without bothering to think about it.

"You bastard, why are you so ignorant of good and bad? I'm doing this for your own good!" The fighter's expression changed, and there was a hint of anger in his tone.

But Midi was too lazy to say anything more, his attack was the best answer.

Midi took a step forward.

The evolutionary version of the Awakening Cheats, Tianxiang Dragon Strike!

Without any fluctuation of magic power or any sign, Midi appeared behind the fighter in an instant.

How can it be so fast!

The fighter couldn't believe his eyes, he quickly turned around, crossed his arms and sealed the tiger's claws in front of his chest, forming a most standard defensive posture.

But at this time, Midi's black iron dragon flame has already been brushed off.

Then there is no more then.

"Bronze Token, although there is not much Dragon Qi, but such a slow accumulation is the kingly way to win." Seeing that the color of his Quasi-Silver Token became clearer, Midi showed a satisfied smile.

"Huh, it seems to be a little bit capable, but it's still not enough to look at in front of our Eastern Temple." Katerina showed a cold smile on the side, "Go on, if the fighters of the Eastern Temple meet this person, they will directly kill him." He will be kicked out of the Black Dragon Conference."

(End of this chapter)

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