Arad's Sword

Chapter 539 One Week of Preparation

Chapter 539

As a commander, Midi is naturally handy at how to explain to large groups of people.

He casually built a sand table made of crystal sand on the ground, and in a few words, Midi articulated the information he had investigated that day clearly, clearly and without reservation.

Of course, it is impossible to be completely unreserved, but at least, including the three sons of the dragon, it is absolutely impossible to detect what Midi has reserved.

Perhaps, only the "King of Thunder" Odin could know the truth.

After all, he is also the one who has really explored outside.

Moreover, judging from the pungent sulfur aura around him, Midi suspects that the strongest of the Sons of Dragons may have also encountered demon scouts.

As for how much Odin could ask from those demons without psychic powers, Midi couldn't infer.

Because it is impossible to infer, so I have to ask.

"Mr. Odin, do you have time to talk?" After explaining to the real dragon fighters present, Midi extended an invitation on his own initiative.

"Change the place." Odin nodded readily.

Immediately, Midi left the square of Dark Dragon City together with Odin and his nine fighters from the Central Temple.

Thor and Alex looked at each other, each sighed, and also chased after them.

Although they are not willing to form an alliance with Midi from an emotional point of view, but from a rational point of view, this is the best choice.

Soon, Midi and the others found a relatively secluded building.

With a big wave of Odin's hand, immediately, the nine real dragon fighters went away in response, and spread out directly around the building, spreading out a huge warning net.

And Midi, Thor, and Alex sat opposite to Odin.

"Thank you Mr. Odin for your help about the previous matter. I won't say any more polite words here. It's better to tell the truth. The scale of the demon army that is about to invade has been ascertained. Five hundred blade demons, three hundred A scythe demon, a hundred demon guards, dozens of high-level demons, and three pit demons as the main generals, totaling close to a thousand."

Midi said straight to the point.

An army of a thousand demons!
In an instant, even the "King of Thunder" Odin had an uncontrollable fighting spirit in his eyes.

As for Thor and Alex, they couldn't help but gasped.

The whole room fell into a deadly silence.

After several seconds, Odin was the first to come to his senses: "Who else knows this information?"

"So far, I don't think anyone else will know except us."

Midi said in a very sure tone.

Although he didn't know exactly how Odin met the Blade Demon, but it was obviously unlikely that anyone other than him and Odin could encounter the Blade Demon.

Judging from Odin's expression when he heard the information, it would be very difficult to dig out the real situation without Midi's psychic powers.

Therefore, only Midi has the information of "the army of demons has a thousand soldiers".

"If the situation is true, it's impossible for us alone to resist..." Thor couldn't help but opened his mouth.

"Indeed, without preparation, those true dragon fighters will definitely end up dead. However, it is impossible for me to leak this information." Midi shook her head and asked again, "Because Even if it leaks out, how many people do you think will believe it?"

For a moment, Thor fell into silence.

There are a thousand demons preparing to attack the Dark Dragon City.

Who would listen to this kind of thing if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, or believed in Midi?

Maybe, the "Queen of Beasts" and other three dragon sons may think that Midi is playing tricks, and then want to gain the dominance, and the conflict between the two parties will intensify.

So, Midi didn't mention it at all.

He only intends to warn his allies in advance in a small area to avoid losses.

After the real battle started, and after the real dragon fighters suffered a loss, Midi would consider helping.

At that time, it will be much easier to obtain the obedience of these true dragon fighters.

Of course, what Midi wanted, "Thunder King" Odin could naturally think of it, and he soon understood Midi's thinking.

It is nothing more than four words: preserve strength.

However, in the face of the attack of thousands of demons, can they do this with just a few true dragon fighters?

Seemingly aware of the doubt in Odin's eyes, Midi smiled slightly and said, "A week later, there will definitely be an encounter. At that time, I hope that the few of us can form an offensive and defensive alliance to deal with the demons together! If Mr. Odin is in charge, With my command, it shouldn’t be a problem to survive the offensive of the first three days.”

"Okay, let's do that." Odin nodded, "Then, see you in a week."

After saying this, the "King of Thunder" left here without looking back.

Midi knew very well that after learning the information that a thousand demons would invade, the other party would definitely make some arrangements of their own.

It is absolutely impossible for a truly strong person to rely on the strength of others to survive.

This is true of Midi, and of course Odin is also true.

As long as Odin can join forces with Midi in a week, Midi doesn't care what he will do before that, because he knows very well that this "King of Thunder" is not the type who will make small moves behind his back .

Otherwise, he would not have achieved what he is today.

"The 'Thunder King' must be going out to investigate again, you two, what are your plans?"

Midi turned her gaze to Thor and Alex in front of her.

"Naturally, we should go to practice. Otherwise, how can we survive in the face of the pit demons above level 70? We don't have flying skills, and we are not as powerful as Odin."

Thor laughed at himself coldly.

"In this case, I'll help you guys." Midi said, took out two bottles of the tenth-level potion that he had just won from the storage ring, and threw it directly to the two of them, "This potion is not given for free. Yours, in the next battle, I hope you two can obey my instructions."

"Just with two bottles of tenth-order potions, do you want the two of us to work hard for you?"

Alex sneered, but holding the potion in his hand, he didn't intend to return it to Midi.

"After all, I am a commander. You must have known my past deeds from Mason. In such a large-scale battle, my orders are much more effective than your own judgments. How do you choose? Think about it for yourself."

Midi said very directly, without any intention of continuing to explain.

He believed that based on what Thor and Alex knew about him, they would definitely make the decision he expected.

And sure enough, after just tens of seconds of silence, the two finally made a choice.

"You can act according to your instructions, but we will also have our own judgment."

Thor said coldly.

"It doesn't matter, when the time comes you will understand that my choice is the most effective."

Midi replied lightly.

After a brief explanation, Thor and Alex also left.

"I also have to find a place and try to improve my strength."

Midi made a decision.

Originally, according to the original idea, during this week, he would conduct a comprehensive exploration to collect enough intelligence for deduction.

However, since he has obtained first-hand information about the demon army through mind reading, there is no need for Midi to continue wandering outside.

On the contrary, facing the attack of thousands of demons, especially the three demons from the deep hell, Midi, who has a death-chasing order in his body, the most important thing at this time is to improve his personal cultivation.

Only those who have survived are qualified to continue the war.

As far as hiding is concerned, the Dark Dragon City seems a bit smaller. Coupled with the conflicts and frictions with the three dragon sons, Midi did not stay in the city, but flew out of the city directly, looking for a secluded place. Burrow, then, lined up his previous harvest.

Dragon Flower, Molten Fire Fruit, Black Dragon True Crystal, Phantom Spirit Wine, Black Rock Core, Shadow Sunflower, these are the six ultra-rare materials Midi obtained from the East Hall Master.

Among them, the black rock core is used to make weapons, and the shadow sunflower is mainly used to tame powerful ghosts and gods, which is basically meaningless to Midi who only has one ghost and god.

These two things are only used to confuse the East Palace Master. Maybe some other materials can be exchanged in the future, but that's all.

The four things that really have the most effect on Midi are Tianlonghua, Molten Fire Fruit, Black Dragon True Crystal, and Magic Wine.

Tianlonghua is used for understanding and breaking through bottlenecks.Even if you want to advance from level 70 to level 71, you need to comprehend the power of the field, and Tianlonghua can play a role. Midi doesn't plan to use it at level 67 for the time being.

The molten fruit can directly increase the magic power in the body and improve the level.

And the black dragon crystal is naturally used to make the blood of the dragon more pure.

As long as these two things are taken now, there is no need for alchemy, and the effect can be seen immediately.

But Midi didn't do that.

After all, he has just reached level 67 not long ago, and he still needs to consolidate after all.

The best time to use these two things should be after a fierce battle with the demon army, wait until the cultivation level is completely consolidated, and use it after the fierce battle.

Only the Phantom God Wine is the most suitable for the current use.

Phantom wine can increase the level of psionic power, and Midi has stayed in the realm of "half-step psychic power king" for long enough.

Not only that, but from "half-step Psionic King" to "Psychic King", the improvement in combat power is much more obvious than that brought by level 67 to 68.

The most important of these is the penetration effect on psionic resistance.

Many opponents who were able to resist Midi's psychic powers can be manipulated at will after Midi is promoted to the psychic king!

(End of this chapter)

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