Arad's Sword

Chapter 540 Psychic King

Chapter 540 Psychic King

Take the real dragon fighters as an example, out of a hundred real dragon fighters, there are a total of six who are most resistant to spiritual energy.

Five sons of dragons with different high-purity dragon blood, and Thor who has the "blood of the dragon".

Compared with these six people, even Alex, who is a high-level psyker, is inferior in terms of "defense".

It can be said that if it is against any dragon son, even the weakest dragon son like "Ice Queen" Katerina, Midi's psychic attack will lose at least [-]% of her power.

In other words, a psychic sniper with 100 points of damage can only deal 40 points of damage at most, which is an ideal value without considering the strength of the Dragon Son's personal will.

And Thor's "Dragon Bloodline", which has the characteristics of both demons and dragons, will be enough to cut off [-]% of the power of psychic attacks.

In other words, only 20 points of damage can be played.

In this case, it would be more practical for Midi to use attacking psychic powers on these people, rather than go straight up and chop with a sword.

However, if Midi can be promoted to the realm of "Psychic Power King", then, in addition to his own psionic power will be more pure, it will also make psionic attack and psionic defense each have an additional characteristic.

Psychic attacks will have a "penetrating" effect. In other words, the psychic resistance of dragon blood and demon blood will be greatly weakened, and there is a certain chance that they will be directly penetrated.

In this way, the direct power of Midi's psychic attack will be restored to at least [-]%.

100 points of damage can produce an effect of 80 points. If continuous attacks are made, it is enough to cause fatal damage.

In addition, in terms of psychic defense, Midi's defense also has the effect of "capturing thoughts" in the true sense.

Once another psychic activates psychic powers on Midi and is resisted, the psychic will be drained of psionic power by Midi in an instant, and will not be able to activate it for a long period of time. attack.

It can be said that as long as he becomes the psychic king, Midi's attack and defense in psychic power will undergo a dramatic qualitative change.

This qualitative change can enable Midi to calmly face the previous situation when facing the three dragon sons, and even sit on an equal footing with the "Thunder King" Odin.

And more importantly, when facing the army of demons, especially the demon general whose race is the devil of hell, he will also have a trump card that can truly threaten that level 71 powerhouse!

It can be said that in the coming war, whether Midi will take the initiative or be passive, and how high the probability of survival will depend on whether he can make a breakthrough in spiritual power.

"There are still six days before the war really starts."

Midi was talking to himself, and took out the small bottle of "Phantom God Wine" from the storage ring.

The pale golden liquor rolled in the bottle made of Tianjing, reflecting a dreamlike brilliance.

This bottle of Illusory God Wine was obtained through bargaining from the East Palace Master, and the portion was a bit more than what Midi exchanged from Crystal Dragon Castle back then.

Whether he can break through the bottleneck in a short period of time and become a psychic king depends on the effect of this bottle of phantom wine.

"Rotes, please protect me!"

Midi said.

"No problem, just leave it to me!"

The eighth apostle Luo Tesi replied lightly, but there was a reassuring tone in his tone.

Without any hesitation, Midi swallowed the phantom wine in one gulp, then immediately sank his mind into his body, and began to use the "True Dragon Sword" with all his strength!

In an instant, a wave of dark blue surged in Midi's body. It was the pure psionic energy he possessed, and under the second stimulation of the phantom wine, it began to climb to new heights!
The cleansing of the soul time and time again continued in Midi's body.

The phantoms that appeared over and over again kept reincarnating in Midi's mind.

At the same time, the dark blue psionic energy in Midi's body, like water flowing in the ice and snow, unexpectedly began to gradually freeze and crystallize!

This is the most obvious proof of the transition from a high-level psychic to a psychic king in "Sea Emperor's Inheritance".

One day, two days...

Three days, four days...

five days, six days...

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, Midi opened her eyes.

The moment he opened his eyes, all creatures within a radius of hundreds of kilometers suddenly froze slightly, as if they had fallen into a state of trance at this moment.

And in Midi's opened eyes, there was no blue any more, but the original pitch black as ink, it was as if he had become an ordinary professional!
However, this is of course impossible.

The reason why the dark blue is no longer glowing in the eyes is because the psionic energy in Midi's body has been completely crystallized now.

It no longer swims around the surface of the "True Dragon Sword" like a liquid, nor does it burn like a black iron dragon flame, but turns into a bright blue star diamond, embedded in the "True Dragon Sword". "On the hilt of the sword!

Midi's thoughts moved slightly.

Without any fluctuation of spiritual energy, in an instant, everything within a radius of a hundred miles, from a grain of sand to a gust of hot wind, the flow of magic power, and the thoughts of creatures, all appeared in his field of vision!
This is the power of "panoramic sensing" of psychic powers.

And with this sweep, Midi immediately spotted the two Blade Demons hiding in the air.

These two blade demons are at least [-] kilometers away from Midi, far beyond the line of sight, even beyond the normal magic sensing range.

But now, under the sweep of Midi's psychic power, they have nowhere to hide.

Midi directly locked on to the two blade demons, and then a series of psychic abilities hit them.

In an instant, one of the blade demons bled to death on the spot, and without even screaming, it fell limply on the ground as if its bones had been ripped out of its body.

This is the result of the psychic power "Psychic Sniper Burst".

The other blade demon fell into a near-death state, and his mind went blank.

This is the result of psychic "brain lock".

The next moment, Midi directly extracted all the memories he wanted from the blade demon's mind.

"It resonates from the wall of the dimension. This is the last day, and more and more demons have entered the sixth floor of this dark region."

Carefully flipping through the blade demon's memory, Midi frowned.

Judging from the situation on this last day, the number of demon army is even more than before.

Now it is roughly estimated that there are at least 1000 to [-] demons waiting at the other end of the passage, ready to invade.

This is not counting the blade demons who have penetrated into the sixth floor and acted as scouts.

Added together, there are at least [-].

Fortunately, today's Midi has successfully promoted to the king of psychic powers. Psychic powers are not trivial, with extremely long range, great power, and a wide range of perception. Therefore, even if he knows that the enemy is increasing troops again, he will also Still no panic.

Of course, Midi won't feel overconfident just because he was promoted to the Psychic King. The preparations that should be made are still indispensable.

"It's time to exchange all the dragon energy, and make peace with Odin and others at the same time."

Midi shot out a psychic sniper, killed the blade demon that had been pulled out of its memory, and walked out of the cave.

Immediately afterwards, he had turned into a stream of black light and flew towards the direction of the Dark Dragon City.

In the Dark Dragon City, compared to the initial situation where most people wandered around in a daze, now it is much more orderly.

This kind of orderliness does not mean order, but that the true dragon fighters no longer wander around like before, but all of them have become hurried and busy.

More and more blade demon scouts entered the sixth floor, and the number of true dragon fighters who encountered these demons naturally continued to increase.

Even if there is no mind reading ability, there will always be someone who will torture some specific information from these demons.

More than a thousand demons are about to launch an attack. At some point, the news has spread throughout the entire Dark Dragon City.

Although most people feel uneasy about this, after all, they are true dragon fighters, the most powerful genius elites in the entire Underdark, and they won't run away in a hurry when they don't see the enemy.

However, this news is enough to make everyone feel heavy.

In order to deal with this situation, most of the true dragon fighters chose to exchange for golems.

At this moment, on the last day when the resonance of the Dimensional Wall is about to begin, quite a number of golems of various types have appeared on the central square of the Dark Dragon Palace. The total number is about [-].

This is also the approximate upper limit of the dragon energy that these one hundred true dragon fighters can exchange for.

However, although more than 800 golems were placed on the square, it looked densely packed, like a forest made of steel, but this did not give the true dragon fighters much sense of security.

First of all, it is smaller than the demon army in number.

Secondly, the fighting power of these golems is only around level 65, and the stronger ones can reach level 68. However, these are just referring to the fighting power of ordinary professionals without any blood and hole cards.

In real combat, a blade demon at the lowest level might be able to kill at least one golem.

Finally, dragon fighters are not proficient in how to manipulate golems to fight.

They can only issue the most basic orders, but they don't know anything about how to form an effective killing formation.

It can be said that most people can instinctively perceive that this war has no chance of winning.

However, they have no other choice.

After a lot of hard work, he finally entered this dark dragon city. Could it be that he did nothing and ran away in despair?

No true dragon fighter would be reconciled.

Besides, even if he escaped, where could he escape to?
The three giant dragons in the three great temples have never promised that they will protect the real dragon fighters.

Therefore, the entire square is filled with a kind of deathly coldness and silence.

(End of this chapter)

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