Arad's Sword

Chapter 541 Going to the Front Line

Chapter 541 Going to the Front Line
"What about that human? Where did he go?"

"Queen of Beasts" Immutisari glanced at the square, her pretty brows slightly frowned.

And beside her, the intimidating black yao roc also let out a hostile cry.

Six days ago, this highly intelligent summoned beast still firmly remembered the contempt Midi showed towards it.

"It may have been killed by a demon during the investigation, or it may have escaped."

On the side, "King of the Iron Wall" Shi Gefen said calmly, but, in this plainness, there was an uncontrollable anger hidden.

Six days ago, the fact that Midi used the magic vein to injure him has become a heart problem for this son of the dragon. He has long made up his mind to get this place back sooner or later.

As for the "King of Slaughter" Ivanov, he had nothing to do with the other Sons of Dragons, and it was only to get information from Midi, so the three of them got together.

Now, the battle is imminent, and the Slaughter King has already left the city early, obviously he has been provoked by the atmosphere before the battle and cannot restrain his mood.

But "Ice Queen" Katerina, at this moment, is also standing beside the "Giant Beast Queen" and "Iron Wall King".

"Based on that Midi's cunning, he should not be killed or run away. I'm afraid he is hiding somewhere, waiting for us to fight the devil and then come out to catch the leak. Humans are like this, lacking strength, but Very good at finding loopholes."

Katerina gritted her teeth and said.

Compared with the trio of Dragon Sons who had suffered from Midi, the atmosphere on the other side was much better.

With Odin the "King of Thunder" as the center, nine true dragon fighters from the central temple formed a circle, forming a powerful aura that no one could get close to.

However, the "King of Fighting" Thor and Alex are by this Odin's side.

At this moment, although Midi hadn't shown up yet, Odin's expression was as calm as ever.

From Thor and Alex, the "King of Thunder" has learned the truth in Crystal Dragon Castle.

After carefully listening to the ins and outs of the resource war in the Sombra Forest, even Odin couldn't help but be impressed by Midi's talent in strategic command.

He could fully imagine that the battle with the devil in front of him was the biggest opportunity for Midi to display his strengths.

Therefore, he believed that Midi would never be absent.

On the contrary, the human with black hair and black eyes will definitely appear at the most suitable time.


Suddenly, Odin raised his head, as if feeling something in his heart, he looked at the gray sky above the Dark Dragon City.

The next moment, along with his short words, a red and black streak of light pierced the sky, like a shooting star, and landed directly on the central square.

"Sorry, I'm late." Midi nodded to Odin and others.

"It seems that Mr. Midi has gained a lot in these six days." Odin looked at Midi with a slight look of surprise in his eyes.

Although Midi is still only level 67 at the moment, the "King of Thunder" suddenly found that he couldn't see through Midi!

It was as if Midi's whole body was shrouded in a layer of hazy mist, no matter what method was used, even the "removing the false and preserving the true" of the Thunder Dragon's blood could not get rid of it.

What happened in just six days?
In Odin's heart, a trace of curiosity could not help but arise.

"If there is no harvest, then why bother to retreat? However, the key now is the current war, so, a few..."

Midi said so, and took a serious look at Odin, Thor and Alex.

"Just as I said before, it's up to you to specify the type of golem to exchange."

Odin nodded readily, and answered straight to the point.

Those who took the lead expressed their views, and Thor and Alex naturally would not object.

As for the other nine true dragon fighters in the central temple, it can be said that they are completely obedient to Odin. After Odin has spoken, the only thing they will do is execute it.

As a result, Midi's dragon energy available for deployment reached nearly 7000 points in an instant.

Although these dragon spirits are not enough to create a sufficient battalion, it also gives Midi a certain space to display. At least, he can create an army that can affect the development of the next thousand-man battle. up.

"Let me see, Midi Asrex, what kind of army you will build."

Odin murmured, which also spoke for everyone else.

The dazzling exchange list was unfolded in front of Midi. However, during the past six days, although Midi has been attacking the "Psychic King", he did not stop thinking about the next battle in his mind.

Coupled with the latest information he got from Blade Demon, at this moment, he already has a well-thought-out plan and a strategy.

Therefore, when exchanging, Midi naturally flowed smoothly without any hesitation.

In just ten minutes, nearly 7000 points of Dragon Qi were all consumed by Midi like running water.

With such a skill, even Odin couldn't help but smile bitterly.

This is 7000 points of dragon energy. In the dark region, even the lord of a city may not be able to get 1 point.

Now Midi spends it like spending ordinary gold coins, how can this make him indifferent.

As for Thor and Alex, they are numb.

And after all the dragon energy was spent, there were nearly 40 more golems around Midi.

These 40 golems are divided into two types. One is a mechanical centaur archer who travels lightly and is good at long-range attacks.

The other is a heavy armored centaur knight who is good at charging and breaking through.

In addition, there is a "four-armed craftsman" that can repair other golems.

It can be said that the composition of the golem army exchanged by Midi is extremely simple and quite straightforward.

Moreover, the price is high.

Each golem needs at least 200 dragon gas to exchange for dragon gas, which is much higher than the 100 dragon gas or even 50 dragon gas exchanged by other real dragon fighters.

This is a blade-like cavalry team with an extremely direct fighting style and extremely strong attack power.

"That's all right?" Odin was slightly taken aback.

In Odin's view, since Midi is very good at commanding, it is natural to exchange for an army of various types of arms, and then through careful calculation and dazzling cooperation, to achieve victory with less, victory with weakness, and even zero. Casualty record.

Unexpectedly, Midi didn't make any tricks at all, but simply exchanged for a cavalry unit.

The only attack method for this cavalry unit is to charge.

Can such a simple tactic really work against an army of demons with multiple attack methods?
Odin couldn't help having such a question in his heart.

Aware of the doubts in everyone's hearts, Midi smiled slightly: "As long as the sword is fast enough, it doesn't need to have too many functions. As for whether it can draw a sword flower, it depends on the user's ability. "

"I see." Odin nodded, "Then let me look forward to it."

"Don't worry, after the next battle, I believe that everyone's dragon energy will definitely soar."

As Midi said, she held her hands together for a while.

Immediately, thirteen real dragon fighters, plus 40 golems, rushed out of the Inheritance Dragon Temple like a stream of iron. Under the eyes of everyone, they ran directly from the central avenue to the city gate, and then marched towards the front line of the demons. And go!

Driven by this momentum, the other true dragon fighters also began to act involuntarily.

If you follow behind such a leading soldier, perhaps, you can reap a lot of benefits!
Others have had the idea.

Even the three sons of the dragon who had been sneering at Midi before, lost face at the moment, commanded their respective troops at the same time, and followed closely behind Midi.

However, since Midi made up his mind to let these true dragon fighters suffer, how could he really set himself in front?

He is not a saint, on the contrary, he is a commander who will succeed forever.

At the beginning, Midi moved forward at an unhurried pace, pulling up nearly a hundred real dragon fighters behind him, as well as more than 800 golems under their control.

However, soon after leaving the Dark Dragon City and entering an area where dimensional rifts might appear, Midi became less talkative.

He suddenly flew straight into the air instead of acting on the ground.

At the same time, his iron cavalry army, as well as Odin and others, also increased their speed in a uniform manner at the same time, and in an instant, all the others were thrown away!
Although these 40 mechanical centaurs are expensive, their performance and strength are also excellent, reaching the level of a 68-level general professional. Once pulled up, the speed is extremely fast.

The only "Four-Armed Craftsman" was held in Odin's hands, so it was not a problem at all.

Although it is not that the other true dragon fighters cannot catch up with this cavalry team, the problem is that they are not alone.

Even if they catch up by themselves, the golems under their command can't catch up with it at all.

Moreover, these true dragon fighters are still figuring out how to manipulate the golems. After speeding up the march, the formation became even more scattered, and many of them dispersed after running.

Under such circumstances, it was impossible to catch up with Midi's troops.

Soon, Midi used the rugged terrain to throw off the large troops behind him, and then disappeared into the complex terrain composed of magma and volcanoes.

"That guy!" The eyes of "Queen of Beasts" Immutisari flashed with anger.

However, although she is good at commanding summoned beasts, she still can't command such a large number of golems, so she can only give up chasing Midi.

And not long after Midi disappeared, the entire sixth floor of the Underdark began to tremble slightly.

In the air, the dark magic power is surging.

Above the ground, the volcano continuously erupted streams of hot magma.

Immediately afterwards, space fissures appeared on the ground out of thin air in this doomsday-like scene.

From these spatial rifts, figures with pungent sulfur breath all over their bodies came out one by one.

The demons have arrived.

 It's been a long time since it broke out. Today is the third update, the second update is at 19:30, and the third update is at 23:30!

(End of this chapter)

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