Arad's Sword

Chapter 543 Killing the Devil in the Deep Hell

Chapter 543 Killing the Devil in the Deep Hell
The devil's adjutant howled, and a huge blood-colored scimitar appeared in his hand.

This scimitar made of the flames of hell collided fiercely with the thunder sword in Odin's hand, and immediately aroused a violent wave of magic power, causing a gust of wind to blow across the entire battlefield!
Where the sharp blades of the two weapons meet, sparks are overflowing.

It's a pity that although this devil's adjutant blocked Odin's sword, he couldn't block the lightning itself.

The lightning bolts that poured out from the edge of the sword directly penetrated the flames on the scimitar, and even pierced through the layers of protection around the devil's adjutant!
These lightning bolts were like blades regenerated from the blades of the swords. On the demon adjutant's body, scars with deep bones were visible, and brought large areas of scorched black.

"Thunder Dragon Bloodline", as the top bloodline in the Underdark Region and closest to the real dragon's bloodline, its domineering power is fully displayed at this moment.

However, although it has an overwhelming advantage in attack power, one of the characteristics of a demon is that it has an extremely tough body and strong resilience.

This is also the reason why the demons can survive and become the masters in the extremely harsh environment of the demon world.

The devil's adjutant was roaring non-stop after being beaten, but he never lost his mobility, still resisting Odin's attack firmly.

At the same time, patches of black air continued to emerge from his wound.

These black air are like tentacles, invisible and incapable of attacking, but they can be stretched out and then penetrated into the bodies of other ordinary demons.

The demons pierced by the black air screamed one after another, and began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally turned into ashes.

The wounds on the devil's adjutant's body recovered at a faster speed at the same time, and soon returned to the way it was before the battle, and even the magic power in his body became even more surging!
"Hmph, do you think that you can defeat me with the little lizard blood in your body? Let me tell you, the demons are invincible!"

The devil's adjutant reversed the disadvantage and immediately let out a sinister laugh.

However, he did not get carried away with this and launched a fierce attack. On the contrary, he guarded his door more tightly.

Don't look at the current aggressiveness of Midi and Odin, but in the final analysis, their iron cavalry team only has more than 50 people in total.

The number of people is small, and no matter how strong the penetrating power is, the lethality it can cause is limited.

As long as delaying tactics are adopted, with the continuous gathering of demons on the central battlefield, plus those coming from the dimensional rift, soon, these mechanical centaurs will lose their mobility and be trapped in the center of the field. Others will also lose the chance to escape.

Therefore, the devil's adjutant didn't attack at all, but just defended.

As long as he prolongs the time, he will naturally be able to win.

And even though Odin has the blood of the thunder dragon, in the face of the devil's evil method of extracting the vitality of his companions to repair himself, he can't completely take it down for a while.

For a moment, the raid fell into a stalemate.

In other words, it is about to fall into a deadlock.

At this moment, Midi finally played his trump card.

His pair of eyes that were as black as ink suddenly became extremely deep at this moment, as if they were about to absorb all the surrounding light.

At the same time, within Midi's body, the psychic orb inlaid on the hilt of the real dragon sword, which was made up of concentrated psychic energy, also burst into bright light.

As soon as the light left Midi's body, it became soundless, invisible, and without even a trace of murderous intent, it stabbed directly at the devil's adjutant like a sword light.


The body of the devil's adjutant froze slightly.

He was not directly attacked and is in good physical condition.

But suddenly, he felt as if his whole body was exposed naked on the battlefield, without any protection around him, and the secret in his heart appeared directly in his mind.

Thinking, confused.

This is the unique ability of the Psychic King, soul penetration!
Just when the devil's adjutant was in doubt, it seemed that an invisible big hand slapped him directly on the forehead, making him feel dizzy as if he had been hit by a hammer, and staring at his eyes.

Thoughts stopped.

Psychic powers, brain locking!
With two powerful weakening skills against spiritual energy resistance, the devil's adjutant's current spiritual energy resistance is not as good as that of ordinary professionals.

It is the best time to kill it with one blow.

The next moment, Midi's eyes once again shimmered.

A series of invisible spiritual sword lights directly penetrated the demon's adjutant's body, piercing his soul with holes!

Psychic powers, psychic sniper bursts!
The devil's adjutant uttered an earth-shattering howl of pain, and thick blood spurted out from the seven orifices.

And when he was struggling, Odin, the "King of Thunder" beside him, naturally couldn't miss the opportunity. The light of the Thunder Sword in his hand rose sharply, and then converged into an extremely sharp brilliance, and he chopped off his head.

The devil's adjutant, who had been beaten to pieces by the psychic sniper bursts, had no room to resist this time.

The light flashed, and he was directly cut in half by Odin.

No more blood flowed, no more pieces of meat fell.

Flames full of pungent sulfur breath rose from this fragmented body.

Immediately afterwards, the huge body of the devil's adjutant turned into pieces of flying ashes, blown by the hot wind of the battlefield, and directly scattered into countless sparks and debris.

"it is good!"

Even Thor and the others, who did not directly participate in the battle, couldn't help applauding after seeing two level 70 demons being eliminated one after another.

It was the first time they had seen such a fierce offensive.

At the same time, Midi and Odin, who personally eliminated the two demons from the deep hell, the Dragon Tooth Token in their bodies kept vibrating, and their Dragon Qi continued to soar!
A large amount of dragon energy is being poured into their bodies.

However, despite achieving a great victory in a short period of time and getting a lot of rewards, Midi's expression did not relax at all, on the contrary, it became more tense.


"The King of Thunder" Odin said softly, his expression became extremely dignified.

"The whole army obeys the order, retreat immediately, retreat at full speed!"

Midi issued an order with the highest volume.

At the moment when his order was issued, a monstrous coercion enveloped the air from midair.

Then, the void itself above the battlefield cracked countless spider web-like lines.

From this crack, hellish flames like clouds of fire continuously ooze out, falling from the sky like a rain of fire, burning everything on the battlefield, and turning this area into a sea of ​​flames!

Undoubtedly, this is the display of the "field power" possessed by powerhouses above level 71.

The level 71 demon general is about to arrive.

Although the fire clouds were burning above his head, and the fire rain continued to fall, Midi's expression was as calm as ever. In other words, at this moment, he had already completely forgotten his fear and worry.

"Follow my sword!"

Midi issued a reassuring order as always, and then he soared into the air, skimming at low altitude, and just cleared the way ahead.

This time, Midi didn't avoid the other battle groups in the previous way, because he was too late.

Whenever he encountered a large number of enemies, he would shoot them in like a meteor without hesitation, hitting the ground directly, shocking the surrounding demons, and then swiping them with the Black Iron Dragon Flame to clean them up in an instant. Create a large open space.

At the same time, Odin, the "King of Thunder" and Thor, the "King of Fighting", who followed closely on the ground, also attacked with all their strength, rushing and fighting all the way.

If Midi is a sharp sword hanging in the sky to open the way, then these two people are the iron fists that widen the escape route.

With two fists, a sword, and the iron flow made of mechanical centaurs rolling from behind, no demon can stop such a force of destruction!

Soon, Midi's cavalry team rushed out of the "Fire Field" of the demon general and arrived at a safe location.

"What do we do next?" Odin asked.

In all fairness, being able to kill two level 70 deep-hell refiners by relying on a surprise attack in a relatively weak situation can already be regarded as a great victory.

Coupled with the fact that Midi and the others killed a considerable number of ordinary demons along the way, it can be said that this level 71 demon general became a bare-bones commander short of troops as soon as he entered the sixth floor of the Underdark.

Even if Midi and the others return directly to the Dark Dragon City at this moment, he will definitely not dare to pursue them, and it is even quite difficult to find a place to build a defense line.

Therefore, Midi and others can choose to leave.

But Midi didn't do that.

Because although they escaped, there are still many true dragon fighters who are still trapped on the battlefield.

Those within the range of the demon general's "Fire Field" were almost dead.

However, those who have not been enveloped by the "Fire Field" are still desperately resisting.

However, their hopes of breaking out of the encirclement are very slim.

Because, if they can't break through in a short time, they will soon face the real body of a level 71 powerhouse.

After the demon general tore open the dimensional rift and came here, the trapped true dragon fighters had no choice but to die.

"If too many true dragon fighters die, the next battle may become very difficult, so we have to save them."

Midi finally made a decision.

save people?

For a moment, Thor and Alex thought they had heard wrong.

This genius who came all the way up and killed countless dark regions, and the guy who stepped on a dragon's son, actually said that he wanted to save people at this moment?

And he was saving people under a level 71 demon general?

When did that extremely fierce Midi Asrex become such a bad guy?
Or, is there any terrible conspiracy in it?

The two looked at each other, and they both saw the deep confusion in each other's eyes.

 The third is here!
(End of this chapter)

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