Arad's Sword

Chapter 544 Rescue on the battlefield

Chapter 544 Rescue on the battlefield
Aware of Thor and Alex's question, Midi smiled and opened her mouth lightly.

"This has nothing to do with personal feelings, it's purely out of strategic considerations, watching them die now, next, we, who are weak and weak, may have to die when we face the demon general, in order to let everyone have a higher chance of surviving Some, you need to take a risk now, although it may be contradictory to take a risk in order to survive, but doing something is better than doing nothing."

Midi made an explanation at a very fast speed, but his eyes were cast on Odin, the "King of Thunder".

Although he explained it to Thor and Alex, the one who can really make a decision is the strongest son of the dragon.

Odin's attitude is the key to this team saving or giving up.

"Mr. Midi, there is no need to worry too much. Since you want to save someone, just tell me how to save it."

Odin smiled and answered readily.

Obviously, as the son of the strongest dragon, his vision is by no means narrow, and he is also standing on a far-sighted long-term perspective. Therefore, without Midido saying anything, he can immediately understand the real intention of doing so.

"Then, it's up to the two of us to return to the battlefield, break through the demon's encirclement, and open a passage for those true dragon fighters. The rest of us will lead the iron cavalry to respond outside. Once the demon general appears, the rescue operation will be over."

Midi's thinking is clear and simple.

He owns the "Sky Dragon Strike", and his mobility can be said to be the strongest among all of them.

And the "King of Thunder" Odin's level is the highest, with 70 levels.

In case the two of them bumped into that level 71 demon general, there was no chance of escaping.

After all, this person's domain strength is not the restrictive "gravity domain" or the like, but the aggressive "flame domain", which is easier to break through.

As for the others, although it is not difficult to defeat the demon, it is very difficult to please them when facing the demon general.

And the iron cavalry team spent 7000 dragon energy in exchange, and it was even more impossible for Midi to take these mechanical centaurs to take risks.

In the final analysis, it is still a word, do your best.

Midi went to save people for the sake of a higher chance of survival in the future, not for some lofty ideals, it would not be worth putting herself in it.

"Wait, I'm going with you too!"

Suddenly, Thor spoke.

Obviously, "Dou Wang" also has the dignity of "Du Wang".

In Thor's view, Midi's arrangement is like treating him like a rookie or a flower in a greenhouse!
As the number one fighter in Menzoberranzan, how could Thor endure it?
When Midi heard Thor's request, she was stunned for a while, but then she showed a smile.


He directly rejected the other party.

"What! Midi"

Thor's face changed suddenly.

"You and Alex have to lead the iron cavalry and respond from the outside. This is the best tactic. Odin and I didn't go in mainly to fight, but to tear the formation. The real The attack still depends on those true dragon fighters themselves, and then, whether you can escape or not depends on your actions."

Midi patiently explained, then nodded to Odin.

The next moment, the black iron dragon flames around him flew up into the air, and once again flew into the battlefield.

"What Midi means is that more commanders who can stand on their own are needed. You should think about it yourself."

Odin smiled slightly and said this to Thor, then his figure flickered and turned into a flash of lightning, and he also swept away.

"I always feel that that guy, Midi, seems to have seen through our cards."

On the side, Alex stepped forward and couldn't help frowning.

When Midi killed the demon adjutant with psychic powers, he felt something in his heart.

Now, seeing Midi pointing out that he and Thor are cooperating on the outside, Alex's doubts are even greater.

However, Thor just snorted coldly, and then said: "The two of them must not let us underestimate us, there is no way out, we must open a path!"

"try your best."

Alex sighed helplessly and shrugged.

Without the support of the cavalry team and a group of real dragon fighters, the offensive power of Midi and Odin is naturally greatly reduced.

However, this time, the two of them can also be regarded as going into battle lightly.

When he was in the cavalry team before, Midi could not fly too high or too fast, and Odin could not advance at full speed, otherwise the formation of the entire team would collapse.

But now, they can bring their own characteristics into full play.

Looking from a distance, I could only see a shooting star, dragging a red and black tail flame, sometimes falling from the sky, falling fiercely into the group of demons, and sometimes rising from the ground, bringing up pieces of bloody light.

At the same time, there was also a flickering thunderbolt light, which was close to the ground, flying at an incredible speed, and every time it passed, there would be a burst of sound.

And accompanied by this explosive sound, several to ten demons would be blown up by the invisible "sword drawing sound" every time!

Midi and Odin, one flying into the sky and the other hiding in the ground, galloping freely and horizontally in this extremely chaotic battlefield, as if entering the land of no one.

They were like two extremely sharp knives, slashing up and down, and the defense line formed by the demons suddenly became riddled with holes and fragments again.

And the true dragon fighters who were still trapped on the battlefield immediately took advantage of this opportunity and started to run away desperately.

Although these true dragon fighters are not good at large-scale battles, and they have just started to command the golems, but if they are alone, it will not be a problem.

Many people saw the actions of Midi and Odin, and immediately understood the meaning. They gritted their teeth, abandoned the remaining golem, and rushed out with a sigh of relief.

Although there are also many blade demons who are good at "walking through the void", or a small number of high-level demons with flying skills follow behind, trying to chase and kill these fleeing true dragon fighters, but it is not so easy.

Because the "King of Fighting" Thor and Alex, also led a cavalry team composed of mechanical centaurs, wandering back and forth in the outer circle to meet them.

The Blade Demon, who was not good at frontal combat, couldn't resist the charge of these high-priced golems.

As for the high-level demons that can fly, although they have the air superiority, Thor is a battle mage with teleportation skills. As long as these high-level demons fly a little lower, he can directly teleport into the air and attack.

Suddenly, the devil's defense line was broken by Midi, and the devil's pursuit was disrupted by the support troops arranged by Midi.

Those true dragon fighters who had no hope of surviving, survived one by one after making a round at the gate of hell.

"Well, isn't that Engman and Lilian?"

During the flight, Midi suddenly saw two acquaintances.

The two fighters in Blue Lake City were obviously very unlucky, and they were trapped in the most dense area of ​​demons.

Although Lilian is an extremely powerful psychic, unfortunately, demons are precisely a race that is extremely resistant to psychic powers.

Before becoming a psychic king, it was difficult for all kinds of psychic powers to play any role.

Because of this, the sharpest killing move in Blue Lake City has become a blunt knife here, and it is the 68-level Engman who can really fully display his strength.

The captain of the Blue Lake City fighter has reached the peak level of 68 from the initial level 68. It can be said that he can be regarded as a strong man who can stand on his own.

It's just that, facing a large number of madly attacking blade demons and sickle demons, relying on his strength alone, he is like a mantis holding a cart.

If it wasn't for the topographical factors that allowed Engman to get stuck at a pass in a highland, the two of them would have been submerged by the Devil's Sea long ago.

As for the golems they exchanged, they have all been dismantled into scrap iron.

Just when the two fell into despair, a meteor fell from the sky and directly smashed a terrible huge crater on the ground.

The shock wave brought by the falling meteor even knocked a large piece of Blade Demon to the ground.

The next moment, the high-temperature black iron dragon flame swept away, instantly crushing more than a dozen blade demons into powder!

"Middy, it's you!"

In Lilian's voice, there was an uncontrollable surprise, as well as a shiver of the afterlife.

"Are you here to save us?"

Engman looked at Midi with extremely complicated eyes, and it took him a long time to hold back such a sentence.

Originally, when he saw Midi for the first time at the eastern cross-domain portal, he dismissed this human being at all.

Then, at the Black Dragon Conference, Midi rose strongly, making Engman have to regard it as a strong competitor.

Later, after Midi defeated the "Ice Queen" Katerina, Engman finally understood the gap between the two.

And now, it turned out to be this person who went deep into the demon army alone and came to rescue him.

All of a sudden, Engelman had mixed feelings.

However, Midi didn't have the heart to care about what he was thinking at all.

"Immediately retreat to the north. When you get outside, there will naturally be someone to meet you. Don't stop in the middle, and don't be entangled. Otherwise, no one will be able to save you."

Midi gave instructions very directly, without any politeness.

Naturally, it is impossible for Engman to have any emotions at all. He is still convinced besides being convinced, so he can only nod silently.

"how about you?"

Lilian asked immediately, her beautiful crystal-colored eyes were no longer full of teasing and teasing as usual, but a little worried.

"I will directly..."

Midi originally wanted to say that he would fly away directly and disturb the situation by the way.

But halfway through the words, he stopped.

Because, at the entrance of the battlefield, a corner of the huge crack that kept gushing out the flames of hell was finally shattered.

And from this corner, a huge palm with a radius of one kilometer and completely woven with flames was overwhelmingly pressed down.

"Stupid mortals dare to resist the will from the abyss. Now bear my wrath! I will imprison all your souls and send them to the furnace to be tortured!"

A deep roar like rolling thunder rang in everyone's ears.

Demon General, finally entered the sixth floor of the Underdark.

(End of this chapter)

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