Arad's Sword

Chapter 553 Dragon City Factory

Chapter 553 Dragon City Factory
"If we join forces, I will fight head-on, and you will attack from the side, even if it is a level 71 demon general, it will not be difficult to kill."

Odin did not give up, but instead began to persuade Midi.

But soon, under Midi's explanation, Odin stopped insisting.

The reason is very simple, the real dragon spirit is not enough.

According to the previous estimate of the inheritance giant dragon, this 71-level demon general can only convert 30 points of real dragon energy.

As far as this point of true dragon spirit is concerned, Midi and Odin still have to share it equally, and each person can only get 15 points.

In other words, at most, it can only be exchanged for one of the most common "Ancestral Dragon Bloodlines".

And with Odin's heart, either don't exchange, if you want to exchange, it must be the best exchange.

Then only the "blood of the ancient dragon" with 20 points of true dragon energy can satisfy him.

In addition, blood alone is not enough, and a supporting inheritance is also required.

Odin abolished his "Thunder Dragon Bloodline", and many corresponding inheritances, it can be said that they were also abolished together, and he would be in an extremely weak state.

In order to quickly recover from this weak state, new bloodlines, inheritance, and the cooperation of various special medicines for conditioning and the environment are required.

And each of these requires true dragon spirit.

A mere 15 points of real dragon energy is not enough at all.

Besides, having said that, it may not be possible to get 15 points of true dragon spirit.

However, in Midi's view, since this is a war that lasted for three months, it is absolutely impossible for the devil to have only one level 71 devil general present.

This scale may be quite shocking at the beginning, but compared with the Dark Dragon City guarded by three giant dragons—even if it’s just the body of will—it’s still not enough, and it’s simply not enough to maintain such a long tug-of-war.

If the demons really want to invade the Underdark, they will definitely send more troops to attack.

It is very possible that the demon general at level 71 has already appealed to the demon world for help.

After all, he lost two of his right-hand men, and it would be difficult for him to handle it alone.

What's more, according to Midi's previous experience, these cunning demons would never choose to fight alone.

Unless Midi and Odin are only level 60, like the situation in the sky and sea of ​​clouds, the level 70 demon viscount will play alone under such a crushing advantage.

Now that level 71 is against a level 70 plus a level 67, Midi doesn't think that this demon general will be bloody and confront them head-on.

Since hunting high-level demons is a long-term event, there is absolutely no need to launch an attack without sufficient preparation.

On the contrary, they should be fully prepared, not only to hunt down this level 71 demon general, but also to consider the future situation.

Whether it is a level 72 or 73 devil viscount, or even a level 75 devil count, there must be a strategy to deal with it.

Of course, this coping strategy is not just about simply improving one's own strength.

Because there is not enough time.

Midi has just reached level 68, and Odin is facing the bottleneck of peak level 69.

In the next period of time, it is unrealistic for them to want to raise their own level again.

Even if a lot of potions of tenth or even super-tenth ranks are exchanged, it is impossible for Midi and Odin to be promoted easily.

After all, real masters are definitely not made by piles of potions. Moreover, if potions are drunk to a certain extent, they will not be able to pile up.

In this case, facing the ever-increasing enemy, the only way is to use external force.

"External force? You mean the golem?"

Odin frowned.

Golems can form an army and gain strategic victory.

But if you want to besiege one or even several strong men, the use of the golem army is very small, almost zero.

Even if the demon general was beaten to death by Midi, the genius commander, these golems could not prevent the demon from escaping.

After all, he is a field expert at level 71, maybe he even has flying skills.

"The golem is only one aspect, and there are many other external forces that can be used." Midi smiled, not much, but stretched out his hand to Odin, "Your dragon token, bring it .”

"You guy..."

The corners of Odin's eyes twitched, but in the end he could only hand over the dragon spirit token.

Midi took it honestly and put the two tokens together. Immediately, Odin's dragon energy continuously entered into Midi's token.

Midi's own dragon energy is more than 10000 points. When he went to the Inheritance Dragon Temple before, he didn't exchange for anything. He patronized to look at the rare exchange list.

On Odin's side, nearly 9000 Dragon Qi points were obtained in the last battle, and a small part was used in the exchange, and now there are more than 7000 points left.

The more than 7000 dragon energy was drained by Midi in one go, leaving only 1000 points on the token.

"Don't feel bad, these ordinary dragon spirits are useless to you. They can only be exchanged for super-tenth-level potions at most. This is the limit of the initial-level exchange list. Even if you reach the middle level, there are only some eleven It’s just a high-level potion, I’ve reserved 1000 points for you to exchange.”

Midi watched the number on his token skyrocket with satisfaction, then patted the opponent on the shoulder, and comforted him.

Although very distressed, Odin had to admit that Midi was telling the truth.

And the more important point is that if these dragon qi can be exchanged for a greater chance of obtaining real dragon qi, no matter how much it takes, Odin will pay without hesitation.

After successfully forming an alliance with the "King of Thunder", and then obtaining more than 6000 points of Dragon Qi, Midi left the area where Odin was in satisfaction.

Then, he activated the level [-] authority again, and came directly to a sparsely populated area in the Dark Dragon City.

There are no real dragon fighters here, only a large number of patrolling mechanical centaurs, and mechanical bees flying in the air. Other than that, what is left is a large number of buildings that look like black iron.

Here is the alchemy factory of Dark Dragon City.

This alchemy factory is huge, like a gigantic monster, devouring massive amounts of nutrients all the time.

These "nutrients" don't just refer to the dragon energy contributed by the true dragon fighters, that's just a small part of it.

In the dark region, there are a large number of small realms, many of which are various "Dragon Castles". For example, the "Crystal Dragon Castle" that Midi entered was one of them.

In these dragon castles, the dragon temples set up by the three giant dragons are mining resources from the small realms all the time, and even drive the dark elves who enter it to explore instead of them.

And these excavated resources, a large part of them, were directly sent to the dragon city on the sixth floor of the dark region through the teleportation circle for its operation.

Why is the exchange list in Dark Dragon City the best, and there is even such a thing as a rare exchange list?
Why is the defense of Dark Dragon City so high that it can even withstand the attacks of those demons?

To a large extent, it is because this dragon city has extracted the resources of the entire Underdark region.

Or rather, the entire Underdark feeds the city and contributes its greatest geniuses to defend against the demonic invasion every five years.

Now, Midi is standing in such an alchemy factory.

"Mr. Midi, welcome to come."

An alchemy golem strode over, and bowed deeply to Midi like a real living person.

This golem has an appearance similar to that of an intelligent race. In addition, it has six arms, each of which is long and flexible, and the fingers at the front are extremely slender.

Obviously, this is a craftsman golem, and the grade is even higher than the "four-armed craftsman" exchanged by Midi.

This is a "six-arm craftsman".

Feeling deeply about the alchemy of Tyrannosaurus King Bakar, Midi said, "List the list of four levels of authority."

"Obey." Two rays of light shot out from the eyes of the six-armed craftsman, and then, a light curtain formed in front of Midi.

The densely packed text listed on this light curtain is the many rights owned by the fourth-level authority of the Dark Dragon City.

Of course, it is impossible to directly use the resources of the Dark Dragon City. This is the restriction set by the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar at the bottom.

Even for the three giant dragons, it is impossible to use resources at will, especially the resources listed in the "rare exchange list" on the black dragon stone tablet.

Otherwise, Midi and the eighth apostle Lotos would have asked them for the water of life as a reward.

As for Midi, let alone the rare exchange list, even if it is on the ordinary exchange list, he can't ask for it.

If you want to have materials, you still have to exchange the dragon energy in the dragon energy token.

However, this kind of exchange is at least much better than the exchange of real dragon fighters outside, and it is exchanged directly at the cost price.

More precisely, it is to give equivalent materials by measuring Midi's dragon spirit.

In addition, Midi also has the right to use various facilities in the alchemy factory as long as a certain amount of dragon gas is paid as power.

After carefully browsing through the list of level-[-] permissions, Midi finally nodded in satisfaction.

"Call me an advanced mechanical alchemy workshop. At the same time, with six 'six-armed craftsmen' as assistants, I will start the alchemy operation."

Midi gave instructions to the alchemy golem in front of him.

"As per your request, it will be ready within 5 minutes."

The golem bowed deeply again, and left quietly.

"This time, let me take advantage of external forces."

Once again looking around at the huge alchemy factory created by the Tyrannosaurus King Bacal, Midi muttered to himself.

The purpose of Midi coming to this alchemy factory is very simple, to transform dragon energy into "external force".

This "external force" does not refer to medicine, because it needs to be digested, and in the short term, it can't improve the strength much at all.

This "external force" does not refer to golems, because things like golems are inherently at a disadvantage in fighting against the strong.

This time, the "external force" that Midi intends to use is a weapon.

(End of this chapter)

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