Arad's Sword

Chapter 554 External force is also force

Chapter 554 External force is also force

In the final analysis, such things as potions are not external forces, and what enhances one's own strength.

As for the golem, it is to deal with large-scale wars.

Essentially speaking, the strong including Midi are more resistant to the power of using "weapons" and other equipment.

Because that is not really strong, but just a superficial bluff.

Once the weapon is lost, the person who relies on the weapon is nothing.

Therefore, any strong man with his own pride generally uses equipment that matches his own strength, or weapons with fame, history, and inheritance, but he will never rely on the power of any divine weapon.

If you really do that, the enemy will not have any fear. On the contrary, it will only turn into a "sacred weapon battle" in the end.

Because of this, Midi has never relied too much on external forces.

If I had to say it, the only dagger "Golden Forgiveness" in his hand has the terrifying effect of killing with one blow. However, the conditions for using this dagger are extremely strict, because the magic power in his body will be emptied in an instant.

In the sea of ​​​​clouds in the sky, this dagger can be used against a demon viscount.

But now, in a large-scale battle, it is obviously unrealistic to use the dagger "Golden Forgiveness" to remove the head of a demon general from among thousands of troops.

In fact, although Midi decided to build a weapon as an "external force", he never thought about building that kind of weapon for "equipment".

Because the weapons used for equipment have too high requirements on the types of materials, and the time and energy consumed are unimaginable.

Although Midi now has 16000 points of Dragon Qi in his hand, according to his rough estimation, if he builds epic weapons, he can only make a few at most.

This is still under the condition that Dark Dragon City can provide a full set of materials, and the time is relatively abundant, coupled with the help of the eighth apostle Rotes.

And these epic weapons, to be honest, are not as good as the Horned King sword in Midi's hand.

Regardless of the fact that the horned king's great sword was very dilapidated at the beginning, but with the improvement of Midi's level, the dragon's breath continued to be refined. Feel inside.

This kind of weapon with growth potential, if you get used to it, it will be able to display the real strength of the user.

In contrast, even if you forge a few epic weapons through exhaustion, it may not be able to significantly improve your combat power.

So this time, what Midi wants to build is a weapon for "use".

Sheets of parchment were spread out on the huge workbench, and it only took a short time for Midi to directly draw the drawings one after another.

"Rotes, look, how about the weapon I designed?"

After Midi finished drawing, she checked it carefully again, and then she asked a question.

The tall phantom of Rotes appeared on the other side of the workbench, and then carefully watched the drawings.

The content on the drawing is very simple, most of them only have a few strokes, but there are more descriptions on the ingredients of various filling materials.

However, this well-informed eighth apostle looked at these mere pages of drawings for a long time.

After a while, he finally raised his head, took a serious look at Midi, and said with emotion: "I'm not wrong, Midi, you can indeed be regarded as an alchemy genius!"

"Thank you, I just modified the weapons in the sky and sea of ​​clouds."

Midi scratched her head in embarrassment.

The "use" weapon he designed is, in the final analysis, a throwing explosive, something like a small rocket.

In the sea of ​​clouds in the sky, the rockets are all ship-borne. They are huge in size and, of course, more powerful.

However, that kind of rocket is impossible to hit a strong person at level 71.

Regardless of issues such as power, speed, and accuracy, as soon as the rocket is fired, it will be discovered by the opponent immediately.

Next, for a level 71 domain powerhouse, as long as a domain power directly envelops them, all rockets will explode immediately, posing no threat at all.

Therefore, Midi did not design a large-scale rocket barrage weapon for positional warfare with great fanfare, but miniaturized it and turned it into a weapon that professionals can carry with them.

He called this weapon "Thunderbolt".

This "thunder bomb" is a very small bead with a mechanism inside. Once it is thrown out, it can fly a distance of 100 meters in the blink of an eye, and then explode.

And the power of this explosion is enough to crush everything within a radius of 40 meters into pieces!
Because in the thunder and fire bomb, the blasting materials used by Midi are all the most powerful explosives in the dark area, which makes people turn pale.

For example, volcanic crystals, dark thunder dust, etc., used alone are enough to flatten half a cave.

Now, these things are actually mixed together by Midi, and under the interaction, a series of chain reactions will be produced, bringing even more terrifying lethality.

To put it simply, the power of a "Thunderbolt Bomb" is about five to ten times the attack power of Midi diving down from a height of one kilometer to slash!
This kind of power, even a level 71 powerhouse, can't defend against it at all.

Moreover, if such a thing was suddenly thrown during the fight, the opponent would have no time to defend.

No wonder, after seeing this "weapon", even the eighth apostle Lotes couldn't help but take a closer look.

You must know that even something like a divine tool has a degree of fit with the user. Although it is said that the user relies on the divine tool, at least there is some connection between the two.

In other words, those who can obtain the artifact and use it are lucky enough, and there may be something special in their blood.

But this "thunder fire bomb" is completely different,

This is an "external force" that is pure to the extreme.

No matter who it is, as long as they pick up a "thunder fire bomb", they can use it directly on the spot.

And once used, it can produce shocking power.

Maybe the "Thunderbolt" can't bring any strength improvement to the user, but in theory, even a powerless person, if he gets the "Thunderbolt", it is possible to kill a 71 Level strong.

As long as this person can manage to get within [-] meters of that strong man, and hit this thunderbolt, it will be fine.

It may not turn the weak into the strong.

However, it allows the weak to easily kill the strong.

To some extent, the appearance of this "Thunderbolt" can be said to have completely subverted the current hierarchy!

However, although this thing looks beautiful, it was designed by Midi after all. It is far from mature enough and has not been tested in actual combat. Therefore, the actual power and effect are still uncertain after all.

If there is enough time, Midining can choose the most solid way to improve his level to obtain real dragon energy.

But now, he has no time, so he can only use external force.

And since you want to use it, you have to use it thoroughly.

If the demon general cannot be defeated with the help of external force, wouldn't everything be in vain?
Therefore, a big killer like "Thunder Fire Bomb" was born from Midi's hands.

"However, there are still some serious problems that need to be resolved on the design drawing of this thunderbolt bomb."

"First, how to ensure that users themselves will not be affected?"

"Second, how to ensure that the opponent is hit in high-speed air combat?"

"The third and most important point, how do you prevent others from using this thing against you?"

Rotes pondered for a while and asked three questions.

"What you said, I don't have a solution yet." Midi smiled, and then rubbed his fists, "But, from now on, we will solve these problems together."

"Humph, it's natural." Rotes also nodded, and stroked his twelve tentacles at the same time, as if stroking his beard, "I am determined to obtain the water of life in the Dark Dragon City. Now that Those demons dare to invade this place, of course we have to teach them a lesson."

The old and the young hit it off immediately, and immediately began to make further designs on the sketch of the "thunder bomb".

The eighth apostle Rotes himself is a master alchemist with profound attainments, and although Midi only started to learn alchemy after entering the Underdark, he is a reborn person after all, and he can learn a lot of ideas for the future , In addition, I have been to many places, and I often have some sudden whims.

When two master alchemists got together, there was no sense of time, and no one else could enter the alchemy factory in Dark Dragon City.

So, before you know it, time flies by.

At the beginning, it was repeated revisions to the design drawings.

Then, it is to constantly test and adjust the content ratio of explosives, which is accompanied by many accidental explosions and a large amount of waste of materials.

After that, it is the real charge, which is made into a "thunder bomb" that can be held in the hand.

However, in the eyes of alchemists, this kind of "thunder bomb" is just an immature experimental product, and it is far from being used in actual combat.

Next, a series of actual combat tests will be conducted to simulate a variety of battlefield environments and battle situations, and in these different situations, experimental products will be used.

Security, stability, power size...

Each index, with the continuous increase of the number of experiments, is also constantly improving.

Finally, after a whole week, the refinement of "Thunder Fire Bomb" was finally completed.

"It's done. This is a 'weapon' that can be used on the battlefield, and even kills people above level 71."

Looking at the small bag of inconspicuous black iron beads on the workbench, Midi let out a long breath.

This small bag of "Thunderbolt" is all the results obtained by him and the eighth apostle, Rotes, after a week of alchemy research that forgot to sleep and eat.

(End of this chapter)

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