Arad's Sword

Chapter 557 3 Days Outcome

Chapter 557
If there was still a feeling of evenness between the two sides on the first day, on the second day, it became a one-sided situation.

On the side of the real dragon fighters, they were completely suppressed.

Not only was the action pattern of the golems predicted, but the demon army seemed to have mastered Midi's tactical thinking. Every time, he could predict the mobilization of his troops in advance and prepare for it in advance.

Soon, the original tug-of-war on the Great Plains now turned to one side of the demon army, and the true dragon fighters could barely support it.

"I have to admit that among those stupid dark elves, there are still a few smart people. It takes me a day to analyze his thinking, and another day to expand his advantage. This person is proud enough! However, I affirm , Tomorrow is the time for me to wipe out these mortals. Mamon, you just watch me win."

Beelzebub, the Bone Demon of the Ice Hell, let out a piercing and crazy laugh.

Although the tug-of-war yesterday also surprised Beelzebub, but today, he found that the situation has suddenly become much smoother, so he took it for granted that it was the credit of his command.

Of course, with the devil's cunning and prudence, Beelzebub still made some further temptations after gaining the advantage.

However, without exception, these temptations all proved that the other party had no tricks anymore.

Thinking about it, even though the demon general Mamun was beaten to the ground at first, and even killed two lieutenants, but that was when he was teleporting.

These true dragon fighters just seized the moment of teleportation, the most vulnerable moment when the demon army has not yet assembled, and launched an assault in one go, coupled with some luck, this is the only way to achieve such a result.

How could they be opponents of well-trained demons when the two armies really confronted each other from the front?

Since he thought that he had analyzed the reason for Mamun's defeat in the previous battle, and today's temptation had obtained a positive result, Beelzebub no longer had any doubts.

On the second day, he went all the way like a broken bamboo, and directly knocked the real dragon fighter out of the plain!

And on the third day, the smug Bone Demon of the Ice Hell even waved his hand, causing all his troops to come out, like a surging magma fire from the devil world, which was about to wipe out all the real people. The dragon fighters devoured them all!

"This guy really can't hold his breath."

Midi showed a half-smile expression, then shook her head slightly.

The next moment, he made a gesture to several true dragon fighters who were good at magic.

Accompanied by this gesture, the area where the demon army was located suddenly burst into pieces of scorching flames.

And amidst the sound of fire, there was even a violent roar!

Just in a blink of an eye, the originally menacing demon army completely collapsed like a torn rag.

"It's now, kill!"

The Horned King sword in Midi's hand swung vigorously, drawing a fiery red arc in mid-air.

The moment they got this order, the real dragon fighters immediately burst into deafening shouts. From the way they retreated all the way to avoid forbearance just now, they became full of momentum.

The next moment, this defeated army that was still fleeing just now transformed into the sharpest sharp knife and stabbed directly into the scattered demon army!
"How is this possible! Those damn dark elves!"

The face of the Ice Prison Bone Demon turned paler than that of a dead person in an instant, while the demon general Mamun couldn't help laughing.

Even without doing calculations, one can know that after this battle, Beelzebub's losses will be much greater than when he passed through the wall of dimensions.

It seems that the day when he stands up is coming soon.

But for Midi, the reversal in front of him is not a surprise at all, but a kind of necessity.

As early as the afternoon of the first day, after figuring out the way of the demon commander, he dispatched a troop, ran behind his own line, found a lava river hidden underground, and then settled down A large number of "fire mines".

These "flame mines" are the by-products of Midi's development of the "thunder bomb", which is a big killer. Although the power is not bad, but the launch speed is slow, so it becomes more difficult to hit the target.

However, it is quite simple to use this kind of alchemical product to trigger the eruption of lava rivers, or even create a small volcano.

Therefore, the following tactics become much simpler.

Just try to lower the vigilance of the demon army, put on an escape posture, and finally lead them into the predetermined trap.

Once the "flame mine" is detonated, except for those high-level demons with the ability to fly, ordinary demons will not be able to escape from the lava river that erupted underground, and can only become the targets of the real dragon fighters.

In other words, in the eyes of most true dragon fighters, there are no more demons, and only "dragon spirit" is left.

Even the four sons of dragons, the "Queen of Beasts", "Queen of Ice", "King of the Iron Wall" and "King of Slaughter", who were wandering around the periphery before, rushed into the battlefield desperately at this moment and began to rob Here comes the meritorious service!
However, Midi and Odin, as well as their direct troops, still guarded the army formation without any action.

Although this battle can be said to have basically established victory, the real battle has only just begun.


Odin's eyes moved slightly.

Two extremely tyrannical breaths erupted from the rear of the demon army, and rushed directly to the position of the central army where Midi was located at an extremely fast speed.

"No, these two aren't what we're looking for yet."

When these two breaths approached, Midi shook her head.

Those were two level 70 lieutenants.

Of course, it was not the adjutant of Mamun, the fiend of the deep prison, but the direct descendant of Beelzebub, the bone demon of the ice prison.

After realizing that he had been tricked, the high-level demon of level 71 Dacheng could no longer sit still, so he immediately sent his adjutant to launch a beheading attack.

The devil's cunning personality is undoubtedly reflected at this moment. Obviously, Beelzebub wants to use the adjutant to entangle the opponent's commander, and then go up from the side by himself, killing him with one blow.

However, how could Midi be attracted by this tactic so easily?
"Thor, Alex, you two, deal with the adjutant on the left. Engman, Lilian, you two, deal with the adjutant on the right. The opponent is only level 70 and has no domain power. Two-on-one , should be able to win."

Midi issued an order to the four people around her.

Without any extra words, the four figures rushed out immediately.

In fact, if it weren't for Midi's pressure, they would have rushed into the battlefield and started a massacre.

These demons were washed by the erupting lava river, and most of them were severely burned. Even those who avoided the lava eruption were completely out of formation.

In other words, those are all dragon spirits!

Although these two level 70 high-level demons rushing over are more difficult to deal with, they also have more dragon energy.

In addition, with two-to-one, plus some help from psychic powers, Midi believes that it is only a matter of time before the two pairs of troops take down the two demons.

"There is still a reserve team! This damn bastard!"

On the opposite side, the bone demon Beelzebub finally couldn't hold back anymore.

Originally, he thought that everything was under control, all he needed to do was to simply harvest the lives of these true dragon fighters.Next, it is natural to rely on this combat achievement to win the favor of the demon lord, and then go further in the demon world.

But what about the result?The whole situation is actually under the control of the other party.

All the advantages, all the predictions, are just illusions, and they were all shown to him by the other party.

Not to mention, when Beelzebub was about to use the beheading tactic, the opponent was already prepared, and directly sent a reserve team to stop his adjutant.

When it came to this, Beelzebub felt that he was like a clown, every step was under the calculation of the other party.

This feeling made him extremely uncomfortable and annoyed.

And the sneering low laughter of the deep hell fiend Mamun who came from behind made Beelzebub feel like he was sitting on pins and needles.

He turned around viciously, looked at his old enemy, and roared loudly: "Remember, as long as the general order is with me, I am the commander-in-chief! Now, you immediately go up with me and kill the opposite commander. "

"Hmph, there isn't even a level 71 powerhouse on the opposite side, are you so timid?"

Mamon snorted coldly and replied lazily.

"Are you trying to disobey the military order?"

In Beelzebub's eyes burning with ice-cold soul fire, there was a trace of real anger.

Speaking of this, even Mamon couldn't shirk his responsibility, but he didn't actually reject going to the battlefield.

Anyway, in this area, a level 71 powerhouse with domain power is tantamount to an invincible existence, and he can crush whoever he wants.

And Beelzebub's resignation is already a certainty. As long as the battle situation returns to the past, the always strict and demanding demon lord Degopez will never let Beelzebub go.

Just think of it as a settlement with the kid who blocked his palm before.

Thinking of this in his heart, Mamon finally nodded slowly: "Hmph, I don't bother to say anything to the lost dog, but after all, this army of demons is the property of Lord De Gopes, and I should rescue it."

"Hmph, follow me immediately!"

Beelzebub was already unwilling to say anything more, he snorted coldly, and turned his gaze to the battlefield again.

They threw themselves into the middle army where Midi was.

The cold murderous intent projected from the eyes burning with ice-cold soul fire instantly made Midi feel goosebumps all over her body.

"Here we come! This time it's the real strong man, and there's more than one!"

Midi's brows were knit together at this moment.

This icy murderous intent was completely different from the "Fire Field" that Midi had experienced before.

But in terms of threat, it can be said to be basically the same, or even slightly better!
This means one thing -

There are two 71-level powerhouses of the demon general level!
PS: The second update arrives, and there will be another update at 23:30!
(End of this chapter)

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