Arad's Sword

Chapter 558 2 to 2

Chapter 558 Two to two

Two 71-level powerhouses, even though Midi had expected this, but when they actually met, they still felt a strong oppressive force immediately.

When the two powerhouses, Beelzebub, the Bone Demon of the Ice Prison, and Mamun, the Demon of the Deep Hell, finally started to move, there were two terrifying auras that soared to the sky from where they were. .

One of them is like lava erupting from a crater, with a scorching aura of burning everything, and a violent gust of wind.

And the other one is like ice that will not melt for thousands of years. Just feeling this breath makes people feel like their thinking is frozen.

This is the power of the domain. Any professional below level 70, no matter how powerful their bloodlines and how outstanding their talents are, they cannot resist this kind of power at all.

"I'll leave that ice one to you to deal with."

Midi spoke bluntly.

"You kid is really going to make trouble for others. The 71-level powerhouse is enough trouble, and now you're throwing the most troublesome of the two opponents to me."

"King of Thunder" Odin smiled bitterly.

"No way, I'm only level 68."

Midi sighed slightly.

Although the two opponents are both level 71 powerhouses, at least the demon general Mamon and Midi have fought against each other once and have a personal experience of his domain power.

Moreover, compared to Beelzebub, the Bone Demon of the Ice Prison, Mammon's strength is also slightly inferior.

Although there are only subtle differences, for Midi who is only level 68, these factors are enough for him to choose Mamon.

As for Odin, after all, he has already reached level 70. To face a level 71 powerhouse with unknown domain power, he shouldn't be at a disadvantage in a short period of time.

However, Odin is very clear about this simple truth without Medido saying it, so he readily accepted it.

"There is no need to defeat the opponent. The 71-level field expert is not something we can easily defeat. We just need to hold him back. The rest, I will make plans after I kill the demon general."

Seeing Odin's eagerness to fight, Midi hurriedly urged again.

"Okay, let me see the power of your 'thunder bombs'."

Odin nodded.

The next moment, he had already turned into a bolt of lightning, and at a speed that the naked eye could not catch, he flew directly, rushed out close to the ground, and rushed straight to the "Ice Hell Bone Demon" Beelzebub among the two flying towards him.

At the same time, Midi also unfolded the Black Iron Dragon Flame in a low-key manner, and also flew close to the ground.

He was afraid that if he went straight into the air, he would be targeted by two level 71 powerhouses at the same time. If that happened, even if Midi held a "Thunderbolt" in his hand, he would have no chance to shoot it out. It will definitely be killed in seconds.

In addition, if this is a little more low-key, the strong opponent on the opposite side should also choose Odin as the target of attack first.

It can be said that when the aura of the strong in the field finally appeared, Midi felt the insufficiency of her level 68 for the first time, and it could even be said to be insignificant.

Therefore, he had to attack in the most cautious way.

Fortunately, with the relationship between Beelzebub and Mamun, it is impossible for them to cooperate, let alone cooperate to deal with an opponent who is only level 68.

The moment he saw Midi, the fiend Mamun's eyes shot out a scorching killing intent.

"That guy, just leave it to me."

The demon general said slowly.

From Midi's aura, he already sensed that this human being surrounded by black flames was the guy who had fled after giving him a hard blow before!
Now that they meet again on the battlefield, Mamon will never give the other party any chance to escape.

"Huh? Human? There are still humans in the sixth layer of the Underdark?"

Beelzebub glanced at Meddy, showing a slightly surprised look, but after analyzing Meddy's level, surprise was quickly replaced by disdain.

A level 68 professional, no matter what talent he has, no matter what hole cards he has, is nothing more than an ant to the experts in the field.

"The roll call is to deal with this little guy at level 68, Mamon, don't you want to be lazy?"

Beelzebub said in a mocking tone.

"If you talk nonsense again, just deal with them alone."

Mamon glanced at the other party coldly, and replied like this.

"Well, you can deal with whoever you like." Beelzebub shrugged his shoulders and stopped entanglement, but at the same time, his eyes burst out with cold killing intent again, "In short, Kill all the true dragon fighters in this area! When the time comes, let's see how they will command!"

Accompanied by these words, Beelzebub's domain has quietly expanded.

In an instant, a crystal clear world of ice and snow unfolded overwhelmingly.

As soon as the ice field came out, even the erupting lava river showed signs of cooling down, and the "Thunder King" Odin, who was completely enveloped in it, was almost frozen in midair.

He still maintains the form of elemental thunder, but he can only move forward at an extremely slow speed. From a distance, he looks like a bolt of lightning condensed in the void.

This is a field power that can slow down!

Seeing that the "Thunder King" who had always been overcoming obstacles was frozen directly this time, Midi's expression was also slightly suffocated.

However, he has no time to worry about this comrade in arms.

Because at the same moment when this ice field was covered, a sea of ​​flames had already rolled up around Midi.

It is the "field of flames" of the pit fiend Mamun.

As soon as the "field of flames" appeared, the black iron dragon flames around Midi immediately swayed and shrank a full circle. It looked like a candle in the wind!
Dragon Flame, placed anywhere, can be regarded as the most powerful kind of flame. Even the power of the devil's "Hell Flame" is inferior to Long Yan.

What's more, what Midi has is the "True Dragon Flame". Although it is only black iron level, it is enough to kill ordinary opponents.

But now, under the influence of the power of the domain, the Black Iron Dragon Flame has instead become the weaker side, while the flames of the pit demon Mammon are so radiant that it is so overwhelming that Midi can't even raise his head.

This is the most frightening aspect of "Field".

As long as it is in the domain, all rules will be biased towards the owner of the domain, and even things with obvious differences in power will be directly reversed in it!

It is precisely because of this that a professional with a domain can be said to be invincible against a professional without a domain, because the advantages brought by the domain are so huge that it is difficult to change with skills and wisdom.

Now, being burned by the sea of ​​flames, Midi's black iron dragon flames immediately diminished a lot, and the demon's flames took the opportunity to stab in like sharp swords one after another.

Midi suddenly felt a strong burning sensation, and there were severe pains all over her body.

What's more terrible is that the "death pursuit order" in his body also started to move around at this time.

Fortunately, although the attack power of the "Fire Field" is very strong, it does not have the same control effect as the "Ice Field", such as slowing down.

Regardless of the pain around her body, Midi gritted her teeth, accelerated, and quickly rushed out of the sea of ​​flames, finally easing the crisis temporarily.

"Hmph, damned human beings are actually sneaking in among the dark elves. Thanks to you, I've had a very unsatisfactory past few days. Now, I will use your life to make up for it. I hope your soul is delicious enough! "

The deep hell alchemist Mamun said coldly, with a wonderful gleam in his eyes.

Accompanied by this light, the sea of ​​flames that Midi had just escaped suddenly rolled up and turned into a huge flaming palm, and then grabbed Midi who was still running like a mosquito.

Last time, when he saw the flame palm, Midi shook it with all his strength.

The result was that he was so seriously injured that he could hardly even fly, and finally returned smoothly with the help of Odin.

This time, Odin can no longer count on him, and what Midi needs to face is not only this palm, but also the level 71 demon general himself, so it is impossible for him to forcefully challenge him again. .

Midi's only choice is to escape.

Escape as fast as he can, in any way he can imagine.

But even so, the attack of the pit fiend Mamun would occasionally hit Midi.

Just this blow was enough to make Midi's body turn upside down, almost vomiting blood.

It only took a few minutes for the battle to begin. Whether it was Midi or Odin, these two strong men who made all the true dragon fighters feel awed were completely suppressed, and there was no hope of fighting back.

This is the power of a level 71 powerhouse.

These two demons with titles didn't even use their hole cards and talents. They just relied on the power of the domain itself, and they had already pushed the flying Midi and the lightning-fast Odin into a desperate situation.

Although the true dragon fighters still had the upper hand on the battlefield, and the formation of the demon army was still in disarray, when they saw this scene, the hearts of most of the true dragon fighters suddenly became cold.

Could it be that you are going to lose?

No, not just losing, but dying?
Such a question full of despair appeared in many people's minds.

"Should we also withdraw?"

Alex, who was confronting the level 70 demon lieutenant, couldn't help asking this question.

"If you want to go go, but I'm going to stay."

Thor replied indifferently, as the "King of Fighting" and the number one warrior in Menzoberranzan, deep down in his heart, he didn't think that Midi, who could suppress his head, would fall so easily.

So at least, he wants to see the end.

"It's really boring self-esteem." Alex shrugged his shoulders, "I'll stay with you, but, hurry up and take out the cards, if you don't kill this eye-catching guy in front of you, you won't be able to escape in a while convenient!"

PS: The third update is here!
(End of this chapter)

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