Arad's Sword

Chapter 564 Killing Beelzebub

Chapter 564 Killing Beelzebub

not good!

This was Beelzebub's first thought when he saw the small bag.

This was the last thought in his life.

As soon as this idea came out of his mind, before his body had time to react, an unprecedented and terrifying magic force rushed out of this small bag, and then it turned into a piece and evaporated everything terrible heat.

Another sun appeared above the sixth layer of the Underdark.

Although there is only one, this time, it is composed of all the energy of nearly ten "Thunderbolt Bombs" in the storage bag, so it is bigger than the previous three combined.

Of course, the shock wave caused by the sun was also more intense. The air wave itself directly crushed the canyon below. Together with the lava river in the canyon, it was buried in the ground that would never see the light of day. deep.

And the roaring sound brought by the explosion was directly heard thousands of kilometers away, even in the Dark Dragon City, it could be faintly heard.

No one can resist the power of this explosion.

At least, no one below the second awakening can resist it.

When the sun finally disappeared in mid-air, Beelzebub, who thought everything was under control just now, was completely wiped out of this world just like his old enemy Mamun.

However, the battle spear in his hand, like the flame knife before, was unscathed, but the surface became pitch black, completely lost its original crystal clearness.

Obviously, the flame knife and the ice spear are not ordinary weapons.

According to Midi's estimate, these two weapons are probably "quasi-legendary" level weapons, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to withstand this level of explosion.

"In short, put it away first."

Supporting his painful body, Midi walked out of the bunker used for hiding the explosion, and then limped towards the center of the battlefield, where the Ice Spear fell.

Midi walked very slowly, grinning her teeth every time she took a step.

However, soon, the ice spear automatically entered his hands.

Odin, the "King of Thunder", offered it with his own hands.

"This time, I failed to fulfill my duties, and I am very sorry."

Odin looked at Midi and said seriously, then bowed his head deeply.

According to the original agreement between the two, it should be Odin who stood in front to attract the attention of the Ice Prison Bone Demon, while Midi looked for opportunities to attack from the outside.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment when the ice prison bone demon really showed his hole card, he was actually trapped in the ice field, and was also entangled by endless ice golems, unable to escape at all.

In the end, it can be said that the Ice Prison Bone Demon killed by Midi alone has basically nothing to do with Odin.

With the self-esteem of the "King of Thunder", of course he can't pretend that this incident never happened, so his only solution is to apologize.

However, faced with such a serious attitude, Midi felt a little embarrassed.

"The battlefield is ever-changing. There is no way to do this. It is enough to digest an ice field. Odin, there is no need for you to apologize."

Midi touched her nose and said lightly.

"Hmph, you don't even accept my apology." Odin sighed, then shook his head, "Forget it, just treat it as if I owe you a big favor."

"In the final analysis, the ability to retreat this time is due to the characteristics of this spear."

Midi deliberately changed the topic, so she turned her gaze to the huge three-meter-long spear in her hand.

Space penetration, this is the most powerful part of this spear.

However, Midi took advantage of this feature to make a comeback and kill the ice prison bone demon on the spot.

In fact, at the beginning, Midi didn't know whether the spear would bring back the things on the spear point when it pierced wantonly in the space.

So, he first did an experiment—letting himself be wounded.

The bone-deep wound on his shoulder was done on purpose so that the blood could spill out and stain the tip of the spear.

If the blood goes back with the spear, it proves one thing - every time the space shifts, what is transferred is not the "spear" itself, but the "spear" and everything attached to it.

And after this blow was over, the bone demon of the ice prison made a move, which was to shake off the blood stained on the spear.

It can be said that when he finished this action, he had already exposed the biggest flaw.

Next, the only thing Midi has to do is to put "Spearhead" on "Thunderbolt" while ensuring his own survival.

At the cost of being seriously injured in one blow, Midi managed to do this, and was in intimate contact with the spear for more than a second.

And this more than a second will determine the final outcome of the two sides.

In a sense, it was this trump card that he was most proud of that made the flawless Bone Demon of the Ice Hell show his flaws.

"Is it a quasi-legendary weapon? It can withstand the attack of your 'Thunderbolt'."

Odin also stretched out his hand to weigh the weight of the ice spear, with complicated emotions on his expression.

In the final analysis, neither of the last two people actually carried out any attacks, and they all relied on the "external force" of "thunder, fire and bomb" to determine the outcome.

Today's Odin, after seeing the power of the "Thunderbolt" with his own eyes, no longer doubts its power.

But this kind of power also made Odin, a professional, feel suspicious. Is the power that he was originally proud of so insignificant?

You know, Midi has only been working in the alchemy factory in the Dark Dragon City for a week.

In just one week, he could use alchemy to refine something much stronger than a level 70 expert. So what is the purpose of his hard work so far?
What's the point of getting No.1 in the Black Dragon Conference?
It's better to make more "thunder bombs" and the like, although this does not mean an increase in strength, but it can survive in real battles.

People with "Thunderbolt" can survive, but people who are intoxicated with their own strength will die, such as these two demons, isn't that enough?
For a moment, seeing the Ice Spear that was blasted black, Odin was also deeply moved.

"Don't think about it too much. In my opinion, strength is still fundamental. If I don't reach level 68, plus these elements of luck, even if I want to throw the 'thunder bomb', I have no chance."

Midi said lightly, and patted Odin on the shoulder.

There is one thing he hasn't said yet, that is, without the double protection of the eighth apostle Rotes' psychic shield and psychic armor, it is absolutely impossible for him to block the blow of the Ice Hell Bone Demon from the front. Not to mention maintaining a clear consciousness, he hung up the small bag containing the "Thunderbolt Bomb" and activated it in an instant.

Not only the level and luck, but also the shelter from the will of the supreme powerhouse, which made the "Thunder Fire Bomb" exert its power.

Just because she is the user of "Thunderbolt", Midi is more aware of the limitations of this "external force".

If it is said that the victory was only achieved by "Thunderbolt", Midi would not think so.

On the contrary, in the process of using "Thunderbolt", Midi strengthened his desire for strength.

If you have enough strength, why go up and get yourself seriously injured every time?

Back in the sea of ​​clouds in the sky, when the 60-level Midi faced the 70-level Devil Viscount, he even let himself be knocked down and paralyzed, just to get a chance to get close.

Now Midi, who is level 68, is facing the ice prison bone demon at level 71. Although he is not completely paralyzed, he is also relying on serious injuries in exchange for a chance.

Every time she encounters these powerful demons, it can be said that Midi is in a state of danger.

When the "death pursuit order" in his body is activated, how will he deal with the continuous demons?
Things like "thunder, fire and explosive bombs" may not be able to save Midi.

The only thing that is really useful is strength itself!

"All in all, this time, we are the ones who won. Since we have won, the most important thing is to increase our strength quickly. The resonance between the two worlds will last for three months. Those demons who are eager to invade the Underdark may not be the only ones like this once." Attack." Midi said, looking at the other party, "So, how much real dragon energy did you get?"

True dragon spirit, this is the biggest purpose of the two people's desperate battle, and it can even be said to be the only purpose.

However, when he heard this question, Odin, the "King of Thunder" smiled wryly and shook his head: "On my side, I only got 2 points of true dragon energy."

2 points of true dragon spirit, which Odin got after destroying several ice golems.

As part of the power of the domain, true dragon energy can also be extracted from their debris, but this amount is obviously not enough for Odin to use.

"On my side, I got 70 points of real dragon energy! Together, the total is 72 points of real dragon energy." Midi said indifferently, and then he directly took out his dragon energy token, "In other words, it is also That's 36 points per person!"

At the beginning, the Inheritance Dragon once assessed that Mamon could only exchange 30 points of real dragon energy at most.

However, what he evaluated at the time was only the strength of the demon itself.

Now, after the two hole cards of "Flame Knife" and "Ice Spear" have been played out, and these two quasi-legendary weapons have also been damaged by the "Thunder Fire Bomb", the Dragon Qi token can naturally be drawn from it. to more energy.

In addition, the two demons were killed by Midi himself, so naturally, Midi has accumulated almost the sum of all the real dragon energy.

One demon with a title is 35 points, and two are 70 points.

However, now Midi wants to share the real dragon energy equally with Odin, so he proposes "36 points per person".

According to Midi, without Odin's restraint, it would be impossible to separate the two demons and kill them one by one. Since the two are fighting together, it is only natural to split them equally.

This made Odin fall into silence and entanglement again.

The "King of Thunder" has such a high vision, of course he knows how much role he has played in these two battles.

To put it bluntly, he can be regarded as "the straw that broke the camel's back."

Without this straw, the camel will not be crushed, but with only this straw, the camel will never be crushed.

Midi is the real load on the camel's back.

However, even though he knew this very well, the real dragon spirit was too attractive to Odin, so no matter how much he struggled in his heart, he couldn't refuse Midi's proposal at all.

"It seems that the favor I owe you this time may not be cleared for a long time."

Odin said with a wry smile, and sighed deeply.

(End of this chapter)

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