Arad's Sword

Chapter 565 The Value of General Orders

Chapter 565 The Value of General Orders

Putting the two dragon energy tokens together, Midi directly divided nearly half of the dragon energy, so that each of them had 36 points of real dragon energy on their dragon energy tokens.

"The next step is to return to the Dark Dragon City."

Weighing the heavy Dragon Qi Token in his hand, Odin pondered.

Although he was extremely excited at the moment, it was useless just to get the real dragon energy, he had to try to exchange it.

But now after a big battle, the two of them have already consumed seven or eighty-eight.

Odin was relatively better, but was trapped in the ice field, but Midi's situation was much worse, with a lot of external and internal injuries, and judging from his pale face, he had already lost too much blood.

And the distance between them and the Dark Dragon City is still thousands of kilometers away, even if they return at the fastest speed all the way, the road is still quite dangerous.

However, seeing Odin's solemn face, Midi smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about this, I have already considered this situation."

As Midi spoke, she took out another token from her pocket.

"This token can transport us directly to the core area of ​​the Dark Dragon City, even the true dragon fighters who stay outside will not notice it."

"You are really thoughtful."

Speaking of this, Odin has nothing else to do except sigh.

In fact, the always arrogant "King of Thunder" has lost his temper.

Why is Midi already prepared for everything?
In such a situation where everything has been left behind, what else can Odin do?
Seeing Odin's complicated expression, Midi didn't say much, just smiled, and directly activated the teleportation token.

The next moment, under a burst of light, the two disappeared into the air.

This token is the "Recall Token" owned by Midi as a fourth-level authority manager. After activation, Midi and Odin were directly sent to the core area of ​​the Dark Dragon City.

The central square and the three major dragon temples are the most important functional areas for the true dragon fighters. However, as far as the Dark Dragon City itself is concerned, there are still a lot of resources that have not been opened to the true dragon fighters. This is the core district.

Here, besides the alchemy factory, there are many other facilities, one of which is naturally the Dragon Blood Pool unique to the Dark Dragon City.

Of course, now, for Midi, this "pool of dragon's blood" has too little dragon breath, and it doesn't even have any effect on Odin.

However, Midi's injuries recovered very quickly after being immersed in the "dragon's blood pool".

Moreover, his rank has also shown signs of further loosening.

However, Midi was not in a hurry to break through the level, but first found the inheritance dragon and prepared to exchange it.

The real dragon breath method and the real dragon body training method he currently possesses are only elementary, and he has basically mastered them completely.

Because of this, Midi has already understood the limit of this elementary cultivation method. If possible, he hopes that the line can be exchanged for a better method, so as to make a level breakthrough on a higher basis.

"If my guess is correct, Odin should have exchanged for a relatively expensive 'ancient dragon's bloodline'. The starting price of that kind of thing is 20 points of real dragon spirit, and it is better, about 30 points. However, if you want to exchange For 'True Dragon Inheritance', even the most elementary level requires at least 35 points of True Dragon Qi, what can I exchange for the 36 points I have?"

Coming to the void where the Black Dragon Stele was once again, Midi was thinking about it while browsing the rare exchange list.

To be honest, the number of real dragon spirits in Midi's hands is indeed quite embarrassing, and it cannot be described.

He already has a primary true dragon inheritance, a minimum of 50 points of true dragon energy for an intermediate true dragon inheritance, and 100 points for an advanced one.

What can 36 points of real dragon energy be exchanged for?
Or should I keep it like this, and wait until the next time and try to kill a few high-level demons before exchanging it together?
However, in this dark region, as long as you don't improve your strength for a day, you will probably face stronger enemies and more difficult predicaments next time. If you don't use the real dragon energy you have finally obtained, it will be the biggest waste .

Not only is it a waste of real dragon energy itself, but also a waste of time and opportunities.

"Boy, don't you have something on your body that can be exchanged for a lot of real dragon energy?"

Suddenly, the voice of the inheritance dragon sounded.


Midi was slightly taken aback.

"I can feel that thing, it's in your storage bag."

The inheritance dragon said again.

"Are you referring to those two quasi-legendary weapons?"

Midi immediately understood, he reached out and took out the two weapons.

Legendary weapons are those who have been awakened for the second time, and are generally above level 80, weapons that can only be activated by those who are about to reach the peak.

Since these two weapons can be driven by professionals below the second awakening, they must not be legendary weapons.

However, they can withstand the attack of the "thunder fire bomb", which is a superimposed attack after multiple bombs are detonated together. Therefore, they are by no means comparable to epic weapons.

At least, it is impossible for Midi's horned king sword to withstand a "thunder bomb".

Therefore, in the judgment of Midi and Odin, these two weapons are quasi-legendary weapons.

If possible, Midi would like to try to do some research in the alchemy factory, and then see if there is any possibility of repairing it. Even if he doesn't use it, he can still improve his alchemy level.

But now, since the inheritance dragon has spoken, it can only be exchanged for real dragon energy.

Unexpectedly, after Midi took out these two weapons, the inheritance dragon didn't take them at all, but just stared at the ice spear for a while, and then nodded in satisfaction.

"Boy, you are really lucky, you actually got a complete general order."

"General order, what is that?"

Midi also lowered his head and carefully looked at the ice spear that was blown up like a fire stick, but he couldn't see anything.

"The general order is a kind of prohibition used by high-level demons to control all low-level demons. The demons are all cunning by nature, but they have a well-disciplined army because of the existence of the general order. Once the Dark Dragon City gets With such a general order, as long as it can be analyzed, it will have an immediate effect when used to interfere with the demon army."

Accompanied by the words of the inheritance giant dragon, a bright flame, like a spider's thread, was pulled out from the handle of the ice spear like a thread!
Obviously, after the ice prison bone demon Beelzebub captured the general order of the deep prison demon Mamun, he directly stored this important thing in his hole card, which can be said to be extremely safe, even more powerful than the storage card. Object rings are much safer.

You know, the storage rings of Beelzebub and Mamon were completely annihilated by Midi's "Thunderbolt", not even a scum left.

But only this general order, because it was hidden on a quasi-legendary weapon, made Midi cheaper in the end.

"This is the general's order."

Looking at the fire, Midi frowned slightly, because he suddenly felt that the "Death Hunting Order" in his body was beating slightly.

Obviously, the real owner of this flame is definitely not small.

As if seeing Midi's thoughts, the inheritance dragon said again: "The real owner of this general order is the great lord of the first floor of the demon world, the devil Earl Degopes, the city lord of the evil fortress. And in this general The power contained in the order is enough to exchange for a large amount of real dragon energy."

"How many can there be?"

Midi's heart moved, and she asked quickly.

"According to the calculation, it is about 50 points of real dragon energy."

The inheritance giant pondered for a moment, and replied.

Hearing this answer, Midi was overjoyed. As a result, he had 86 points of true dragon energy in his hand. Although there was still a gap between the 100 points that can be exchanged for high-level true dragon inheritance, a high-level intermediate true dragon The inheritance of the dragon is out of the question.

However, before Midi had time to start the exchange, the inheritance dragon spoke again, saying: "Since your true dragon energy has exceeded 80 points, I have something that I can recommend to you."

"please say."

Midi paused in her heart, and immediately said seriously.

"I suggest you exchange this one."

The Inheritance Dragon didn't say much, but directly stretched out a sharp dragon claw, and tapped a little on the Black Dragon Stele.

Midi looked in the direction pointed by the inheritance dragon, and immediately saw a line of text.

Dragon fire divine light, high-level true dragon inheritance, 80 points for true dragon aura required for exchange.

This turned out to be a high-level true dragon inheritance!
Moreover, it happens to be within the range that Midi can exchange!
However, while Midi was surprised, she didn't immediately make a decision to exchange.

Because he knows very well that this is an extremely cruel world, and it is simply unrealistic to expect pies to fall from the sky.

Among the high-level true dragon inheritances that started with 100 points of true dragon energy, suddenly there was an inheritance that only needed 80 points of true dragon energy, it must be because there was something wrong with it.

Is it because the inheritance itself is flawed, or is this inheritance incomplete?

And most importantly, why did the inheritance dragon recommend such an inheritance to himself?

One question after another suddenly appeared in Midi's mind.

However, as the recommender of "Longhuo Shenmang Inheritance", the Inheritance Dragon obviously had expected this.

He yawned slowly, and then said: "Although this inheritance only needs 80 points of true dragon energy, the key is because it has extremely high requirements, whether it is the requirements for the true dragon blood itself or the qualifications of the successors. The requirements have already reached a terrifying level, so the required real dragon energy will actually decrease. In other words, it is very difficult to succeed in this inheritance."

"So that's the case, what if I can succeed in cultivation?"

Midi understood, so she asked.

"If you can really succeed in cultivation, I can guarantee that its power and potential can definitely be ranked among the top few in the inheritance of high-level true dragons."

The inheritance giant dragon said lightly, looking at Midi, there was a kind of severe test and special expectation faintly.

Just the right price.

Extraordinary difficulty.

Extremely high power and potential.

When these three conditions appeared at the same time, Midi suddenly had a lot of doubts.

This high-level True Dragon Inheritance, could it be that the Inheritance Giant Dragon deliberately put it here waiting for him to redeem it?
What's more, he even recommended it himself.

However, doubts are suspicions, and Midi is also very clear that there is no need for these three giant dragons to deceive themselves, because if they really want to harm themselves, there are too many ways, and there is no need to go around in such a big circle.

Now that the inheritance dragon is actively recommending it, and this inheritance is indeed very suitable for me today, then the choice is a matter of course.

"In that case, I will exchange for this 'Longhuo Shenmang Inheritance'."

Midi nodded, with a determined look in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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