Arad's Sword

Chapter 568 Civil Disturbance in Dragon City

Chapter 568 Civil Disturbance in Dragon City
While making plans in his heart, Midi has already walked out of the practice room.

The location of this training room is the core area of ​​the Dark Dragon City, and with the authority of the true dragon fighters, it is impossible to enter this place.

Because of this, generally only alchemy puppets—such as mechanical centaurs—will patrol back and forth here.

However, when Midi walked out of the training room, he immediately felt a very powerful and terrifying force in a vague way.

It is said that this power is tyrannical and terrifying because it is a force in the field.

As for the vague feeling, it is because the power of this domain is extremely restrained and unassuming, and it is more difficult to detect than Midi who has restrained her breath.

If Midi hadn't already reached the realm of a psychic king, he would never have discovered that there is such a strong person here.

In an instant, Midi's nerves were tense to the extreme, and at the same time, she subconsciously put her hand on the hilt of the horned king's sword that never left her body for a moment.

However, the next moment, when he saw the figure of the domain expert, he immediately understood.

This domain expert is none other than the "King of Thunder" Odin.

Although from the outside, this dark elf is no different from before, but Midi is very clear that he has broken through the gap between level 70 and level 71 that most geniuses can't cross, and has become a high-spirited man. Between them is the real powerhouse who can affect the entire natural environment.

"Congratulations, how does it feel to be a strong player in the field?"

Midi nodded to Odin and relaxed her body.

"not bad."

Odin replied lightly.

Without waiting for Midi to ask, he directly told the whole situation on his side this week.

Taking advantage of the 36 points of true dragon energy that Midi gave him equally, Odin directly chose the most suitable "ancient dragon bloodline" from the rare exchange list—named "ancient blue gold dragon bloodline".

Blue Golden Dragon, like Thunder Dragon, is the master of thunder and lightning power. However, as an ancient dragon, Blue Golden Dragon is naturally much stronger than Thunder Dragon, which can only be regarded as a sub-dragon.

After relying on the power of the Dark Dragon City to replace the blood in his body, although Odin did not have the corresponding ancient dragon inheritance on hand, he still had the experience of controlling thunder and lightning over the years, so he quickly found out the new blood on his own. have the power.

During this process of exploration and comprehension, he naturally realized the "power of the field", so he directly broke through from level 70 to level 71.

It can be said that this is a very typical epiphany process that has been accumulated over a long period of time.

And it is not difficult to see from this that the reason why Odin is the chief of the sons of the five great dragons is not by relying on the power of blood or the power of the central temple, but because he himself is a true genius.

Originally, Midi was still a little worried. If the Demon Realm sent out a general more powerful than the previous "Ice Hell Bone Demon" and "Deep Hell Demon", how would he deal with it.

After all, even if Midi reaches level 70, there is still a gap between him and the field experts at level 71.

And the next time the enemy comes, it will definitely not be just level 71, maybe it will be a higher level, such as level 72, level 73.

Or if the demon lord Degopes had a violent temper, he might directly send a level 74 strongman—this is the highest level of demon that can be transmitted by the weak point of the wall of dimensions—to crush Midi.

In other words, what Midi needs to face may still be an extremely difficult battle, even more difficult than before.

This is also the dilemma that must be faced to kill the strong in the field.

If your opponent thinks you are strong, they will definitely get serious and play even more terrifying hole cards.

However, at this moment, after seeing Odin, who has been successfully promoted to a level 71 field powerhouse, Midi knew that most of his worries could be eliminated.

As long as Odin, a powerhouse in the field, is in charge, the demon's offensive will be much easier to deal with.

After all, although the domain experts at level 71 are weaker than those at level 72, the difference is only in level, not a qualitative change.

Moreover, Odin now possesses the bloodline of the "Ancient Blue Golden Dragon", so it is completely feasible to leapfrog the challenge.

Because of this, Midi has more time, so she doesn't have to rush to deal with the upcoming new battle in various unscrupulous ways, but can calm down and try to accumulate and comprehend for her own breakthrough.

Of course, this three-month war does not have to be fought by Midi and Odin.

"Go out and have a look, those true dragon fighters, I don't know what they have done this week."

Midi nodded to Odin.

After returning to Dark Dragon City with the recall token, both of them healed their injuries first, then exchanged for rare items, and then practiced directly.

It can be said that from the beginning to the end, for the whole week, they were in the state of "unknown" for the true dragon fighters.

Now, the practice can come to an end temporarily, and Midi just wanted to see what this loose "True Dragon Alliance" would look like after losing its leader for a week.

Is it more united by sharing weal and woe?
Or is it like a mess because of the loss of the leader?
Or, simply disbanded quietly and completely?
Of course, in addition to this, there is another possibility, which is to become a piece of fat in the eyes of some people.

Which one it is, Midi has to confirm it with her own eyes.

And when Midi and Odin were about to return to the outer area of ​​the Dark Dragon City, an extremely cold wind was blowing on the central square of the Dark Dragon City.

"It's been a whole week, and you people should be very clear that this ridiculous alliance is nothing if there is no leader. If this is the case, it's time to make a choice, right?"

The voice of "Queen of Beasts" Yimutisari rang coldly in the square.

On her side, the three sons of dragons, the "Iron Wall King", "Ice Queen" and "King of Slaughter", are condescendingly looking down at the group of true dragon fighters. A strong sense of oppression.

As a result, the atmosphere of the entire square became extremely dignified, as if dead still.

"Imutisari, do you really think that you are qualified to be our leader?"

Thor's voice sounded faintly.

After experiencing a life-and-death battle with the devil, this "fighting king" from Menzoberranzan City has now reached the peak of level 68. Although he is still inferior to the son of the dragon, he is still able to resist the opponent's attack. Oppressed, stood here firmly.

"That's right, even if you are the son of the dragon, don't think that you have the ability to fight against all the real dragon fighters in this battle. You are not Midi and the others. Don't mention fighting against the 71st-level field experts, how can you have the ability to be the leader?"

On the side, Engman also immediately took a step forward, standing side by side with Thor, like two goalkeepers.

These two are now the strongest two in the True Dragon Alliance.

During this week, it was the two of them who supported this leaderless alliance, and continued to confront the dragon sons who tried to annex it.

Of course, the reason why they did this was not out of any "loyalty" to Midi, but only based on their own interests.

To put it simply, neither Thor nor Engelman likes someone to be above them.

Even if someone is really above them, it is only a monster like Midi, or a strong man like Odin whose level is so high that people can't resist the idea of ​​resistance.

As for the sons of the four great dragons, although they are also powerful, they are still far from convincing the public.

However, under strong pressure, the already loose alliance is further disintegrating as time goes by.

On the contrary, the infiltration from Immutisari is going on all the time.

A week is enough to change a person's mind many times.

In the beginning, on the battlefield, Midi's record or miracle of beheading a 71-level field expert can be said to have stunned everyone.

After that, Midi and Odin went to hunt down another domain expert with an indomitable momentum, and left an order to "kill all the demons".

At this time, it can be said that the morale of the True Dragon League has reached its peak, and Midi's prestige as the leader is also unprecedentedly high.

Under the support of this kind of burning morale, it didn't take much effort at all, and those demons caught in the eruption of the lava river were wiped out in one go, and all the demons were killed.

Then, this alliance returned to the Dark Dragon City as a victorious division.

At that time, the sons of the four dragons who fled back in advance were all terrified to the extreme.

Because they snatched the record midway, and then ran away without warning, plus all the conflicts with Midi before, the Sons of Dragon were extremely worried that once Midi came back, they would attack them all.

It can be said that at that time, the sons of the dragon were all sitting on pins and needles, like prisoners waiting for the verdict to come.

But as time went by, day after day passed.

Midi didn't come back.

Odin didn't come back either.

No one can even detect their whereabouts.

So, gradually, the saying that "Midi and Odin have died in the battle with the strong in the field" gradually began to spread.

And with each passing day, the truth of this statement increases.

Until a week later, when Imutisari went out to investigate in person and discovered the battlefield where Meedi and Odin fought fiercely with Beelzebub, the Bone Demon, and then found the big pool of blood left by Meedi from the battlefield. , this statement becomes the most authentic and credible conclusion.

And now that Midi is dead, no matter how powerful he was before, he will no longer be any threat.

In a world where the weak prey on the strong like the Underdark, a living coyote is always stronger than a dead lion.

Therefore, the next scene of forced palace drama became a matter of course.

(End of this chapter)

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