Arad's Sword

Chapter 569 I'm Not Dead

Chapter 569 I'm Not Dead
After the integration and use of Midi before, the sons of the dragon have also realized one thing——

Going it alone is not enough.

It is still not enough for a small group to fight alone.

Only by integrating all these nearly a hundred true dragon fighters into a whole, can we obtain the greatest merit and make the environment safer.

Because of this, such a true dragon alliance that lost its leader naturally became fat in the eyes of several dragon sons, or in other words, the best candidate for cannon fodder.

In the beginning, they just released some rumors to sway those true dragon fighters.

However, after the "Queen of Beasts" Immutisari personally found the big pool of blood that Midi had left on the ground, the ambitions of the Dragon Sons suddenly swelled.

Now that Midi is dead and Odin is also dead, they are the strongest in the Dark Dragon City.

Coupled with the temple fighters under the command of the four of them, it can be said that the time has come to do whatever they want.

So, as a matter of course, Immutisari was ready to receive Midi's inheritance, the entire alliance of true dragons.

However, for many fighters of the True Dragon Alliance, this is obviously an unacceptable thing.

This is not to say that they are so arrogant that they are unwilling to accept the leadership of the strong, nor is it that they have developed any loyalty to Midi in one or two battles, but because they were defeated by the "Queen of Beasts" Immuti. Sally, this is really not worth it.

You know, the reason why these true dragon fighters chose Midi as the leader was because they could gain many benefits as long as they hugged Midi's thigh.

In the first battle, Midi saved many lives, which proved that he was a leader with a good character.Even if it is a deliberate favor, at least Midi is very particular about occupying moral rationality.

In addition, Midi's talent in command can also greatly increase the survival rate of each true dragon fighter under his command.Obedience to Midi's orders can get far more merit than disobedience to Midi's.

Finally, and the most important point, is the side of Midi who takes the lead.

Not only did he face the most powerful demon in person, but he was even able to let the "Thunder King" Odin accompany him to fight.

Of course, in fact, Midi worked so hard for the true dragon spirit, but in the eyes of these unaware true dragon fighters, Midi's actions can only be described as "sacrificing oneself for others".

It is precisely because Midi is such a leader who allows people to gain a lot of benefits, so there are so many true dragon fighters who are willing to push him to the throne of leader.

And what about the "Queen of Beasts" Immutisari and the other three sons of dragons?

In the final analysis, apart from their strength, they have no other bright spots.

In the war with the demons, what these dragon sons do is to rush in to snatch the merits at the best time of the battle, and immediately flee into the cave like a frightened rabbit after the appearance of a strong man in the field, without looking back. Dark Dragon City.

If a person like this becomes the leader, what will happen?
If you think about it with your toes, you can know that the real dragon fighters will definitely become cannon fodder for the four sons of the dragon!

The danger has become greater, the subtle tactics are gone, and they have to be sent to the front to carry the strongest demons. Who would want to do such a thing?

Therefore, the true dragon fighters who took the initiative to invite Midi and Odin to be the leaders, this time they unanimously opposed the appearance of the "Queen of Beasts" Immutisari.

However, since the four sons of the dragon were determined to force the others to submit, the situation quickly evolved into the current tit-for-tat scene.

"King of Fighting" Thor and Ingeman of Blue Lake City questioned the qualifications of the "Queen of Beasts" to be the leader.

However, for Immutisari, she doesn't think she needs any qualifications at all.

Her strength itself is a proof!
"Want to question my qualifications to be the leader?" Immutisari let out a sneering laugh, "Don't you know after a fight? I won't suppress by level, you are going to go up one by one , or together?"

The faces of Thor and Engman sank at the same time.

Both of them are now at the peak of level 68, and Thor has the blood of the dragon, so it can be said that he is the top group of fighters in terms of combat power.

It's a pity that the "Queen of Beasts" Immutisari is a master of level 69, and possesses the "Dragon Bloodline" that commands thousands of monsters. Even if the two fight together, the possibility of winning is very high. small.

But now that the two sides have competed with each other to such an extent, it is already impossible not to directly decide the outcome by force.

In the Underdark Region, disputes and conflicts are originally resolved by force, and words will only make people feel pale and powerless.

"Alright, this is the Dark Dragon City. Although there is no black dragon priest present, it is no different from a blood oath. The three giant dragons testify. Let's compete in this central square."

Engman and Thor exchanged glances, and then said loudly.

"One by one or two together?"

Immutisari smiled slightly, as if everything was expected.

"Of course two people go together!"

Thor replied lightly, and also took a step forward.

Although it does seem embarrassing to fight two against one, now is not the time to worry about that kind of thing.The result of winning or losing is the only thing that matters, and since you want to win, you must use any means.

"Then come on." Immutisari showed a bright smile, "For me now, it doesn't make much difference whether there is one opponent or two opponents."

Accompanied by her words, a vast aura spread out.

At the same time, behind the "Queen of Beasts", a fiery red door appeared from the void.

A huge claw stepped out of the gate, and then another.

Then, the owner of these two paws, a huge hell three-headed dog nearly ten meters high, came out from the gate.

No, in terms of its huge body, it is more appropriate to describe it as "squeeze out".

"Next, these two people will be your lunch. Of course, if you behave well, I will give you an extra meal."

Immutisari pointed to Thor and Engman, who were pale, and laughed. Then, with a threatening gaze, she glanced at all the true dragon fighters present.

Now, at the moment when she showed her cards, she could indeed be said to be the "queen" who ruled over all the true dragon fighters.

Because now, Immutisari has broken through the peak of level 69 and reached level 70!
Not only that, but the three-headed hellhound she summoned was directly summoned from the depths of the Demon Realm by taking advantage of the weakness of the Dimensional Wall.

The superposition of the two factors can be said to be stronger than stronger.

Even if Thor has the blood of the dragon, in front of such a terrifying three-headed dog, it can be said that he has no resistance.

As for Engman, who is only qualified in grades, let alone.

In fact, the "Queen of Beasts" Immutisari can completely show her level from the very beginning and directly overwhelm everyone.

But she didn't do this, obviously she wanted to wait for the thorn to jump out, challenge herself, and then kill others to make an example.

And Thor and Engman are just two chickens to be slaughtered.

As for the Alliance of True Dragons, there is no doubt that under the leadership or management of this extremely powerful "Queen of Beasts", it will become an organization with a clear distinction between high-ranking and low-ranking people.

The subordinates can only passively obey orders and try their best to survive on the battlefield, otherwise, they will be directly killed by the superiors.

However, the superiors can use the cannon fodder below to earn more resources and merit for themselves, and they are in an extremely safe position.

Such an organization can be said to be very common in the underdark region where the jungle preys on the jungle, and it is completely taken for granted.

However, in this dark dragon city, for these true dragon fighters who are usually aloof and arrogant, who would be willing to become a subordinate who is enslaved by others?
However, even if they don't want to, they don't have any way to resist.

Not to mention the "Queen of Beasts" who has broken through to level 70, but there are three dragon sons beside her, plus dozens of temple fighters are watching covetously.

"Since Midi and Odin are dead, here, I am the only voice, the only leader!"

Looking at the people who could not conceal the fear in their eyes, "Queen of Beasts" Immutisari showed a proud look in her eyes.

Then, with a big wave of her hand, she was about to let the three-headed dog behind her pounce on it, tear up Thor and Engman and eat them on the spot.

However, before Immutisari had time to issue this order, a slightly lazy voice sounded faintly.

"Who said I'm dead? I haven't seen you for a few days. Do you just hope that the hero who led you to victory will die?"

The moment the voice sounded, the entire central square fell silent.

Even the brutal and bloodthirsty three-headed hellhound that was just summoned felt a strong threat, lowered its center of gravity, and retreated backward like a frightened beast.

It was Midi's voice.

"Thanks to Tommy, everything is fine here too."

Another voice also sounded, unhurriedly, it was Odin, the "King of Thunder".

The black-haired human youth and the silver-haired dark elf man slowly walked out from the depths of the Dark Dragon City, one after the other, and walked to the central square, opposite the four sons of the dragon.

"Midi Asrex! And...Odin!"

For a moment, Immutisari, who was still arrogant just now, suddenly had a trace of unconcealable fear in her eyes.

And the other three dragon sons, who were sitting or standing in a lazy posture, all jumped up in unison at the moment Midi appeared, and naturally entered the fighting state.

"I'm not a ghost, don't be afraid to be like this."

Midi glanced at the four dragon sons and said with a sneer.

(End of this chapter)

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