Arad's Sword

Chapter 582 8 consecutive victories

Chapter 582 Eight consecutive victories

The reason why Midi said so much was because he thought that the other party had no reason to refuse at all.

Even the true dragon fighter coalition on the opposite side had no reason to refuse.

However, due to the effect of the heart of the dead, those resentful souls will still involuntarily fight Midi with all their strength even if they desire Midi to win eight consecutive victories.

But the sword demon named Agares is different. Like Midi, he just entered this field, but he will not be directly controlled by this field.

Therefore, Agares can definitely turn his back on the battle and help Midi deal with the coalition forces in turn.

This is not a betrayal, on the contrary, it can be said to be the wish of everyone on this bloody battlefield.

However, when Midi's voice fell, an intriguing smile appeared on the corner of Agares' mouth.

"That's a good point, but it's pointless. Midi Asrex, do you think I'm the type to take orders from others?"

"Sword Demon" Agares said slowly.

But when she came into contact with the flawless eyes of the other party, Midi's heart sank slightly.

In a sense, this person is of the same type as Midi, that is, the type that is highly sensitive to "initiative" and "control".

Although Midi's proposal can be said to be in the interests of everyone, but because it was proposed by Midi, Agares will never agree.

Because that would mean that he would be bound by Midi and fall into Midi's rhythm.

In the same way, if Agares puts forward some conditions, and then stands on a high ground and asks Midi to assist him, Midi will definitely not be willing.

An opponent who cannot be persuaded by "reason" is not terrible.

What is scary is an opponent like Agares who cannot be seduced by "interests".

Because he regards "initiative" and "control" as more important than "interest" itself.

Needless to say, Midi already knows that the next tough battle is inevitable.

Of course, there is actually another card in Midi's hand, which is threatening her own "failure".

Once Midi loses, it means that the [-]-game winning streak will fall short, and Revenant Heart will not appear.

For Agares, who was also eager to get this legendary magic item, and even ran from the third floor of the Demon World to the sixth floor of the Underdark, he must be more eager to achieve his goal than Midi.

After all, Midi just wanted to understand the power of the domain, and didn't have to get the heart of the dead.

Therefore, Midi can try to force Agares by deliberately admitting defeat.

However, even though she was very aware of the power of the card at hand, it was impossible for Midi to do so.

Because threatening in this way is tantamount to admitting that he has fallen into a disadvantage, and he has already shown his timidity in his heart.

Facing a powerful opponent like myself, the best, most effective, and even the only way to win is to be stronger than him!
Therefore, instead of playing this card, Midi will try his best to play until the opponent is convinced.

"Since you are unwilling to make compromises for the sake of saving face, then there is only one battle."

Midi said lightly.

"It's just a level 70 human. Although it's not easy to travel thousands of miles to the sixth floor of the Underdark, your path has come to an end." Agares proudly replied, slowly pulling out the He touched the sharp sword at his waist, "Of course, please go all out for the next battle. If it surprises me a little, it's not impossible to save your life."

"The fight hasn't started yet, but your mouth is pretty good at talking."

Midi sneered.

"Start the fight now."

Agares replied in this way, and then the sharp sword in his hand pulled out a sword flower, and just like that, he slashed directly into the void.

A ray of light flashed, and the next moment, a frenzy filled with gold and iron breath spread out in Midi's army!
This is exactly the domain of "Sword Demon" Agares - the domain of Thousand Swords!
This realm is made up of thousands of sharp swords flying in the air.

Invisible power controls these long swords, stabbing and slashing the opponent back and forth from all directions. Any demon involved in this field must face attacks from the whole body and the upper and lower sides at the same time.

These attacks have a strong magic-breaking effect, making the spherical magic shields that protect the whole body become like thin paper, which can be broken with one poke.

And those methods of dodging relying on one's own speed will not have much effect, because there is a black metal hurricane in the Thousand Swords Domain, where it passes, the whole body of the person who is blown is covered with rust, The speed was greatly reduced, and it even fell directly to the ground and was corroded by rust.

This is a double composite field that combines the effects of "sword" and "slowdown".

When seeing this field, Midi finally understood why the wisdom dragon attributed the sword demon to a truly powerful demon clan.

Compared with the lethality of compound domains like the "Thousand Swords Domain", the domains of the Deep Prison Demon and the Ice Prison Bone Demon can only be described as ordinary. Once the domains of the two sides overlap and annihilate each other, it can be said that the two The domain of the demon general will be swallowed up in an instant!
Because of a single attribute, it is impossible to compete with compound attributes!
What kind of domain power should I comprehend for myself?

Looking at the "Field of Thousand Swords", such an idea popped up in Midi's mind.

But the thought was only fleeting.

Now is not the time to be emotional, you must first win before you can talk about other things.

At this moment, the "Field of Thousand Swords" released by Agares is like a huge meat grinder, which directly bites off and grinds Midi's army piece by piece wherever it passes.

If this field is allowed to continue to attack, and the opponent's True Dragon Fighters coalition forces don't even have to move, Midi's side will collapse immediately.

In order to prevent the "Field of Thousand Swords" from continuing to wreak havoc, Midi's only solution is to play the most powerful card in his hand.

He directly dispatched the blood lion demon commander.

The commander of the blood lion demon is just a resentful soul, and the domain he owns is not such an awe-inspiring compound domain as the "Thousand Swords Domain". The level of Lord Degopes.

Moreover, Midi's requirements for the commander of the blood lion demon are also very simple. He doesn't need the blood lion demon to fight against evildoers like Agares at all, as long as he can stop the "Thousand Swords Domain".

So, after this card was played, Agares's offensive, which had been extremely arrogant, immediately slowed down.

"Hmph, worm-carving trick."

"Sword Demon" Agares shook his head and snapped his fingers.

Immediately, on the side of the True Dragon Fighters coalition, a level 75 domain expert also jumped out.

The face of the commander of the blood lion demon immediately turned a little pale.

If he really wanted to compete in strength, his domain was not as good as Agares's composite domain, and if he added another opponent now, he would immediately collapse.

He is not afraid of death, at most he will start again as a recruit.

But if the chance of gaining freedom, which is rare in thousands of years, is wasted like this, how can this blood lion demon who was also prominent during his lifetime be reconciled.

But at this moment, Midi also rushed over.

"Let me deal with the commander-in-chief of the True Dragon Fighters Alliance."

Midi said lightly.

"However, he possesses the power of the field, which is not something that a kid at level 70 like you can handle."

The blood lion demon was stunned.

"If you don't try it, how do you know?"

Midi smiled slightly, but still went up to meet her.

In an instant, when the armies of both sides launched attacks at the same time, the four strong men who controlled the overall situation of the entire battlefield collided head-on.

The blood lion demon faced Agares.

And Midi faced the opponent's level 75 commander.

"Boy, let me see if you can kill me."

This level 75 dark elf powerhouse sighed deeply while looking at Midi.

"Is that why you have no confidence in me?" Sensing the strangeness in the other party's tone, Midi's heart moved, and she said again, "If you have the ability, you can chase me with all your strength! See if it's your domain. Quick, or my speed is faster!"

"it is good!"

The strong dark elf gave Midi a meaningful look, then nodded.

Midi didn't talk too much, but in an instant, the "black iron fire light" in his body was activated to the limit, and the whole person kept moving in the air at a high speed, so fast that he couldn't even locate it.

Although this strong dark elf possesses the power of the domain, the domain he opened up has been missed many times, and it can't cover Midi at all.

Of course, there is also a safe way, which is to directly protect oneself with the domain, so that Midi cannot launch an attack.

But what makes people feel strange is that this strong dark elf never did this.

Perhaps it was because he didn't want to adopt conservative tactics in front of a level 70 junior.

But maybe, it could be for some other reason.

All in all, placing the domain in a position far away from oneself can be regarded as a huge flaw for any domain powerhouse.

Of course, Midi really grasped this flaw.

He speeded up crazily all the way, burning all his magic power, and finally seized an opportunity.

He shook off the field behind him that wanted to devour him, and then came directly to a place only about 300 meters away from this strong dark elf.

Then, Midi directly threw out a small square box.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of streamers of light swarmed out from the box, forming a large net woven by light, covering the strong dark elf within.

Then, amidst deafening roars, dozens of suns that were huge enough to blind people exploded in mid-air.

Midi shot out half of the improved version of "Thunderbolt" at one time.

Of course, these thunderbolt bombs can't cause any harm to a real level 75 powerhouse, such as the demon lord Degopes.

But the strong man opposite him was just a resentful soul.

And most importantly, this wraith still wanted to be free.

Therefore, when Midi released this lethal power, this strong man trapped by the heart of the soul cooperated very well without displaying any defensive skills, just letting himself be attacked by the light of "Thunderbolt" devoured.

Midi failed to convince Agares.

But to a certain extent, he gave this dark elf powerhouse a chance to go along with the flow.

This strong man abided by the rules set by the heart of the dead, and launched an attack on the enemies on the bloody battlefield with all his strength.

However, under this kind of "go all out", there is a loophole deliberately left for Midi.

It can be said that this is a guided behavior of releasing water, and the result is that a war that originally required a brutal see-saw was decided in a short moment.

Under the strong light, Midi felt that he even saw the corner of the mouth of the strong man who was killed, showing a relieved smile.

"Next, leave it to me, souls who have been imprisoned for thousands of years, it's time for you to be free."

Midi muttered to himself to the strong dark elf who disappeared into the air.

The next moment, a crisp sound like glass shattering sounded on the bloody battlefield!

(End of this chapter)

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