Arad's Sword

Chapter 583 Comprehending the Power of the Domain

Chapter 583 Comprehending the Power of the Domain
In the sky, the outline of the sun, which was as bright as blood, suddenly became blurred.

And the temperature of the entire bloody battlefield suddenly became abnormal.

It will be as hot as a desert for a while, but it will be as cold as an ice cellar for a while.

While the temperature is constantly changing, the "sun" hanging high in the sky is also constantly changing its color, and cracks appear on its surface.

"So it turns out that the most conspicuous place is the place that is least likely to be found..."

Looking at the scene in front of her, Midi's mind became extremely bright like the night sky illuminated by a torch.

The result of what he had been pursuing these days had actually been seen on the first day he entered this bloody battlefield.

That blood-red sun is the "Revenant Heart"!
I don't know if the strong man who cast this "Revenant Heart" knew too much about the essence of the great hermit hidden in the city, or the Revenant Heart itself has been missed by the resentful souls for too long. In short, it has found everyone's blind spot.

Not visually, but psychologically.

For thousands of years, it has been overlooking the entire battlefield of blood and fire from such a high position. When the truth is revealed, is it not a kind of irony?
Looking back now, this seems like the obvious answer.

After all, in this dark region, there is no sun, and there is no need for the sun.

And on this bloody battlefield, there will be meteorological features that only the surface Arad continent has, which is itself an extremely huge and abnormal situation.

Midi, who is meticulous, could have discovered this abnormality, and then found the heart of the dead in one fell swoop.

It's a pity that no matter how meticulous his mind is, he is still a human being.

Even if relying on psychic powers to adapt to the lightless world where this dark region is located, what Midi yearns for and longs for in the bottom of her heart is still the world full of sunshine.

So, it's a pity that Meddy didn't catch Revenant Heart's tricks.

Fortunately, at this moment, as Midi killed the commander-in-chief of the last legion, it meant that he won the last victory.

Eight straight wins!
These eight consecutive hard-won victories will not bring any direct benefits. However, they can destroy and challenge the rules made by the heart of the dead for this bloody battlefield, and in turn, make this legendary magic The power of the domain possessed by the props can no longer maintain the domain itself, which has internal contradictions.

Now, as cracks gradually appeared on the blood-colored sun in the sky, the heart of the dead that had been hidden for thousands of years could no longer be hidden.

And what can best confirm this is the special aura that flows down from the sky and fills the entire battlefield.

This breath can't be seen or touched, but it is like the clearest spring water pouring down on the head, making Midi suddenly feel like being enlightened!
Midi can even feel that the vitality of his brain has been stimulated in an instant, and various problems that originally required contemplation can be easily solved at this time!

This is the influence of the purest domain power, which has not yet manifested into the power of various elements, and does not have any attack or defense power. It can even be said that this kind of domain power can be used by professional absorbed.

It was precisely because of this that Midi had such a strong reaction.

He could even feel that the real dragon sword in his body was stimulated, and immediately began to brew his own domain power!

With the appearance of Revenant Heart, this is the perfect time for Meddy to take a big step forward!
"it is good!"

Even Midi, who was always calm, was in agitated mood at this moment, and couldn't help but uttered such a drink.

This cheer, like a burst of thunder, swept across the entire battlefield, cheering everyone up!
As for the "Sword Demon" Agares, who was fighting with the blood lion demon commander, his face became extremely ugly after hearing this applause, and it could even be said to be a little distorted.

Because this applause meant his failure.

Agares has directly obtained the title of earl since he was born, even if he is placed in the sword demon clan on the third level of the demon world, he can be regarded as a genius with extraordinary talents.

Only this kind of genius and strong man can be directly placed next to the demon lord De Gopes, but he will not be suppressed and suppressed by the other party, and he can still maintain his own right to speak, and even will come from the third level of the demon world. voice passed.

It can be said that for Agares, there is no failure in this world.

In his eyes, there are only two things: the victory that has not been obtained, and the victory that has already been obtained!

Even the demon lord Degopes himself, in Agares' view, will be surpassed by him one day in the future, and even become a servant under his feet!

In fact, Agares didn't think it was difficult at all to follow the order of "that lord" to recover the heart of the dead.

In other words, the biggest problem in his opinion is how to persuade De Gopes to invest a lot of resources to send himself to the sixth layer of the Underdark.

And now that he has come in, even if he is trapped in this bloody battlefield, he also believes that sooner or later he will be able to get the heart of the dead soul into his pocket, and it is just a matter of time.

But now?

He had just rejected Midi's most reasonable win-win proposal and insisted on boasting. After only a few minutes of fighting, he was directly won by the opponent for eight consecutive victories, and he further felt the breath of Revenant Heart.

It can be said that this is simply a naked mockery.

Of course, Midi was able to achieve his goal in such a short period of time, not relying on crushing by force.

In fact, even the blood lion demon commander couldn't suppress Agares, who was 2 levels lower than himself, because the compound domain of "Thousand Swords Domain" was too domineering, and it was beyond the scope of level comparison.

But Midi won like this, because he accurately grasped the mentality of the resentful souls.

Not only the mentality of the resentful souls in the demon army on his side, but also the mentality of the resentful souls in the true dragon fighter coalition army on Agares' side!
Relying on this accurate grasp of mentality, coupled with the "Thunderbolt", a big killer that is difficult to guard against, so, as long as there is a small flaw, Midi can use it to directly win the victory.

It can be said that Agares didn't even show his true strength, and didn't even have the opportunity to touch his own cards, and Midi had directly achieved his goal.

It can also be said that the reason why Midi was able to kill the 75-level dark elf powerhouse lies in this grasp of mentality in the final analysis.

However, it is precisely the victory brought about by this grasp of mentality that is the most difficult for Agares to accept.

After all, although strength is the most important thing, in the final analysis, who doesn't have a low level?
Unless one becomes the legendary supreme powerhouse who can handle even a level 85 secondary awakener, it is impossible for someone to maintain a level advantage in all situations.

Even a genius like Agares, no matter how intelligent he is, still cannot directly confront a great lord like De Gopez who has hundreds or even thousands of years of accumulation.

Therefore, types like Midi and Agares, who are extremely sensitive to the initiative, actually pay more attention to the grasp of mentality than the suppression of strength.

Anyone can do it with the strong overcoming the weak, it's very simple, as long as you accumulate enough time, you will naturally be able to deal with those opponents who don't have enough accumulation.

It can be said that for the demons with a long life span, this is tantamount to the simplest question of "see who was born early" without technical content and suspense.

However, if you can grasp the mentality of your opponent, you will be able to achieve what most people cannot do, such as "overcoming the strong with the weak" and "challenging by leapfrogging". Use the grade level to do addition and subtraction.

And the reason why Agares was able to enter the sixth layer of this dark region this time can be said to have grasped the anger and anxiety of Degopes.

Now, Midi actually played the same move under the nose of Agares, and even played it more beautifully, so that Agares couldn't even show his strength. How could this kind of accurate grasp of mentality be different? Shocked by Agares?
Not only shock, but also anger, and a strong fear.

This human being must not be left behind, otherwise it might become a serious problem!

Such a feeling involuntarily rose in the heart of "Sword Demon" Agares.

"Do you think you have won if you can feel the power of the soul's heart domain? This battle is not over yet, it is far from over! Although my hole card was too late to show just now, but now I will directly attack you. It's not a problem to cast it!" Agares quickly calmed down, and sneered, "Midi Asrex, don't blame me for suppressing with levels!"

The sword demon finally returned to his usual demeanor. His white clothes were flapping in the hot wind of the bloody battlefield, like an unfailing banner.

Then, the sharp sword in Agares' hand pointed directly at the sky.

The next moment, the "Field of Thousand Swords", which was originally like a storm that devoured everything, suddenly retracted and then stretched out as if it had received some kind of order.

In an instant, this "Field of Thousand Swords" turned into a terrifying gigantic sword several kilometers long!
Even the entire battlefield of blood and fire trembled slightly in front of the murderous edge of this huge sword!

"Take my trick and try!"

Agares yelled.

Accompanied by his voice, the huge sword several kilometers long cut down from the sky like a huge mountain, and slashed towards Midi in the distance with incomparable precision!

(End of this chapter)

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