Arad's Sword

Chapter 602 Handling

Chapter 602 Handling
Looking at the captain's head that rolled to the ground without even a drop of blood flowing out, and the face that still maintained a presumptuous expression without any fear or regret, the brains of the six imperial soldiers went blank.

For a moment, they looked at each other and I looked at you, feeling like they were having a nightmare.

After several seconds, these people finally realized that the captain was dead.

This is reality, not a nightmare.

"you you……"

One of the bolder soldiers raised his spear tremblingly at Midi while muttering to himself.

But the next moment, the spear fell directly to the ground.

The soldier, together with the four people around him, was vaporized by Midi.

There was only the last one left, standing there trembling all over, not knowing what to do.

He was so frightened that he even forgot how to surrender.

"Do you know why I didn't kill you? Because I need someone to lead the way to your barracks. Now, pick up that beast's head and hold it in your hand!"

Midi had already walked in front of the imperial soldier, and there was nothing but coldness in his eyes.

The imperial soldier heard Midi's words, and he tried hard to answer "yes", but his rattling teeth didn't work.

It took several seconds before he came to his senses, and hurriedly dropped the weapon in his hand, then tremblingly picked up the watermelon-like head, and slowly walked out of the gate of the tavern.

"If you want, you can follow. I will guarantee your personal safety. As for this young lady, please send her home first."

Midi glanced at the girl who finally woke up from her surprise with concern, and the softness in her eyes disappeared.

But the next moment, in those star-black eyes, only the coldest cold wind remained.

In this way, an extremely weird team set foot on the Central Avenue of Tucker Town.

Walking at the forefront of this team was the pale soldier who looked like a dead man.

While trembling, he walked forward quickly, holding the captain's head in his hand, which made people feel weird and horrifying.

Behind the soldier, Midi and Agares walked unhurriedly.

Midi is wearing a black cloak and a set of simple armor, while Agares is wearing a white dress, which is extremely elegant. The two of them are in front of each other, and they look like messengers from hell.

And further back, it was the crowd in the tavern.

In the beginning, everyone didn't dare to follow Midi. After all, Midi's strength is not so much powerful as "weird". In contrast, the imperial army stationed in Tucker Town is real.

But the alcoholic who had already lost his wife didn't have any worries at all. He just laughed and followed immediately with an extremely relaxed expression.

For him, as long as he could witness the death of the imperial people, even if it was just a few, it was worth it.

Isn't the reason why you are still alive just to wait for this moment?

So, the drunkard followed suit.

And now that the drunkard took the lead, the other people who had long been dissatisfied with the atrocities of the imperial army naturally became more courageous, so they followed Midi one by one.

Of course, this kind of movement immediately alarmed the imperial soldiers stationed on the streets of the town.

However, before they raised their weapons, and before these soldiers even had time to shout out warnings, beams of light fell from the sky, directly evaporating them one by one.

It's not that Midi still wants to fight against these ants-like soldiers.

He just didn't want to hear these imperial people speak.

With the passage of time, soon, this road snowballed down, and the team suddenly became huge.

And over the entire Tucker Town, the sun became brighter and brighter.

The whole town seemed to be in a sea of ​​light.

Everywhere seems to be filled with light, and shadows have nowhere to hide.

Unknowingly, the "Aura Realm" evolved after Midi's second awakening has enveloped the entire town.

"It can make this guy Midi unleash his full firepower. What kind of imperial army is this? Even if you die without a place to die, you can probably be proud of it."

Agares couldn't help smiling wryly.

Maybe people with low levels can't notice it, but for the strong who have reached the peak of level 75, being shrouded in this "glow field" is quite uncomfortable.

Having signed the "attachment contract" and having a tacit understanding with Midi, Agares is not afraid of Midi's sudden murder.

It's just that the power of this "radiation domain" itself is too oppressive.

And at the same time when the "Glory Field" was completely spread out, the imperial soldier finally reached his destination.

Tucker Town is not very big.

After the imperial army occupied this place, they directly requisitioned the largest building in the town - the town mansion - as a barracks.

The imperial army stationed here had 5000 soldiers at its peak. Now, as the battle line continues to move forward, the number of soldiers staying here has dropped to 500, which is less than one-tenth of the peak period.

However, even so, these 500 people are enough to control the entire Tucker Town and the surrounding area.

After all, these are soldiers who are fully armed and have undergone intensive training, not those mercenary regiments whose equipment needs to be pieced together.

However, standing in front of the town mansion where 500 people were stationed, Midi's expression didn't change at all.

"Go in."

Midi glanced at the trembling imperial soldiers, and ordered coldly.

As if he was about to receive an amnesty, the soldier immediately ran towards the barracks with his head in his arms frantically.

In his opinion, at least in the barracks of 500 people, it is much safer than by himself.

And Midi just watched him rushing in silently, not intending to stop him at all.

Soon, after just a few minutes, there was a commotion in the imperial barracks.

An imperial team was completely wiped out, and the soldiers were forced to walk in with their captain's head in their hands. This was simply the greatest insult to the arrogant Delos people.

Not only that, but the garrisons soon discovered that all the patrolling teams had lost contact!

Obviously, this is an out-and-out enemy attack!

But according to the soldier in front of him, there are only two people on the other side. How is this possible?

Just as there was a little confusion inside the imperial army, an extremely cold voice sounded.

The voice was not loud, but it rang in the ears of everyone in Tucker Town, with an undeniable majesty.

"I'm not interested in soldiers. After all, in the final analysis, you are just following orders. You are far from being the mastermind of the aggression, nor are you the heinous war criminals."

Midi said lightly.

In his cognition, the "army" is the enemy, which means that on the battlefield, he will not hesitate to kill the opponent's vital forces to the greatest extent.

However, emotionally speaking, Midi didn't have any ill feeling towards Delos' army.

After all, the army is nothing more than pawns. They obey orders to invade and conquer, that's all. What really makes Midi angry are those nobles and royal families who have profited from the war.

This is like "the sword is not guilty", but the "hand holding the knife" is guilty.

However, at this moment, after seeing the atrocities in Tucker Town, Midi's mind changed.

Because at this moment, the army stationed here is no longer an army, but a beast.

"If you were just occupying this town as soldiers, I wouldn't say much. But now, since you have released your animal nature, and you don't even have the basic principles of being a human being, don't blame me for treating wild animals. way, to deal with you."

Midi raised her head coldly, looking at the flag of the Delos Empire fluttering on the town hall, the anger in her eyes finally gradually emerged.

"Bold, who is making noise here, want to rebel?"

The supreme commander of the imperial army cursed angrily and walked out of the town mansion.

At the same time, the five centurions that were finally ready also filed out from both sides, the spears and sharp swords in their hands were dazzlingly bright under the light.

However, before the imperial army had time to put on a menacing posture, Midi's "handling" had already arrived.

He made a "press down" gesture.

The next moment, a pale golden beam of light descended from the sky.

This beam of light carried a mighty righteousness, it was extremely bright but not dazzling, on the contrary, its light was extremely soft, like a golden waterfall falling from the sky.

And at the moment of being shot by this beam of light, the entire town mansion, together with the [-] soldiers of the Delos Empire in it, were completely gasified in an instant.

There wasn't any explosion.

There wasn't any blood spatter either.

Even the hot wind brought by the high temperature did not blow.

Of course there was no deafening noise.

During the whole process, there was not even a glare of light, it was just a simple, calm moment, and then everything returned to tranquility.

This is the power of Midi's "Glow Domain" after reaching the second awakening.

All the power will hit the opponent in the most precise way, and not even a shred of power will leak out.

In this way, it will naturally not cause any explosion, and even the temperature of the air will not bring about any change, and the intensity of the light will not increase instantly to a level that makes people feel dazzling.

It can be said that this has reached the realm of ease of retraction.

And after all this was over, when the Tucker townspeople standing behind Midi realized it, there was only a large flat land in front of them.

This ground is like the brightest mirror, extremely smooth, clear and pleasant, at a glance, it can even reflect your own face.

On this ground, everything has completely disappeared.

"In the name of Midi Asrex, the deputy head of the Falcon Regiment, I now announce that the Earl of Kafka will return to the rule of the Kingdom of Belle Mare." Midi said calmly, but there was a hint of it in his tone A power that frightens the enemy and inspires the people.

"Anyone who invades will be killed without mercy!"

PS: The third update is here!Continue to ask for monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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