Arad's Sword

Chapter 603 The Empire’s Persuasion to Surrender

Chapter 603 The Empire’s Persuasion to Surrender

After clearing the garrison in Tucker Town lightly, Midi didn't stay long.

Although he really wanted to comfort these traumatized townspeople, and didn't want them to feel helpless and uneasy again because of his departure, Midi chose to leave.

Because the area occupied by the Delos Empire is not just the town of Tucker.

Even in this kind of not very prosperous town, the imperial army is so presumptuous, what kind of face will they have in those extremely prosperous cities?
Just thinking about it made Midi feel angry.

After all, this is his hometown, and it is also the hometown of Fina and Alice.

No one would allow a group of beastly beasts to run rampant in their most important hometown.

However, Midi did not sweep over area by area.

Although he is already a strong man who has awakened for the second time, it can be said that he is a rare opponent on this Arad continent, and he is superior to all heroes, but after all, he is only one person.

As the ruler of the Kingdom of Belmar, Midi knew very well that there was no way to save everyone with just one person's force.

Therefore, after leaving Tucker Town, Midi immediately went straight to the front line where the two sides were fighting.

Great plain of the Peloponnese.

This is a strategically important area west of Gran's Forest and east of Hutton Marr.

It was also the area where the fourth prince, Reinhardt, abandoned a large area of ​​the outlying territory of the Kingdom of Bel Mare and concentrated his troops to defend it.

Because after the Great Plains of Peloponnese, there is the capital Hutton Mar.

It can be said that once the Great Plains are occupied, the Kingdom of Bel Mare will not be far away from falling.

Today, this originally picturesque and beautiful plain has become a fierce battlefield between the Falcon Regiment and the Delos Imperial Army.

Whether it is the grass, the clear stream, or the lush forests and rolling hills, all of these have been completely scorched and flattened by a large amount of magic bombardment.

And the thick blood of the soldiers dyed the land of the plain a dazzling red.

The two sides fought at least a hundred times on this plain, and two or three large-scale battles were held. Reinhardt even directly relied on Hutton Marr's logistics force to forcefully establish a battle on the plain. A war fortress built with a lot of rocks.

It is precisely because of the existence of this war fortress that no matter how Delos's army attacks, it is like a huge wave crashing on the reef in the end, and every time it returns without success.

It can be said that in the past six months, the imperial army, which had been smashing like a bamboo, was finally stopped under Reinhardt's determination to defend the capital to the death.

However, after going through so many battles, Reinhardt is also very clear that the Falcon Group has now reached the end of its strength.

The continuous high-intensity combat made most of the soldiers physically and mentally exhausted, and the wounds on their bodies not only failed to receive timely treatment, but became heavier and heavier.

If this continues, the seemingly balanced situation is likely to collapse directly at a certain point in time, and then collapse thousands of miles away, unable to clean up.

"Is this the so-called gap?"

Touring the fortress, seeing those exhausted soldiers, this prince from the Delos Empire, who is now the acting head of the Falcon Regiment, couldn't help sighing secretly in his heart.

Once again, he couldn't help but think of the figure who had left more than a year ago.

If it was Midi, even in such a situation, he would definitely be able to lead everyone out of the predicament and deal a severe blow to the enemy, right?
Reinhardt couldn't help but have such thoughts in his heart.

After all, that is a man who can always bring miracles.

In contrast, although Reinhardt is also known as a genius commander, he received the elite education of the imperial family since he was a child, and he is provided with countless resources, but the distance from the word "miracle" is still far away. Too far.

Ever since he was a child, he has always been overwhelmed by the second prince Philip.

Now, in the face of the invasion from the empire that knows everything, Reinhardt can't turn the situation around, and in the end he can only choose to lose the car and save the handsome.

It can be said that after a series of battles, even Reinhardt himself couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

In the future, facing the imperial army that has suddenly become so powerful and invincible on the frontal battlefield, what exactly will he do to win the victory?
"Master Reinhardt, there are people from the empire again."

A crisp and pleasant voice sounded.

It was "Double Butterfly" Irene.

The mascot of the former Morning Star Mercenary Corps, the lovely girl with two guns, has now grown into a slim and graceful real beauty that fascinates everyone.

And when she stands with "Sparks and Spears" Odell, it will be hailed as the most beautiful scenery of the Falcon Group.

However, at this moment, there was a trace of anxiety and worry that could not be concealed in the eyes of this half-elf.

After hearing Irene's report, Reinhardt's expression was not very good.

"Are you here to persuade me to surrender again?"

Reinhardt frowned.

"It's about peace talks and a new covenant."

A wry smile appeared on Irene's delicate and beautiful face.

Reinhardt couldn't help but sighed deeply.

After all, he is an imperial man, and he is also the prince of the Delos Empire.

Even if he has proved his qualifications as the acting head of the Falcon Group through one victory after another, this has always been Reinhardt's biggest weakness.

On the other hand, the empire has to seize this weakness every time and use a high-profile and gentle way to persuade Reinhardt to surrender. This also makes Reinhardt unable to let Reinhardt in the Kingdom of Bel Mare, or even in the Falcon Group. Build up your prestige and trust.

If it weren't for the full support of the Grand Duke of Iron and Blood, maybe in this state of war, Reinhardt would not be qualified to participate in the strategic decision-making of the Kingdom of Belle Mare.

Therefore, for every "negotiation" of the empire, Reinhardt is very taboo.

However, considering the current situation of the Falcon Group, the fourth prince of the empire chose to accept such a "negotiation" even if he knew the other party's intentions.

Because he wanted to delay as long as possible, so that the exhausted soldiers could breathe as much as possible.

But even if Reinhardt wanted to procrastinate, the empire was very clear about his thoughts, so he didn't give him any extra time.

The date of the negotiation was firmly set one day later by the empire.

The location is the very center of the Great Plains, equidistant from the two camps.

In the early morning of the next day, led by Reinhardt, accompanied by Kelvin and Dixon, and a group of heavily armed Falcon soldiers, the Kingdom of Belle Mare slowly arrived at the agreed negotiation location.

Soon, after a short wait, the people from the imperial side also arrived.

When he saw the person headed by the negotiating party of the empire, Reinhardt's pupils shrank involuntarily.


Reinhardt murmured softly the name he was familiar with but loathed, and his face suddenly became serious.

On the other side, the second prince of the empire whose name was pronounced by his younger brother, Philip Sgaard Heinrich, showed a triumphant smile.

"It's been a long time, my dear brother." The second prince greeted in a mocking tone, and then glanced at Kelvin and Dixon who came with Reinhardt, "I heard that Falcon's There is a pair of half-elven sisters in the group, everyone loves them, why don't you show them to everyone?"

"When did you become so vulgar, Philip, or did you come all the way to the front just to make jokes like this?"

Reinhardt retorted coldly, without any wavering in his expression.

"Frontline? Don't take it so seriously, as if it's really a big war between the two countries. I came here just to bring my brother home. This has nothing to do with war."

Philip narrowed his eyes and replied lightly.

Is it really this set?In order to shake my position in the Kingdom of Belle Mare, I deliberately made a fuss about my status!

Hearing Philip's words, Reinhardt couldn't help but sneered.

"Whether I go back to the empire or not, you don't need to worry about it, Philip."

Reinhardt replied coldly.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this sentence, Philip burst out laughing, and said, "I know that you, a rebellious little brother, really won't listen to me, but if it's the order of the father, so what?" Woolen cloth?"


Reinhardt's pupils contracted slightly.

This day has finally come.

Although Reinhardt had already prepared in his heart, the order from the "King of Swords" Yoren still came earlier than he expected.

Originally, according to Reinhardt's prediction, His Majesty the ruthless emperor probably would not take himself seriously in the camp of the Kingdom of Bel Mare, because in his eyes, Reinhardt was nothing but a powerless beast. It's just a chess piece, nothing can change.

But now, Philip actually brought the "King of Swords" Yoren's oral order, which made Reinhard feel a little unprepared.

"His Majesty Father hopes that you will return to the Delos Empire immediately and stop making trouble here. Of course, if you don't go back, you will naturally disobey the emperor's order, not to mention that you will be deposed as a prince from now on, and will be regarded as a A traitor to the empire should be punished as treason! Think about it for yourself!"

Philip still had a relaxed expression full of smiles on his face, but his words were as cold as the cold wind from the Northland.

It can be said that as soon as this oral order came out, it forced Reinhardt to make a choice between the "Empire of Delos" and the "Kingdom of Belle Mare".

From now on, it will be impossible to continue to lead the Falcon Group as the prince of the empire.

Because if Reinhardt continues to insist on staying in the Falcon Group, then he will be directly deprived of his status as a prince, and even regarded as a traitor.

And if Reinhardt chooses to give in and leave the Falcon Group, how long can the Kingdom of Belle Mare last with the Grand Duke alone?
When hearing Philip's words, Kelvin and Dixon on the side also became nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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