Arad's Sword

Chapter 616 The New Order of the Continent

Chapter 616 The New Order of the Continent

Hosted by the fourth prince of the empire, Reinhardt, the state guest-level dinner with Midi from the Falcon Group, Marquis Lanjin and Marquis Black Feather from the Demon Realm as distinguished guests was successfully concluded in an extremely pleasant and harmonious atmosphere.

With the end of this dinner attended by many important officials of the empire and noble lords, coupled with the "retirement" of the second prince Philip, and the "recovery" of the sword emperor Yoren, this battle between the Delos Empire and the Kingdom of Bel Mare The war that lasted for more than a year has finally come to an end.

With the support of Midi, the fourth prince, Reinhardt, took the throne as a matter of course and became the new emperor of the empire.

As for Belle Mare, the Iron-Blooded Duke no longer hid behind the scenes, but returned to the stage to preside over affairs of all sizes.

But now, the hale and hearty appearance of the grand duke has also made many people who are worried about his physical condition feel at ease.

In addition, because the demon viscount Bofei was directly used as a scapegoat by the two marquises, and therefore, the huge intelligence network he worked so hard to set up in the entire Arad continent in the past ten years directly fell into Midi. hands.

After some careful interrogation and sorting out, Midi suddenly discovered that many of the enemies he faced before were actually inextricably linked with this demon viscount.

For example, in the earliest days, when Midi, Fina and others were undergoing trials, the "Blood Blade Thieves" who came to assassinate them were part of the huge intelligence network under the command of the Demon Viscount.

And during the civil war of the Principality of Bel Mare, the group of "pretenders" who took the opportunity to occupy the capital were the direct subordinates of the devil viscount.

It can even be said that most of the demonic essences in the "pretenders" were implanted by Bofei himself.

Not only that, apart from these organizations that were eyeing and infiltrating Belle Mare, there were also various foreshadowings planted by Bofei in other countries on the Arad continent.

It can be said that this demon viscount has extended his tentacles to every corner in the past ten years.

Knowing this, Midi, who originally wanted to kill Bofei with one blow, felt a little pity.

After all, what Midi felt most angry was not the invasion of the empire, but the harsh tyranny of the people after the empire occupied part of Bel Mare's territory.

As a ruler, one should act like a ruler, not oppress the people.

This is what Midi hates the most.

And this, on the contrary, has nothing to do with Bofei.

After all, he just instigated the war and tried to open the devil channel. As for the specific situation of the war, the devil viscount didn't have much interest at all.

As long as the "Emperor of Swords" Yoren can provide more resources, no matter what the current territory of the empire and the territory of Bel Mare are, in the end, aren't they all from the demons?
Bobby thought so.

Of course, this incomparably beautiful idea has been directly shattered by Midi, and it was shattered into slag.

However, even Midi, who is a talented commander, can't help but sigh with emotion after learning what Bofei has done in the past ten years.

"Either it's death, or it's a master-servant contract, you can think about it yourself."

Midi finally gave Bofei such a choice.

There are three kinds of devil contracts, slave contracts, master-servant contracts, and entourage contracts.

Midi would not consider slave contracts at all, because this kind of contract would directly brainwash the contracted object.

And once the demon is brainwashed, it will lose its self-awareness and become a complete puppet, without growth and without its own ideas.

If you just want a guard who can fight, Midi has plenty on hand, so he has no interest in this kind of puppet at all.

Therefore, he will only consider the two forms of "master-servant contract" and "entourage contract".

However, the devil viscount Boffi is the subordinate of the second apostle "Tear Eyes" Herder after all, even if he is forced to sever contact with the second apostle, it is impossible for Midi not to spare him.

Therefore, such a loose "follower contract" like the one signed with Agares is naturally impossible.

If you want to sign a contract with Lafite, there is only the "master-servant contract" that forces the contracted demon to obey.

Once this kind of contract is signed, although Lafite will not be brainwashed into a puppet and can have his own thoughts, his every move, and even the most important demon soul, will all be controlled by Midi.

As long as Midi has a thought, even if it is thousands of miles away, Lafite can be killed directly!

"I am willing to sign a master-servant contract!"

Lafite didn't dare to hesitate at this time, and quickly replied.

He had already been disheartened and completely lost hope, but he didn't expect that there was still a way out, so he naturally agreed.

However, when Lafite was about to make a contract with Midi, Midi shook his head.

"The person you want to contract with is not me, but a powerful old man."

"The Grand Duke Heydrich Hamilton?"

Aside, "Sword Demon" Agares nodded thoughtfully.

Today, Midi has single-handedly contributed to the peace of the continent of Arad.

Whether it is the Delos Empire or the Kingdom of Belmar, the rulers of these two most powerful countries in the Arad Continent are inextricably linked with Midi.

It can be said that as long as Midi speaks a word, the two countries will definitely carry out this order without hesitation.

This is not only because Midi has a high enough prestige and has given enough favors, but also because Midi's strength has enough deterrent power!
However, Midi will not stay in the continent of Arad for too long. On the contrary, now that the situation has stabilized, he will soon leave this place and go to the sky and sea of ​​clouds.

Therefore, the biggest issue is not whether the Arad continent is peaceful when Midi is here, but whether this peaceful and beautiful situation can continue after Midi leaves.

The facts of the previous year and three months have proved that once Midi leaves, there will be ambitious people ready to move, which will lead to war.

Therefore, if you want to maintain peace after Midi leaves, the biggest key lies in "balance".

The reason why the empire launched an attack was not unrelated to Boffi's instigation, but the bigger factor was that the empire possessed the strength to crush the Kingdom of Belle Mare.

Even if Midi fought all the way from Bel Mare to the Empire, and wiped out a large number of Delos elite troops along the way, since Bel Mare was also hit hard, the actual strength is still occupied by the Empire. Advantage.

Even if the current emperor of the empire is the fourth prince Reinhardt, it may not be able to guarantee that such a huge empire will maintain a unified voice.

For this reason, Midi thought of having the Demon Viscount Boffi and the Iron-Blooded Grand Duke Heydrich sign a "master-servant contract".

In this way, if the Kingdom of Belmar has an intelligence network that covers the entire continent of Arad, and under this intelligence network, there are even many powerful organizations that can be driven, then the gap between the kingdom and the empire will be greatly reduced.

In addition, Reinhardt himself is not a main combat faction. It can be said that in this way, Midi can ensure the "balance" between the two sides.

What is maintained by Midi's majesty and deterrence is nothing but false peace. Only "balance" can bring true peace.

A few days after Reinhardt's ascension to the throne, the demon Viscount Boffi was settled, and a large number of high-level potions and inheritances were distributed to the Falcon Group, and Midi finally made a decision.

"I've been in Arad for three weeks, almost, it's time to leave."

Looking at the capital of the Kingdom of Bel Mare, the bustling commercial capital of Hetton Mare, Midi, who stood on the hill, was silent for a long time, and finally spoke.

At this moment, it was early in the morning, and the golden sun was shining on the row upon row of buildings. It looked like a golden sea made of bricks and stones, which was extraordinarily charming.

Midi just watched it quietly for a long time without saying a word.

"Aren't you going to say goodbye to them?"

Aside, Agares asked lightly.

Although Midi told Agares that he could return to the Demon Realm and only respond to the call of the "follower contract" when necessary, but this "Sword Demon" himself has made up his mind and wants to accompany Midi to the Heaven Realm .

After all, he is not an ordinary demon, but a "sword demon", a demon clan whose goal is to pursue the strongest combat power.

Since following Midi can achieve the maximum growth in the shortest time, he naturally wants to follow Midi's footsteps.

Sometimes, Agares would even think to himself, is being able to sign this "follower contract" with Midi a turning point in his life?
However, in the eyes of this demon, the environment of the Arad Continent is too superior.

Although these human beings came into contact with Midi earlier than him and followed Midi, they were going to be thrown away by Midi after all.

Sooner or later, the levels of the two sides will widen to an irreparable gap.

In fact, when Midi defeated the entire Delos Empire with one person, this gap has already appeared.

Now "Sword Demon" is not suggesting that Meddy should say goodbye, but rather that he thinks it's time for Meddy to part ways with ordinary mortals.

However, seeing Agares' thoughts, Midi laughed.

"Agares, do you know what to do to become really strong?"

Midi glanced at the "Sword Demon" beside him, and said calmly.

"Appreciate further details."

Agares replied immediately.

"It's very simple, that is, no matter how strong you become, you must always maintain a sense of humility towards the world."

Midi said seriously, word by word.

The strong are more powerful, if you blindly rely on force, then one day, you will be smashed to pieces by stronger force.

Both Agares and Midi are more advocating psychological control, because both of them understand that there is no limit to being strong, at least, before reaching the level of the supreme powerhouse.

So, since you know that you are not the strongest, why should you be different from ordinary people?
Always maintain awe and humility towards the world, which is the endless motivation to keep getting stronger.

What's more, Midi never thought about leaving her hometown.

"All in all, there is no need to say goodbye, because sooner or later, I will come back."

Moreover, it came back with Fina and Alice.

Midi said secretly in her heart.

The next moment, a ray of light rose from the ground, carrying Midi and Agares away through the air.

Like a shining meteor.

(End of this chapter)

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