Arad's Sword

Chapter 617 Returning to the Sky and Sea of ​​Clouds

Chapter 617 Returning to the Sky and Sea of ​​Clouds
From the deep water port of Belle Mare to the west coast.

From Faroe Bay to Sky City.

From Sky City to Sky Cloud Sea.

Until reaching the center of the sea of ​​clouds in the sky, Xingyang.

It's been a long road.

In the previous life, humans spent a full ten years in order to achieve this goal, and at that time, Midi and the Falcon Group were just supporting roles living in the shadow of the Delos Empire.

Even in this life, after finally becoming the leader of the overall situation, it took Midi two and a half years to finally set foot on the giant beast in the center of the Star Ocean.

However, at this moment, for Midi who has awakened for the second time, the whole process is just a one-night effort.

The pale golden radiance condensed by the "Glow Field" split through the air, and within a short period of time, it crossed the entire South China Sea, passed over the Faroe Bay, and then directly passed through Sky City, and then entered the In the sea of ​​clouds in the sky.

During the whole process, due to the speed is too fast, not to mention that no one stopped it, and even found it.

On the second day after leaving Hutton Mar, the capital of the Kingdom of Belle Mare, Midi and Agares arrived at one of the most prosperous floating islands in the sea of ​​clouds, the Sky Arena.

The huge white tower like a lighthouse stands in the center of the floating island as always.

This gigantic tower with a height of over one thousand meters is exactly the initial place where Midi stepped into the sea of ​​clouds in the sky more than two years ago.

It was from here that Midi got acquainted with the daughter of the Rothschild Chamber of Commerce, Victoria Rothschild, and since then began the road of integrating her own forces.

Today, although Midi has been away for more than a year, the Rothschild Chamber of Commerce, which has a close relationship with him, has not been affected by this, and still controls many air routes and guilds, which shows Victoria's wrist.

Of course, this is also inseparable from the efforts of the advanced fleet left by Midi and the efforts of the dark elf sisters Avril and Emile.

But this time, after Midi came to the sea of ​​clouds in the sky, she had no plans to meet them.

Not only that, Midi even deliberately stopped in the middle of the journey, and changed his appearance a bit, restraining his aura so as not to be easily identified.

This is not to say that Midi doesn't want to see his companions, but he is also a second-awakened powerhouse after all, and his status is too conspicuous.

Although the previous actions on the Arad continent seemed to be crushing all the way, it was hard not to be targeted by some powerful people from several dimensions, so he had to be more careful.

What's more, the dimensional passage leading to the heavens cannot be found by relying on Victoria and others.

That being the case, instead of bothering them and bringing danger and possible attention to them, Midi might as well act alone.

In fact, Midi didn't even need to stay on the floating island and supply supplies.

With his current strength, he can completely fly permanently in the air, no matter how long the distance is.

The reason why Midi came to the Sky Arena is, on the one hand, to reminisce about the past, and on the other hand, to confirm the current situation of the Rothschild Chamber of Commerce.

Now that it has been confirmed that Victoria and the others are fine, there is no need for him to stay here any longer.

As for the information, Midi doesn't think that only people of level 65 can know the way to go to the heaven.

"Although the sky and the sea of ​​clouds are the closest place to the heavens, and there were many ways to go to the heavens in the previous life, but the evolution of the history of this life has ultimately deviated greatly from the previous life. If you just follow the previous life It may not be able to produce any effect at this point in time if the method is tried.”

Midi was lost in thought.

The passage between the heavens and the sea of ​​clouds in the sky is very similar to the passage between the demon world and the underdark region. It can be said that it is a road that crosses the wall of the dimension.

In the previous life, Midi wasn't strong enough, so he could only be regarded as a half pioneer.

This means that the path he walks is not completely pioneered by his own strength, but more often, he mainly follows behind the real strong.

Therefore, although Midi clearly remembered the location of the passages from the sea of ​​clouds in the sky to the heavens, he had no idea how to open up these passages.

After having the experience of the Dark Dragon City, Midi knew very well that special conditions must be required to open these passages.

Just like the sixth floor of the Underdark, the dimensional resonance every five years can make the demons enter the Underdark.

Now, if a channel is to be formed between the heaven and the sea of ​​clouds in the sky, it also needs specific conditions, or it needs to be in a specific location.

Those locations can be inferred based on the experience of the previous life.

But what are those conditions?

"Let's go to the star ocean and look for it. If there is a weak point in the wall of dimensions between the heaven and the sea of ​​clouds in the sky, I think that area should be the most likely."

The voice of the eighth apostle Lotos rang in Midi's mind.


A light flashed in Midi's eyes.

Perhaps because she was too obsessed with the experience of the previous life, Midi almost forgot that there was a supreme powerhouse who knew the sky and sea of ​​clouds by her side.

Of course, Rotes may not be very familiar with the periphery of the sea of ​​clouds in the sky, but if Xingyang is the core area, it must take a full 50 years for him to understand everything.

Now that the eighth apostle had already spoken, Midi naturally raised the "Rain Field" without any hesitation, and flew towards the big storm area.

In just half a day, the black and dense storm area is already in sight.

Of course, now, this big storm area densely covered with all kinds of turbulent currents and cold currents can't stop Midi's pace at all.

As soon as the outer "black cloud circle" is illuminated by Midi's glow, it will immediately disperse like a mist.

And in the inner "frozen cloud circle", those cloud beasts with a size of several kilometers, as soon as they sensed Midi's arrival, they immediately ran around like frightened rabbits.

And the cold ice cloud itself, under the light of the glow, also melted immediately.

In fact, if it wasn't for Midi's restraint of the aura around him from the very beginning, perhaps, the big storm area itself would have been directly poked a huge hole by his radiance.

Inside the big storm area, Xingyang is still full of mystery and beauty as always.

Above Midi's head, the bright starry sky is still there.

And the surrounding void and darkness are as vast as ever, making it impossible to see the end of the star ocean.

It's just that, as he went deeper into Xingyang, Midi also discovered that unexpected but reasonable changes had taken place in this area.

Among them, the most obvious point is that there are more airships sailing in the Star Ocean.

It's not that there are one or two more ships, but that there are more fleets in groups.

Flying in the star ocean, Midi would encounter several groups of airships from different caravans from time to time.

Of course, due to the successor left by Midi more than a year ago, most of the Xingyang area is still under the control of the Rothschild Chamber of Commerce.

Therefore, most of the marks on the airship group are the marks of the Rothschild family that Midi is familiar with.

Of course, there are also a small number of airships from other chambers of commerce.

But in any case, from this point alone, Midi has already realized that Xingyang is now being developed.

As a psychic king, he can immediately identify the goods carried in these airships as long as he sweeps with psychic power.

Among them, most of them are various ores and metals unique to Star Ocean, and a small part are rare materials and medicines.

It can be said that the commercial development relying on Xingyang's resources is ongoing.

"With the continuous improvement of the alchemy technology here at Xingyang, probably one day, the 'black cloud circle' and 'ice cloud circle' in this big storm area will no longer be able to stop these merchants."

Midi said with emotion in her heart.

But the next moment, in his pair of dark eyes, the surprise disappeared in a flash.

Because, from the fleet that just passed by, Midi scanned almost no cargo, except for one thing.

It was a liquid in a tight-fitting vial.

However, it is this liquid that exudes an extremely powerful and rich magical aura.

The oppressive feeling conveyed from this breath was so strong that even Midi was surprised by it.

In just a few seconds, Midi, Agares, and the eighth apostle Lotes reacted at the same time.

This is the breath of "Order Magic Power"!


Without any further elaboration, Midi immediately turned into a meteor and rushed directly towards the fleet.

Those air battleships equipped with giant cannons and iron armor seemed to be standing still for Midi, and there was no time to react.

In fact, most of the crew members only saw a pale golden light flashing in front of their eyes, and didn't realize that it was a second-awakened powerhouse at all.

In just a blink of an eye, Midi came directly to the flagship in the center.

The next moment, a wave of psionic energy swept across the air battleship silently, causing everyone to fall into a state of ecstasy without any resistance.

Of course, Midi's purpose is not to snatch this bottle of liquid "magic power of order", he just wants to know where it comes from.

However, if Midi were to explain all this, it would undoubtedly waste too much time, and it might even be directly regarded as an enemy and attacked.

Therefore, Midi simply became unreasonable and directly controlled everyone on the boat with spiritual power.

"Tell me, where did you get this bottle of order magic power?"

Looking at the hypnotized captain in front of him, Midi asked.

"Order magic power? I haven't heard such a statement." The captain shrugged his shoulders. "As for the origin of this thing, most of the senior officials of the chamber of commerce know that they come from the Blue Truth Sect. Those people call this thing' The Fountain of Light'."

(End of this chapter)

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