Arad's Sword

Chapter 618 The Fountain of Light

Chapter 618 The Fountain of Light
In a few words, Midi quickly figured out everything.

It turned out that the Blue Truth Sect obtained this "Fountain of Light" through some means—that is, the condensed liquid form of the "magic power of order" in the heavens.

The "Order Magic Power" itself has a powerful power. Once consumed, it will significantly improve the level of these professionals who are not even level 70.

In addition, if there are internal injuries, hidden injuries, hidden diseases, etc. in the body, as long as they drink this "order magic power", they can also be completely cured in a short time.

Therefore, after discovering that the magical effects of the "magic power of order" are no less than those of the twelfth-level potions, the Blue Truth Sect began to sell such things.

Of course, it must be sky-high.

And now, this fleet bought such a small bottle of "Order Magic" from the headquarters of the Blue Truth Sect of the Sky Veil Behemoth, and is now escorting this precious cargo back to the voyage.

"I see. It seems that in this star ocean, there may be a weak point in the wall of dimensions. No, more precisely, there should be a dimensional rift!"

Midi immediately made a judgment.

If it's just a weak point, the magic power of the heaven may not be able to penetrate it.

And only when a solid crack is formed, can this kind of penetration be formed.

Undoubtedly, for Midi, such a crack can be regarded as the entrance to the heaven.

Although the entrance is a little narrower, it is not impossible to pass under the power of the "Glow Domain".

As for this fleet, after obtaining valuable information, it has no other meaning to Midi.

Although the magic power of order is good, it is of no use to the powerhouse who has awakened for the second time.

Besides, even if it is useful, it is impossible for Midi to act as a robber.

With a wave of Midi's hand, immediately, the spiritual energy covering the entire battleship faded away like a tide, and he and Agares beside him were also wrapped in the radiance, turning into a golden thread and piercing through the air.

By the time the commander of the fleet recovered from his daze, everything had already returned to normal.

Not only did the bottle of "Fountain of Light" in the expensive magic-proof box remain intact, there was even an extra bottle of twelfth-level potion on the table.

This is the "information fee" left by Midi.

And when the commander felt flustered at the same time, with a little joy in his heart, Midi and Agares had already traveled all the way in the star ocean, rushing to the giant beast of the sky in the center of the star ocean. .

This gigantic monster, hundreds of kilometers long, floated in mid-air as always, cruising along the established track, like a king, patrolling his territory.

And on the back of the sky-curtain giant beast, Midi can even see large buildings.

Compared with when the Eighth Apostle Rotes was still here, the Blue Truth Sect today can be said to have become more prosperous under the auspices of "Judge" Marshall.

After all, the passage between Star Ocean and Sky Cloud Sea has been opened, and foreign chambers of commerce and adventurers have frantically poured into this place, which has also accelerated the development of Star Ocean.

Although Midi is also full of emotions about the land that was separated from Fina and Alice when he launched the "Choice of Destiny" more than a year ago, but this emotion is only directed at himself.

As for where the giant beast of the sky, and even the Blue Truth Sect will go, Midi is not very interested at the moment.

In essence, he is not a person with a strong desire to control. Perhaps the Blue Truth Sect, the Rothschild Chamber of Commerce and him are all inextricably linked. However, the connection is always just a connection, but it is far from reaching degree of management.

In the final analysis, Midi is still the type who values ​​the people around him more than anything else.

Since Midi has not even contacted Victoria and the others since he came to the sky and sea of ​​clouds, it is naturally impossible for him to meet with the "Judger" Marshall and others of the Blue Truth Sect at this moment.

After coming to the giant beast of the sky, Midi still used the old method to scan directly with spiritual energy.

Although the Blue Truth Sect has quite a number of mind catchers, under the power of the Psychic King Midi, there is no big difference between this kind of resistance and none.

Soon, Midi learned the specific location of the so-called "Fountain of Light" through mind reading.

It was an inconspicuous floating island in the depths of the Star Ocean, and there were no special resources around the floating island.

If it were Midi, if he wanted to defend this resource-heavy place with the "Fountain of Light", he would naturally dispatch an elite team to conduct mid-range surveillance and ambush.

On the one hand, this can be done without using too many troops.

On the other hand, this can also prevent this floating island from attracting the attention of others. After all, there are no other resources here except the "Fountain of Light".

However, Marshall's approach was extremely high-profile——

He directly sent a large fleet to guard over the floating island. At the same time, he established a permanent base on the floating island and stationed a large number of heavily armed soldiers.

Undoubtedly, anyone who sees this resourceless floating island and such a defense force will feel extremely weird.

It can even be said that Marshall almost told others that there is a fountain of light here.

Seeing this scene, Midi couldn't laugh or cry.

However, for him who has already awakened for the second time, this fleet and the troops stationed on the floating island are not a problem at all.

"Sure enough, it's a dimensional rift!"

Through repeated scans of psychic energy, Midi finally confirmed that the so-called "Fountain of Light" was deep underground in the army fortress.

And this "Fountain of Light" naturally cannot be a spring, but an extremely tiny dimensional rift.

The "magic power of order" is ejected from this crack.

In other words, it is because the concentration of "magic power of order" in the heavens is too high, while the concentration of magic power in the sea of ​​clouds in the sky is too low. Under this pressure difference, the "magic power of order" is squeezed in.

The incoming "magic power of order" was carefully collected by the alchemists of the Blue Truth Sect, and then compressed with a special alchemy technique. Finally, it became a light golden liquid, which is the "Fountain of Light" ".

Of course, for Midi, these "magic powers of order" mean nothing to him.

The main question is, how to get through such a narrow gap?

However, Midi soon found a solution.

"As long as you use the magic circle set up by the Blue Truth Sect on this floating island to reverse the magic power in it, you can expand the gap in an instant. At that time, as long as the speed is fast enough, you can pass through the dimensional channel in an instant."

Midi soon had an idea.

The next moment, a pale golden light flashed in Midi's star-black eyes.

In a blink of an eye, the sky above the floating island, which was originally dotted with stars, was suddenly enveloped in golden waves that diffused like water waves.

In just a few seconds, the "Glow Field" has been completely unfolded.

Having discovered such a terrifying anomaly, the fleet patrolling around the floating island immediately launched an attack.

It's just that no matter how fierce their firepower is, under the light curtain of the "Glow Domain", they can't achieve the slightest effect.

At the same time, on this floating island, all the soldiers stationed in the fortress—whether they are low-ranking soldiers or high-ranking generals, are all affected by the wind of light formed by the radiance. The fortress was blown out.

The next moment, even those mages who had been trying to fight with the magic circle were stunned to find that the magic circle used to protect the floating island had been eroded by an extremely powerful force and completely lost. control.

"what on earth is it?"

The supreme commander in charge of guarding the floating island, Shandur, the eldest disciple of "Judger" Marshall, roared angrily.

More than a year has passed, and this professional who was already level 63 has now reached level 68.

However, in front of Midi's "Aura of Light", he still couldn't do anything. The only thing he could do was probably get angry at his subordinates.

Only this time, no matter how loud Shandur's voice was, those mages, generals, and captains of the fleet were still helpless.

Under the bright brilliance that lit up the entire starry sky, these professionals who thought they were of a high level and could disdain the entire sea of ​​clouds in the sky felt their own insignificance and powerlessness for the first time.

And the next moment, the magic circle that had been eroded by the "radiance domain" was activated again automatically.

But the power of the magic circle was no longer external, but frantically surged towards the "Fountain of Light" under the floating island under heavy protection.

Under the tremendous power of the magic circle, the Fountain of Light began to let out bursts of mournful cries.

The originally extremely small dimensional rift began to loosen and then expand after being poured with a huge amount of magic power.

The space itself showed pieces of fine cracks, and then, as the cracks peeled off, the cracks began to grow bigger and bigger.

"No, the Fountain of Light has been torn apart, how is this possible!"

"Could it be about to explode?"

"Run, retreat immediately!"

Amidst the exclamation, the pale golden light that filled the sky suddenly began to converge.

Thousands of light filaments continuously condensed and entangled, and finally turned into an incomparably condensed sword of light.

This sharp sword hangs high in the night sky of Xingyang, like the rising sun, illuminating thousands of kilometers around the floating island.

And the next moment, accompanied by an incomparably crisp sound of the sword's cry, the lightsaber condensed from the "Glow Field" fell directly like a meteor.

The falling speed of the lightsaber is getting faster and faster, and the momentum it brings is getting bigger and bigger, and the target of the lightsaber is the spring water of the Fountain of Light underground in the fortress!
This sword will penetrate the entire floating island!

Seeing this earth-shattering scene, almost everyone had such a thought in their minds.

However, even though the entire fortress completely collapsed under the pressure of this sword, and even the entire military camp was turned into ruins due to the power of this sword, however, when the blade of the lightsaber really hit the floating island, , but nothing happened.

The sword shot directly into the spring without leaving even a trace, as if it had never existed before.

Only a young but majestic voice, with some familiar feelings, rang in everyone's ears.

"This is compensation for destroying the barracks. Take it! But I advise you not to develop this so-called Fountain of Light, otherwise, you will bear the consequences!"

Accompanied by this sound, five or six bottles of real twelfth-order potions fell from the sky and fell directly into Sandur's arms.

And when Shandur came back to his senses, everything had already returned to calm, as if what happened just now was an illusion.

Only the ruins on the entire floating island proved the authenticity of the dreamlike but terrifying scene just now.

(End of this chapter)

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