Arad's Sword

Chapter 634 Three-Day Sprint

Chapter 634 Three Days Sprint
After the meeting of the three major alchemists ended, Midi finally walked out of her laboratory.

When he walked into the laboratory, those angels looked at Midi's back, full of disdain and ridicule.

However, at this time, when Midi walked out of the laboratory after the wave of notes offensive, what was waiting for him was eyes full of awe.

These proud angels, these skilled alchemists, at this moment, have nothing but admiration for Midi.

Now that this is done, the next three days should be easier, right?

Thinking of this, Midi showed a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.

"I think everyone already knows that three days later, the results of our research will be tested by the Holy Mountain of Heaven, and at the same time, the results of our biggest competitor, the Tiangang Association, will also be tested. Therefore, in the last three days, we must race against time to raise the fusion rate to another level."

Midi scanned the crowd with sharp eyes, and said in a calm tone.

Of course, what he said was basically understood by all the alchemists present.

If you want to be able to defeat a competitor, the best way is to directly throw off the opponent by a large amount in terms of effect!

Just like the alchemy conference in Qingfeng City, even though the "Hunter" tracking bomb looked good, it was of no value in comparison to Midi's "Destroyer" blood-sucking bomb.

Therefore, those high-level officials of the Heavenly Realm's military, who have always been cautious, also made a decision on the spot and placed the order directly.

If a similar effect can be achieved in the display of this fuel sample, then there is no doubt that the Tiangang Association will be eliminated early, and the Silver Moon Association will definitely be able to obtain more resources in the next research.

Even the full support of the Holy Mountain of Heaven!

However, how easy is it to get rid of the Tiangang Association in this test?

After all, this is different from the Qingfeng City branch. This time, for the mission from the Holy Mountain, the Tiangang Association, an alchemy organization with angels as its core, must have dispatched all its core forces, and even allocated massive resources. .

In contrast, the Silver Moon Guild was slightly less powerful than Tiangang.

In this case, even if Midi is a talented alchemist, it is obviously impossible to break the stalemate between the two giants that has been facing each other for hundreds of thousands of years with just one person.

Therefore, when Midi said these words, these alchemists who had built up a little respect for him through the small note were all looking forward to what this genius would do next.

"What we have to do is very simple." Midi smiled and continued, "Now, the fusion rate of the power of the domain and the magic of order is about 40%, and we can try to increase it by another 10 percentage points to 50%. Come on, naturally we can widen the gap with Tiangang!"

When hearing Midi's words, almost everyone gasped.

Within three days, increase the fusion rate by 10 percentage points?

How is this possible?
However, Midi obviously anticipated everyone's doubts. He smiled confidently, and took out a small bottle of pure black potion from the storage ring.

"This is an additive that I have specially formulated in the past few days. It is condensed with the power of several different fields. With this thing, it should be able to smoothly increase the fusion rate."

"What? An additive made by the power of the field?"

All of a sudden, the alchemists couldn't help commotion.

You know, during this period of time, although Midi stayed in the laboratory and did not come out, as the deputy director of the Thirteenth Workshop, he had to directly control all the research progress.

On this basis, Midi kept releasing small notes to give orders, and he spent a lot of resources to upgrade his level. The alchemists are very clear about these things.

In fact, they are already extremely admired for being able to do all these things at the same time.

Unexpectedly, while controlling the progress of the research and not slowing down her own practice, Midi would even come up with such an "additive".

Moreover, it is not an ordinary "additive", but an additive made with "power of the field"!
How exactly is this done?
In addition, where did so many "field powers" come from?
All the alchemists were full of questions, but they couldn't ask, and they couldn't think of an answer.

But in fact, it is really not difficult for Midi to use the power of various fields to make additives.

After all, he had fought hard for half a year on the giant dragon battlefield to crack the "death pursuit order". Among them, he killed countless demons, and naturally collected all kinds of domain power from it.

Now that the materials are complete, it is just a matter of lifting a finger to take out some of them and mix them into "additives".

"However, I really didn't expect that this Golden Wing kid would even prepare a killer weapon."

On the side, Lakshata couldn't help complaining with a wry smile, but in this complaining tone, it was full of expectations and admiration.

In the beginning, to be honest, the alchemist had some doubts about Midi.

After all, Midi's age is too young, and judging from the size of the Golden Wing, the level is not high enough.

Not enough realm, not enough experience, no matter how talented he is in alchemy, it is still difficult to make a breakthrough in such a big subject.

Therefore, Lakxiata didn't say much when he came up, but just hid silently and observed.

And as Midi's small note offensive gradually took effect, this beautiful female angel also began to be surprised again and again, until now, she can be said to have completely entrusted the most important part of the entire research to Midi.

"If it's this guy, maybe he can really lead the Silver Moon Guild to beat Tiangang." Looking at Midi surrounded by a group of alchemists, Lakshata couldn't help expressing such thoughts , Then, he looked at Ka Kun jokingly, "How is it? Should you consider passing on the position of the president of the Silver Moon Guild to him?"

"If Midi is willing to accept it, it's not impossible. It's just that I think this person's ambition is not here, or he is looking at a higher place."

Ka Kun shrugged, but there was a hint of regret in his eyes.

"The holy mountain of heaven..."

Lakshata's mood was slightly shaken.

"But no matter what, the most important thing for us and that Golden Wing kid right now is to beat the Tiangang Association and get the approval of the Holy Mountain! Although this additive is indeed a trump card, but , we still have to be careful, after all, who knows if Tiangang will have any backhands other than alchemy?"

Ka Kun changed the subject and said seriously again.

While the Silver Moon Guild was fully preparing for the sample test three days later, an extremely tense atmosphere was also permeating the headquarters of the Tiangang Association located on the other side of Ghent, the capital of the gods.

Obviously, the sample test three days later brought no less pressure on the Tiangang Association than on the Silver Moon Association.

In fact, due to the birth of Midi's "High-Energy Explosive Blood-sucking Bullet", and his alchemy master joining the core of the Silver Moon Guild, the pressure on the Tiangang Association is even greater than that of its old opponent.

"This time, the new alchemy master of the Silver Moon Guild may bring a lot of trouble."

A young but steady voice sounded slowly in the magnificent conference hall of Tiangang Association.

The owner of this voice is none other than Tiansteel Association's number one genius alchemy master, level 79 archangel, Sylvan.

Contrary to Lakxiata, he is the host of the fuel plan of the Tiansteel Association.

Originally, when competing with Lakshata, because he had more rare resources at hand, and there were more angels in the holy mountain willing to support the Tiangang Association, which "only serves angels", President Silvin It is able to suppress that beautiful beauty.

It's a pity that with Midi's joining and the rapid progress of the Silver Moon Guild's research reports being handed over to the Holy Mountain, Sylvan soon felt the pressure.

The attitude of the Holy Mountain has changed.

Originally, Shengshan would always say that compared to Yinyue, Tiangang has more advantages in the high-end field.

But now, Shengshan began to say that Yinyue can also bring surprises to people in the high-end field.

Not only that, but Yinyue's progress is actually faster than Tiangang's on the most important fuel project in this holy mountain, and it's not only one or two points faster!
This made Sylvan feel a great pressure, and even regarded Midi, a young alchemist who had never met before, as his greatest enemy.

And what made this archangel feel unwilling the most was that this Midi was only of the "Featherman" level!
How could he, who always valued his status, endure it!
And when he thought of the possibility of losing to Midi in the next test, his mood became even more entangled.

"It will indeed bring a lot of trouble, but you don't need to worry to that extent because of a little feathered man, Sylvan."

Another old voice sounded unhurriedly.

The person who spoke had gray temples, but two pairs of wings spread directly behind his back. He was obviously a real "four-winged angel" and the legendary "awakened king".

This person is naturally the president of the Tiangang Association.

His real strength is even higher than that of Ka Kun at level 81, and when he speaks at this moment, he also has a sense of oppression and calmness.

"Although Yuren are lowly existences, we can't underestimate our opponents because of this, right? Chairman?"

Sylvan sighed slightly, then shook his head again.

"Hahaha, I can understand your worry, but, although that kid named Midi is indeed quite a genius, he has a fatal weakness. This weakness will not only put him at a disadvantage in the fuel plan, maybe, We can also take the opportunity to make the Silver Moon Guild suffer a lot."

Chairman Tiangang laughed in a hoarse voice.

Then, he spread his palm, and said again: "Silvin, do you know what is the biggest feature of this bullet?"

What the chairman is holding is the "high-energy explosive blood-sucking bomb" developed by Midi!
PS: I wish all book friends a happy New Year's Day!Continue to ask for a monthly pass, if you don’t vote, it’s a waste, why don’t you get one!

(End of this chapter)

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