Arad's Sword

Chapter 635 First Test

Chapter 635 First Test
What is the biggest feature of the "killer" blood-sucking bomb?
Even a master alchemist would inevitably hesitate when he heard such a very general question.

Is it powerful?
Or is the feedback rate extremely high?
Or a combination of both?

Sylvan looked at the small bullet in President Tiangang's hand, but for a moment didn't know which answer to give.

However, President Tiangang smiled meaningfully, and then said: "The biggest feature of this bullet is the caliber!"


Sylvan was stunned for a moment, because the answer was too different from what he expected, so he couldn't help repeating the other party's words.

"That's right, the caliber. It doesn't matter whether it's power or the feedback rate. In the final analysis, it's just some small technical advantages. If we, the Tiangang Association, do our best to research, we may not be able to develop better bullets. But the caliber, But that's another story."

Chairman Tiangang weighed the bullet in his hand and remained silent for a long time.

However, Sylvan figured out some tricks from this passage.

You must know that in the heavens, the caliber of each different weapon is basically the default. This is a tradition that has been passed down thousands of years ago, and it can also be said to be the default rule.

It is precisely because of the existence of this default rule that in the heavens, all bullets and firearms can be matched and used smoothly.

According to Holy Mountain, this is called "standardization."

However, the man with the golden wings named Midi broke the "standardization" of the heavens for thousands of years in his first famous work, using non-standard caliber bullets.

Perhaps, this is just a small, inconspicuous change.

Perhaps, this is very natural for enhancing the power of the bullet. After all, the larger the caliber, the bigger the bullet, and the greater the power.

However, to some extent, isn't this change to the caliber a kind of destruction of the existing "standardization"?

No, to put it more seriously, this can even be regarded as a challenge to the order of the heavens!

And since such a change will be made on a small bullet, there is no doubt that in order to make the fuel of the Silver Moon Guild become more fusion rate, perhaps this Midi will make some changes again. Extraordinary things come.

Will the Holy Mountain of Heaven tolerate such a change?
The answer, I'm afraid, is no.

Thinking of this, Sylvan's mind finally stabilized.

"Even if our Tiangang Association is overtaken by the Silver Moon Association, at least we can conduct research in strict accordance with the rules set by the Holy Mountain for thousands of years. This alone is enough for us to immediately Invincible. Not to mention..."

Chairman Tiangang said in a determined tone, and even deliberately let it go when it came to the crucial part.

"not to mention?"

Sylvan's heart skipped a beat, apparently thinking of something.

"What's more, I have already found out that the main examiner of this test is that Lord Mansfield who can't tolerate the slightest bit of sand in his eyes!"

The corner of President Tiangang's mouth revealed an expectant smile.

Soon, just three days passed.

In the early morning of the fourth day, convoys from the inner city of Ghent, the capital of gods, slowly arrived outside the two major alchemy institutions.

These two convoys are both large in number, guarded by teams of well-equipped angels, and the three spacious and luxurious carriages are naturally used to carry several alchemy masters and fuel as samples.

After Midi and the others got into the carriage, they arrived directly at the inner city of Ghent, the capital of gods, in just a short while.

Compared with the outer city with a large number of feathered people, this inner city can be regarded as the real "City of Angels".

Looking out from the carriage, what Midi saw in her eyes were all angels.

You know, originally, the positions of servants, bodyguards, etc. were generally held by feathered people, and angels were mostly supervisors and responsible persons.

However, in the inner city of Ghent, the capital of gods, even the lowest-level positions are held by angels.

In contrast, it was Midi. Although as a person with golden wings, there is a high possibility that he will become an angel in the future, but after all, the current Midi is still a feathered man.

And in the center of the inner city, the most prominent building complex is naturally the resplendent and magnificent palace, where the queen of the heavens, Alizee, is located.

Although Alizee is nominally the supreme ruler of the heavens, and it is said that she is a very beautiful, dignified and charming woman, but judging from the current situation of the heavens, Midi judges that the life of the queen of the heavens is going well. Not really.

Ghent, the capital of the gods, is said to be the capital of the heavenly realm, but in the final analysis, it is just a city at the foot of the holy mountain of the heavenly realm.

The Holy Mountain, this is the true holy place that the people of the heavens, especially the angels, yearn for.

Naturally, compared to the palace at the foot of the holy mountain, and the queen in the palace who is not of high rank, the temple above the holy mountain and the saints in the temple are the real objects of obedience for the people of heaven.

In the final analysis, even in a place full of order like the heavens, the voice of speaking still depends on strength.

It's just that in the heavens, this kind of strength is not as naked as in the dark regions or the demon world.

Take the present as an example, although Midi has come to the inner city, there is no need to see the queen at all.

The Pegasus convoy he was in didn't even say hello, and flew past the magnificent palace, and then flew towards a huge building in the inner city.

That building is the base of the alchemists of the holy mountain, located in Ghent, the capital of gods.

Its name is Sanctuary Workshop.

"Silver Moon Guild and Tiangang Guild, are the people from both sides here?"

In the central laboratory of the temple workshop, an angel said in a condescending tone.

"Silver Moon Guild is ready."

Ka Kun said calmly, bowed and bowed.

"The Tiangang Association is ready."

Chairman Tiangang also lowered his noble head.

In front of this angel representing the holy mountain, even the presidents of the two major alchemy institutions seemed respectful at the moment.

This angel has a handsome face, a head of blond hair, and a tall stature. More importantly, the two pairs of huge wings on the back are shining brightly, making him look like a god descending from the mortal world.

A level 80 four-winged angel.

However, he is obviously not the host of this fuel test.

Because, behind this four-winged angel, there are three other middle-aged four-winged angels sitting on the high chair in the center of the laboratory.

These three people who have reached the level of alchemy masters are the real judges of this test.

And among the three judges, the one in the center is exactly the Mansfield who couldn't tolerate sand in his eyes mentioned by the president of Tiangang Association.

The supreme judge slowly scanned the people standing on both sides, and finally settled on Midi.


Mansfield muttered to himself, frowning slightly.

However, his gloomy expression was only fleeting, and was not seen by others.

Only Midi himself, who was being stared at, felt a well-hidden hostility.

It seems that this test may not be as simple as I imagined.

Feeling the hostility from the judge, Midi couldn't help sighing in her heart.

Fortunately, Mansfield didn't do anything next, but nodded slightly, signaling that the test could begin.

As for the testing method, it is also very simple, direct and clear——

On both sides of this giant laboratory, there is a complete set of engine installations assembled by the temple workshop, and the fuel samples brought by the Silver Moon Association and the Tiangang Association will be poured directly into the engine in equal amounts. middle.

Then, the alchemists in the temple workshop will start the engine at the same time and record the parameters.

Of course, this kind of test is not just to see which engine can run for a longer time to determine the pros and cons.

It depends not only on the movement of the engine, but also on the stability of the two fuels under different temperatures and environments.

In addition, after the fuel is used, the dregs left behind are carefully collected for analysis.

Even through the continuous acceleration and deceleration of the engine, etc., to test the fuel consumption rate.

Of course, under these two engines, there are also several magic circles, which are used to monitor the consumption of the power of the domain itself.

The content of the entire test is extremely lengthy, fully reflecting the orderly style of the heavens.

In comparison, in the sea of ​​clouds in the sky, even the tests conducted by the fuel of the highest level warships seemed much simpler.

After several hours, the two engines finally stopped roaring.

The sample capacity brought by the two alchemy institutions is sufficient. Of course, during the test process, there was no situation where one side's fuel was directly exhausted-in that case, the pros and cons would be directly separated.

Therefore, in the end, whether the Silver Moon Guild is superior or the Tiangang Association holds the high-end advantage, the winner can only be determined through statistics.

Of course, after hours of various tests, the accumulated data is naturally a thick stack.

However, all alchemists are very clear that other data, in fact, only need to be "up to standard", and no one will deliberately pursue perfection.

In fact, there is only one statistic that really determines the outcome.

The fusion rate of "Power of Domain" and "Magic Power of Order".

This fusion rate can be said to determine the potential of this product after it is completely perfected in the future, as well as the amount of energy contained in a drop of fuel.

"Give me the numbers."

The voice of the supreme judge, Mansfield, sounded slowly in the laboratory.

Immediately, several master alchemists who were doing a lot of calculations looked at each other, cleared their throats, and then began to report.

"The fuel fusion rate of the Tiangang Association is 46%."

"The fuel fusion rate of the Silver Moon Guild is 55%."


In an instant, even in front of several judges, many alchemists of the Silver Moon Guild couldn't help but clenched their fists and cheered loudly.

PS: Dear book friends, please take care of me in 2015!
(End of this chapter)

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