Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 103 The soul is trembling [33, please recommend and reward]

Chapter 103 The soul is trembling [33, please recommend and reward]

If the name Chen Haolin is not very well known.

Then James Chen is definitely a name that has shocked countless wine lovers.

This 25-year-old young man is from Taiwan Island, China. He is a well-known bartender internationally, and he is also a top sommelier.

Since he was ten years old, he has shown an amazing talent for bartending, and has won many awards in various bartending competitions.

At the age of 15, he won the championship in the Golden Bottle Award Competition held by the China Fine Wine Association, which shocked the whole country in one fell swoop.

Later, he traveled to more than 30 countries in Asia, Europe, and America, and competed with hundreds of top international bartenders.
Even the "Time Magazine" in the United States used him as its cover to express its praise for this young man from China.

Ye Zhiqi worked her way from a waiter in a bar to the sole franchisee of TNT Bar in Jiangbei Province. During this process, she had been exposed to countless fine wines, so she also knew James Chen's name.

She never expected that such a heavyweight would appear at the opening ceremony of her bar!
Seeing the shock in Ye Zhiqi's eyes, Chen Haolin showed a satisfied smile.

Murong Ranran asked Ye Zhiqi in surprise: "Boss Ye, is he so powerful that he surprised you like this?"

Ye Zhiqi regained her senses and nodded, "Amazing! And not just ordinary!"

"He won the highest award in our country's bartending industry, the Golden Bottle Award, at the age of 15! Even the American "Time Magazine" featured him on the cover!"

"He combines the highest level of wine tasting and bartending, and is a rare genius in China!"

Murong nodded knowingly: "Oh, so that's the case."

Chen Haolin saw that there was no hint of shock in her words, so he asked with a smile:
"Miss, don't you think this is not enough to impress you?"

Murong Ranran smiled faintly: "You are nothing, compared to my brother-in-law, you are nothing more than a small witch!"

I have seen all kinds of magic of Ye Yun, but I feel that Chen Haolin is simply not worth mentioning.

Chen Haolin glanced at Ye Yun contemptuously. He saw that Ye Yun drank the same wine as Murong Yan and the others just now, and he seemed to drink it very well.

So I thought contemptuously in my heart: "I am so happy to drink a glass of rubbish wine. Sure enough, there are still a lot of bumpkins in mainland China! Just rely on being handsome and cheating innocent girls!"

"Wait until I bring out a glass of water in the mirror, and see if you can still sit there so calmly!"

Turning his head, he looked at Murong Ranran with a smile: "Meeting is fate, let me give you a glass of good wine first!"

He took three glasses from the side, poured more than a dozen kinds of cocktails together, and concocted a new bottle of wine with great skill.

Under the illumination of the light, the middle part of this bottle of wine appeared in the shape of a bright moon.

When he shook the bottle with his hands, countless broken petals appeared under the bright moon, which looked so beautiful.

"Flowers in Mirror and Moon in Water! You actually concocted a bottle of Flowers in Mirror and Moon in Water!"

Ye Zhiqi covered her mouth in surprise.

She had heard that James Chen's famous stunt was the mirror image.

This kind of wine is not only beautiful in appearance, like a dream, but also tastes indescribably wonderful, just one drop can make people drunk and unable to extricate themselves.

She didn't expect that James Chen would concoct this kind of wine in his bar tonight!

Chen Haolin smiled triumphantly and pulled out the cork.

With the crisp sound, an indescribably rich aroma immediately permeated the entire bar.

"Wow, it smells so good! It's unimaginably fragrant!"

All the people in the bar were immediately attracted by the aroma and gathered around one after another. Some of them couldn't help swallowing hard.

"Chen Haolin! He is James Chen!"

"This bottle of wine, can't it be a mirror image? Damn, I was able to see the mirror image he concocted with my own eyes. This can't be a dream!"

When they saw that bottle of extremely beautiful wine and that handsome young face, many people exclaimed Chen Haolin's name.

Chen Haolin enjoyed everyone's praise very much, poured three glasses of wine, stretched out his hand gracefully and said:

"Three beautiful ladies. I like to do things casually. I am very happy to meet you tonight. These three glasses of wine are for you."

Ye Zhiqi stretched out her little hand a little excitedly, took the first cup in her hand, closed her eyes and sniffed it, her face full of intoxication.

As the owner of TNT, she has tasted countless fine wines, and she knows in her heart what kind of enjoyment this glass of magic will bring her.

Moreover, at the opening ceremony of the bar, you can meet a heavyweight bartender and sommelier like Chen Haolin, which is simply a surprise for her bar!
Chen Haolin glanced at Murong Yan and Ranran, and said with a smile, "You two, please too!"

Murong Yan shook her head and smiled slightly: "Sorry, I still like my own wine."

Ran Ran also nodded: "Well, you should give this wine to someone else."

Chen Haolin's arrogance and his contemptuous look towards Ye Yun made them not have a good impression of this person.

Chen Haolin was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Don't worry, I don't mean anything else, I just think that the current wine is not worthy of you at all!"

"These are just my thoughts!"

After finishing speaking, he held a glass in one hand and handed it to Murong Yan and Ranran, with a look that could not be refused.

Murong Yan frowned, she didn't like others to force herself.

Seeing that he was forcing Murong Yan, Ye Yun couldn't help flashing a murderous intent in his eyes, and said coldly: "You said these wines are not good enough for my wife, so is your wine good enough?"

Chen Haolin said with a disdainful smile: "Nonsense! My Mirror Flower and Water Moon is an internationally recognized top wine! I don't know how many royal families and nobles want to ask me to make them a glass of this wine!"

"So you say, is my wine worthy of them?"

After hearing this, everyone present couldn't help nodding secretly. The reputation of Flower in Mirror and Water in Water is too great, and no one can deny its charm.

Although the two girls sitting there were extremely beautiful, if they were able to drink a glass of Flowers in Water and Moon, they would definitely make a fortune!

Ye Yun showed an extremely contemptuous smile: "Your broken wine is not worthy of taking out! If my wife really wants to drink, I will make it for her myself!"

After hearing this, Chen Haolin laughed loudly, shook his head and said, "Can you make wine that is better than Jinghua Shuiyue with your own hands? You are really brazen!"

Ye Yun ignored him, turned his head and looked at Murong Yan gently: "Honey, since I'm happy tonight, I'll make you a drink myself."

Murong Yan smiled and nodded: "Okay! No matter what wine you make, I like it!"

Ye Yun then took an empty cup, poured a little boiled water into it, then took out a small bottle from his body, and poured out a drop of pink liquid from it.

"Okay, you can drink it in a minute." Ye Yun said with a smile.

" simply unreasonable!" Chen Haolin's eyes were full of contempt.

"Take a glass of plain water and add a little red ink. Is this making wine? This is basically a biological experiment!"

Ye Zhiqi and the others looked at Ye Yun in surprise at this moment, not knowing what he wanted to do.

Ran Ran stared at the wine glass with wide eyes, she knew that her brother-in-law would never disappoint.

It's just that she doesn't understand what changes will happen in the cup.

1 minute later.

A pink light overflowed from the glass and quickly enveloped the entire bar like a waterfall.

In an instant, the colorful light in the bar was covered by pink light.

Wherever the light goes, the indescribable fragrance can even penetrate people's skin and reach their hearts.

Let everyone tremble uncontrollably.

From the body, the mind, to the soul are trembling!

Even Chen Haolin couldn't help trembling crazily, he hissed and roared:

"Oh my god! How can it be so fragrant?!"

 Thank you book friend 186****9789 for your reward~~~
(End of this chapter)

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