Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 104 Taking care of you is the best job! [13, please recommend and reward]

Chapter 104 Taking care of you is the best job! [13, please recommend and reward]

"Hey, don't block me! I want to smell more too!"

"Get out of the way! I'm a relative of the district chief executive. If anyone blocks me, he won't be able to eat and walk around!"

Ye Yun's wine was so fragrant that it made people go crazy.

Everyone in the bar rushed to the front, for fear that the scent would be inhaled by others.

Murong Yan covered her mouth in surprise, she expected that Ye Yun, a man of many talents, would make a delicious cocktail for herself.

But unexpectedly, the taste of this glass of wine is so fragrant!

She felt that there might not be any words in this world to describe the aroma of this glass of wine.

This kind of smell makes people deeply intoxicated by the smell, and there is a feeling of ecstasy all over the body.

"Ye Yun, this is not wine, it's pure jade liquor, only the gods in the sky can drink it!"

Murong Yan managed to think of this sentence to comment on the glass of wine in front of her.

Ye Yun chuckled: "Yuye Qiongjiu is not worthy to be compared with it. Even a god is not worthy to drink this glass of wine, only you can do it!"

This drop of pink wine was made by Ye Yun in the Promise God Realm, picking the most precious treasure in the God Realm, the Nine-turn Golden Fruit, and then burning it with the innate spiritual fire for 49 years to refine it.

This nine-turn golden fruit is the supreme holy fruit of the entire universe, with supernatural quality, and it takes one billion years to grow one.

Even if a top-level god took a bite, he might not be able to bear the huge divine power and be blown out of his wits.

When Ye Yun was killing all directions in the Promise God Realm, he forcibly snatched the only two nine-rank golden fruits, smelted them into wine and took them with him, ready to drink them when his divine power was consumed too much .

But it's a pity that the opponent in the Promise Realm is still too weak, and he has no chance to take this wine.

Just now when he saw Chen Haolin showing off in front of his wife again and again, he remembered that he had this treasure on him.

The divine power in the current glass of wine has been dissolved by him, leaving only the supreme taste of the universe, even just smelling it can make people crazy.

Murong Yan's cheeks were flushed, Ye Yun said that this glass of wine was better than Yuye Qiongjiang, how could this not move her?
Even if Ye Yun said big words to coax himself deliberately, but how many girls can not be moved when they hear such words?

So with a happy smile, she brought the wine glass to her lips, took a sip, and her eyes were filled with strange brilliance:
"It's... really indescribable... so delicious!"

Seeing Murong Yan's intoxicated appearance, everyone present swallowed hard.

Ye Zhiqi had already put aside the mirror in her hand. Compared with Ye Yun's wine, it tasted like garbage!
Murong Ran said coquettishly: "Brother-in-law, make me a cup too!"

Ye Yun shook his head and smiled, "There's only so much wine, I want to save some more for your sister."

"Ah~ brother-in-law!" Murong was anxious.

I just feel that I and my sister are obviously twins, but the treatment is too different!
Yaya brought the straw of chocolate milk tea to Ranran, and said with a smile:
"Auntie, it's better to drink milk tea, drink milk tea!"

Ran Ran smiled wryly and shook her head: "Yaya, my aunt wants to drink, not milk tea!"

"My aunt is so pitiful!" Yaya immediately overflowed with sympathy, pulled Ye Yun and said, "Papa, make a cup for my aunt too!"

Ye Yun rubbed Yaya's little head, and said with a smile: "Okay, but the wine just now can only be reserved for Ma Ma, and Baba will make her a new glass."

Ye Yun then took a few bottles of cocktails and mixed them together. Under the surprised eyes of everyone, he cooked a glass of wine that was almost hot and put it in front of Ranran.


When the smell of wine came out, the audience was once again a sensation.

Although the taste of this glass of wine is not as good as that of Murong Yan's, it is more than one level better than Chen Haolin's.

Ranran picked it up and took a sip in surprise, and was surprised to find that the wine, which was almost boiling, was not hot at all, and there was a cool feeling in her mouth when she drank it.

"It's really a dare to think about cooking cocktails with hot water! Brother-in-law, you are not a bartender, but a fighter among bartenders!"

However, the depression just now was swept away, and there was an expression of enjoyment in her beautiful eyes.

Chen Haolin's mouth was wide open, his originally handsome face was extremely distorted at this moment, and there was nothing but shock in his eyes besides shock!

It wasn't until someone around him fought because he wanted to squeeze in front and smell the alcohol a few more times that he came back to his senses and ran out of the bar in desperation.

"God! What kind of monster is this!"

Thinking of Ye Yun's mysterious and unpredictable bartending skills, Chen Haolin felt like his heart was about to stop beating.

At the same time, he was also a little scared. When Ye Yun looked directly at him just now, an indescribable chill almost pierced his heart.

"Let's go quickly! Going up to talk to those two girls tonight is definitely a mistake!"

Chen Haolin quickly ran into the car, started the car and immediately stepped up the accelerator and rushed to the road.

However, just after driving [-] meters, the car suddenly flew up, and after driving [-] kilometers above the clouds, it fell rapidly towards the ground of Taiwan Island Province.

After 1 minute, the car and the air rubbed into flames, and after falling to the ground, only a pile of charred wreckage remained.


Inside the bar.

After Murong Yan and Murong Ranran finished drinking, the noisy crowd finally calmed down.

Those who can get TNT bar VIP tickets have a certain status and self-cultivation.

Stimulated by the rich aroma of wine just now, many of them made some outrageous actions.

When the smell of wine gradually dissipated, the mood of these people also quickly stabilized.

However, being able to smell such a wonderful aroma of wine is an unforgettable experience for many people in this life.

All these men and women looked at Ye Yun with admiration and awe. This man just subverted all of their worldviews.

Ye Yun didn't pay attention to everyone's fiery eyes, but carefully peeled the grapes and stuffed them into Yaya's small mouth one by one.

The little girl ate very happily, her mouth was bulging like a little balloon.

At this time, a blond old man, accompanied by two middle-aged foreign men, walked in front of Ye Yun.

With a smile on his face, he took out a golden business card, put it in front of Ye Yun, and said respectfully:
"Sir, I am the boss of the Royal Roy Cocktail Group in Scotland. I want to hire you as our technical director with an annual salary of 1 million U.S. dollars."

"In addition, I will buy you a private mansion in Edinburgh, as well as a private helicopter. I hope you can agree to my invitation."

Hearing Roy's words, many people present exclaimed at the same time.

"My god! It turns out that he is the famous cocktail giant, Roy Rhodes!"

"Roy is the super giant in the world of cocktails, and he is also a recognized master bartender. If he can be favored by him, the future is boundless!"

Immediately, many people looked at Ye Yun with envy and envy.

This man not only conquered the people present with his magical bartending skills, but also conquered this world-renowned giant.

Murong Yan covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Ye Yun, there is an editor-in-chief, Dean, who invites you to be a chef in the European royal family, and now there is President Roy, who invites you to make wine. It seems that you really have no shortage of work!"

Ye Yun said with a smile: "For me, being able to take care of you is the best job!"

He raised his head and looked at Roy lightly: "Sorry, I'm not interested!"

 It's so pitiful, there is only one person in the book friend group, let's all join in, Suzaku also wants to have his own book friend group, although it is currently a small one.Group number: Group number: 1
(End of this chapter)

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