Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 105 This mission is boring! [23, please recommend and reward]

Chapter 105 This mission is boring! [23, please recommend and reward]

Roy's face was awkward for a while. He is an internationally famous cocktail tycoon. I don't know how many people want to get in touch with him.

Tonight, in a small city in China, he met a talented bartender who amazed him.

Originally thought that relying on his own prestige and strength, Xu Yizhongli could make this young man nod.

I didn't expect that the other party would not be moved by such a generous offer!
"Young man, I am really thirsty for talent! I have been searching for top bartenders all over the world these years, and you are the ideal talent in my heart!"

"As long as you nod, I can increase my salary to 5 million US dollars! Moreover, you can choose your residence in any city in Scotland. I promise to give you the most luxurious residence and the most luxurious enjoyment!"

Roy glanced at Yaya in Ye Yun's arms and the beauty sitting beside him, and continued:
"That's right! I can also provide your family members with permanent passports so that they can stay by your side all the time!"

"Please, promise me!"

The international cocktail giant actually bowed to Ye Yun at this time.

His eyes were full of longing.

Everyone present was completely stunned by Roy's actions.

"God! This kind of treatment, even the president of a small country doesn't have it! This man is going to get paid this time!"

Ye Zhiqi even covered her mouth, her fingers were trembling.

She never imagined that there would be such a shocking scene in her own bar.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would have thought she was making a movie!
Ye Yun didn't even look at Roy, but helped Yaya pull the straw of the milk tea out so that she could drink it more conveniently.

At the same time, he said in a light tone: "I don't like to repeat what I say. You should go to someone else for this matter."


Roy's body trembled. He had already offered unimaginably generous terms, but unexpectedly, he was still rejected!
Do not!
It's not rejection!

But the other party didn't take this matter seriously at all!

This made Roy feel that he, an international cocktail giant, should be similar to air in his eyes and can be completely ignored!

"Okay...Okay! Excuse me!"

In the end, Roy sighed helplessly, took a deep look at Ye Yun, and left with his men.

In the bar, it was unbelievably quiet.

Everyone stared at the man with a doting look on his face who was holding his daughter in the eyes of a monster.


The most luxurious presidential suite on the top floor of Xingyue International five-star hotel in Qingyang City.

Roy sat on the sofa, drinking whiskey with a sullen face.

"In this world, there is no one that I, Roy Rhodes, cannot conquer!"

"Damn it, this man, I must make him a member of the group!"

Roy had already estimated in his heart that if Ye Yun could be brought to Scotland to become the technical director of the Royal Roy Cocktail Group, it would bring at least $300 billion in profits to the group every year.

This is an astonishing amount of wealth. If it can be realized, the market value of the group can reach at least 5 billion within five years.

This scale can already be compared with the world's largest retailer Wal-Mart!
This is a huge cake!

Under its lure, this businessman, whose blood is full of money, couldn't help but tremble all over.

Of course, Ye Yun must be dealt with before this!

Roy firmly believes that as long as Ye Yun can be brought to Scotland, then his grand blueprint is expected to be realized!
"Since conventional means can't handle you, then..."

Roy put down his wine glass, a look of ferocity flashed in his eyes, and at the same time took out his mobile phone, and logged in to the forum dedicated to the underground world, which is the BGT forum.

He found this forum by accident when he was traveling around the world, but he never used it.

This time, he decided to post a reward task here, and the target was Ye Yun!
Soon, he sent out the mission, and a new post immediately appeared on the BGT forum.

"I need to bring a young Chinese man to Scotland, the commission is 1 million US dollars! The deposit is 3000 million US dollars, and the final payment will be paid after the completion."

One minute after the post appeared, it began to attract the attention of netizens.

"1 million US dollars, bringing a Chinese man to Scotland is a lot of money! But it sounds like this is not a difficult task!"

"That's right! This task is a bit boring and not challenging. However, I am willing to give it a try. I will accept this task!"

"I am also willing to take on this task!"


In the next 5 minutes, more than 30 replies appeared in a row, all of which were replies wanting to accept the task.

Roy crossed his legs and showed a smug smile:
"Look, there is no problem in this world that cannot be solved with money!"

He found a user with a higher level in the post:
"This task belongs to you! Report your name so that I can know how capable you are!"

The other party quickly replied: "Hello, my nickname is Black Scorpion, and I am one of the top ten killers recognized in the world, currently ranked sixth"

"A total of eleven Congress officials who have carried out assassination missions in Israel, Syria, and South Africa's Zimbabwe have successfully killed them!"

Roy nodded: "That's right! This task is very easy. You don't need to kill people. You just need to bring a man named Ye Yun to Scotland!"

"Of course, you have to convince him to stay there with peace of mind forever. I believe that with your means, it should be easy to do, right?"

Hei Xie asked, "Is that Ye Yun you mentioned a man in his early twenties?"

Roy nodded: "Yes, do you have any questions?"

Black Scorpion replied immediately: "I'm sorry! I can't complete this task!"

Roy was surprised: "Why?"

Black Scorpion replied: "This person is likely to be extremely dangerous, I cannot accept such a task!"

After speaking, Black Scorpion lost contact.

"what's going on?"

Roy stood up in surprise, and then went through all the replies, only to be told the same answer, that is, no one wants to touch this man named Ye Yun.

"Damn it! An ordinary Chinese man scared you like this?"

Roy cursed angrily, and at the same time changed the post, increasing the commission to 5 million US dollars.

"I don't believe it, such a high commission can make you indifferent!"

But in the next 5 minutes, no one responded to his post, and all the people seemed to disappear.


Roy couldn't help but swear, "10 billion US dollars! Whoever is willing to accept this task, I will give him 10 billion US dollars!"

He was really pissed off. He never thought that in this forum, which almost includes underground forces from all over the world, there would be no one who could arrest Ye Yun to Scotland.

"Oh, my God! Am I really going to give up?"

After waiting for a few more minutes, there was still no reply, and Roy almost felt desperate.

Suddenly, a new post appeared: "This mission is mine!"

(End of this chapter)

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