Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 108 Yaya's routine is deep! [23, please recommend and reward]

Chapter 108 Yaya's routine is deep! [23, please recommend and reward]


Seeing this Thunder Demon, which was so powerful in Southeast Asia, disappear into nothingness under Ye Yun's eyes, Murong Hui and the others couldn't help but gasp.

This scene is really shocking and terrifying!

This kind of inhuman crushing made the three of them feel that Ye Yun is an unimaginable pervert!
"Ye Yun, you can't really be...a god, right?"

Before today, Murong Hui still felt that he already knew a lot about Ye Yun.

But the scene just now let him know that his understanding of Ye Yun was not even superficial!

Even, he couldn't see Ye Yun clearly at all.

This man, the man who loves his daughter and granddaughter as much as his life, is like a fog in the starry sky to him, and he will never be able to solve his secret!

Ye Yun smiled lightly and did not answer.

The level of the gods is still too low, just like Murong Yan asked him before, he can't be sure of his true realm.

When Wang Gan saw Ye Yun kill Heman with his hands raised, his worried expression disappeared, and he smiled awkwardly:

"I didn't expect you, Mr. Ye, to be so powerful. I was the one who worried too much. If that's the case, we won't bother you. Goodbye!"

After saying goodbye to Ye Yun politely, he took Xia Jin and left Murong Villa.

On the way, Wang Gan hadn't recovered from the shock just now.

It wasn't until half an hour later, when he was about to reach the Tianluodiwang headquarters, that he came back to his senses and said:

"Adjutant Xia, after you go back, try to block all news of Heman's killing."

"Whether it's traditional media or online media, including the BGT forum, we must pay close attention."

Xia Jin asked in surprise: "It's a great thing that Ye Yun is so strong, why did you block the news channel?"

Wang Gan's expression was serious: "It's because he is so strong that I think his influence should be minimized."

"Do you know the truth that a big tree attracts the wind? A person like him is a thorn in the flesh for some hostile forces!"

"Even if he is really capable of resisting all enemies, the people around him are not that strong. We must try our best to protect these people from some unexpected dangers."

Xia Jin smiled and said, "If you let him know that you are helping him protect his relatives and friends, he will be very grateful!"

Wang Gan shook his head and smiled: "You are so naive! An existence like him would never take us seriously!"

"However, if we can't be his friends, at least we won't be his enemies. Protecting everyone in the Murong family is also a good thing for our entire Jiangbei province."

After finishing speaking, he raised his head and let out a long sigh: "It's been hundreds of years, but there hasn't been such a character!"

"If those countries in Europe and America knew that he was so strong, how many super weapons would they bring out?
"How many hidden old monsters will be born because of his existence?"

"At that time, what will the world be like?"


With the efforts of the heaven and earth network, the killing of Heman in Murong Villa did not have much impact.

The series of things that happened before have gradually faded from people's vision.

Except for some people who have been paying close attention to the situation, countless ordinary people still live as usual.

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed.

On Saturday morning, Murong Villa.

"I don't want to go to school! I want to stay home!"

Murong Ranran was sitting on the sofa angrily, hugging a Winnie the Pooh, puffing out her mouth angrily.

Murong Hui, Murong Yan, Ye Yun and Yaya are all in the living room.

Several people held a family meeting early in the morning, with the purpose of letting Murong Ranran continue to go to school.

Originally, Murong Ranran was going to be a junior at university in the second half of the year.

But after one summer vacation, she suddenly didn't want to go to school, and wanted to join the group like Murong Yan.

This made Murong Hui very anxious, so he took Murong Yan and Ye Yun to do ideological work for Murong Ranran early in the morning.

Murong Hui's persuasion did not work all morning, so he could only sigh:

"Of course, no matter what, you have been in college for two years, why shouldn't you give up the remaining two years?"

Ran Ran shook her head and said, "No! I want to be like my sister, go to work in the group, and then go home!"

"I'm only a little younger than my sister, why can she do it but I can't?"

Murong Yan smiled helplessly: "However, even if I dropped out four years ago, I didn't delay my studies! The year before last, I got a diploma from an adult university, and I still have two master's degrees."

"If you want to be like me, don't you still have to go to school first?"

Ran Ran's eyebrows were tightly locked: "But sister, I really don't want to leave home! Now that you are all reunited, just send me there alone. I'm very lonely in my heart, okay?"

Yaya climbed onto the sofa and looked at Ranran with a sad face: "Auntie, I can't bear to let you go alone!"

Ran Ran's eyes lit up when she heard it, and she was overjoyed and hugged Yaya and kissed: "Yaya is still good, I know I love my aunt!"

She thought, if Yaya was reluctant to leave by herself, then her brother-in-law would definitely speak for her.

And my sister dotes on Yaya very much, maybe she will agree to stay at home.

At that time, there will be only father alone, and there will be no way to force her anymore.

So when she looks at Yaya now, it's like seeing a savior, she likes it so much!
"Yeah!" Yaya nodded earnestly, "So, Yaya sends my aunt to school!"


Ran was stunned for a moment.

This little girl, what kind of routine is this!

When Murong Hui heard this, he immediately got up and clapped his hands: "Okay! Let Yaya take you to school! It just so happens that she hasn't been there yet, so you take her to play for two days!"

Murong Yan covered her mouth and kept laughing, she didn't expect this little girl, Yaya, to have a deep routine.

Ran Ran sniffled her nose, tears were about to flow out: "Yaya, my aunt is so heartbroken, even you want to drive my aunt away!"

"No!" Yaya shook her head, "Yaya doesn't want my aunt to leave! Auntie knows why, does Yaya want her to go to school?"

Ran Ran was surprised and asked, "Why?"

Yaya's eyes are full of fighting spirit: "Because, Yaya wants to be the number one girl in the universe, and Yaya's aunt also wants to be the number one girl in the universe!"

"Yaya doesn't want my aunt to be bullied by Xiong Daxiong Er because she doesn't study like Bald Qiang!"

"Hehe, you little brat!" Ran Ran was amused by her, and pampered her little nose.

Then he stood up and said, "Okay, for Yaya's sake, I'll continue with school!"

In this way, with Yaya's efforts, Ranran successfully embarked on the road to go.

Ye Yun wanted to take care of Yaya, so he went to the airport with him, preparing to board the plane.

The three of them came to the international airport and went to the waiting room after checking the tickets.

"Hi, of course!"

As soon as the three of them entered the waiting room, they saw a young girl in a dark blue sportswear and a peaked cap beckoning to Ran Ran.

 Thanks to book friend 158******22 for the 588 reward~~~ There is nothing better than this affirmation!In addition, thanks to the book friends who have been voting recently, please continue to support!Suzaku will work hard to write a better plot!
(End of this chapter)

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