Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 109 You are the one who rolls as far as you can! [33, please recommend and reward]

Chapter 109 You are the one who rolls as far as you can! [33, please recommend and reward]

Murong Ran waved and smiled, "Chen Li, long time no see!"

The person who came was none other than her high school classmate, Chen Li.

Chen Li walked up to her briskly, looked her up with a smile, and sighed:

"Of course, I haven't seen you for more than a year. You are more beautiful than before!"

Ran Ran hugged Chen Li happily: "You are not bad! I heard that you have been staying in other provinces before, why are you back in Jincheng now?"

Chen Li sighed helplessly: "Isn't this because I broke up with my ex-boyfriend, so I just went back to my hometown in Jincheng to relax for a while."

"I'm in a better mood now, and I want to go to another city to develop."

"Oh, so it's like this, what a coincidence!" Ran Ran laughed.

Chen Li turned her head and saw Ye Yun holding Yaya, she couldn't help being surprised: "Of course, when did you get married! The children are so old!"

"However, your husband is so handsome! My daughter is so cute!"

Ran Ran's pretty face flushed, she coughed and said, "No, he's not my husband."

Yaya blinked her big eyes and nodded: "Auntie, you're overwhelmed! She is my aunt."

Ran Ran smiled like a flower, and poked Yaya's little face with her finger: "Yaya, that's called a misunderstanding!"

"What a cute little baby!" Chen Li also liked Yaya very much, and kissed her on the cheek.

Then she waved her hand and was about to leave: "I'm leaving first, I will keep in touch in the future!"

"Goodbye!" Ran Ran waved with Yaya.

At this moment, a figure quickly stood in front of Chen Li, grabbed her wrist, and said coldly:
"Chen Li, where else do you want to go?"

Ye Yun and the others saw that this was a man in his twenties, rather handsome, but with a sinister look between his brows.

"Zhao Yunpeng, why are you here?" Chen Li was shocked.

Zhao Yunpeng was her ex-boyfriend. The two broke up three months ago, and then Chen Li returned to her hometown in Jincheng and severed contact with him.

Unexpectedly, he would appear at the airport in Jincheng!
Zhao Yunpeng snorted angrily: "I've been looking for you for three full months. I've been inquiring about you all the way from Tingzhou, and finally found your hometown in Jincheng. I didn't expect you to leave! How long are you going to hide from me? ?”

Chen Li shook Zhao Yunpeng's hand vigorously, and angrily said: "Zhao Yunpeng, why are you following me? We have already broken up! Do I need to tell you where I am going!"

"Who said we broke up?" Zhao Yunpeng was about to burst into tears, with a fierce gleam in his eyes:

"Chen Li, don't think I don't know, you dumped me when you became a rich second generation in Tingzhou!"

"I tell you, our Zhao family is not bad in Tingzhou! If you make me angry, I will burn down that guy's house, and then tie you up so that you can't go anywhere!"

"You fart!" Chen Li's eyes were red with anger, and tears were about to flow out.

She stomped her foot fiercely: "It's obvious that you are taking advantage of your status as the eldest son of the Zhao family to make trouble outside, and you want to bring two girls to sleep with me!"

"You are not a man at all, you are not a human being!"

Zhao Yunpeng was exposed by Chen Li, and immediately showed a ferocious expression, roaring:
"So what? I have tens of billions of property, what's the big deal about playing with a few women?"

"You're an ordinary girl in Jincheng, I'm lucky that I like you! Which man from a big family doesn't have three wives and four concubines, you still have the face to tell me these things?"

Chen Li was trembling with anger at his words: "You are shameless! Get lost! Never appear in front of me!"

"Get out? Get out!" Zhao Yunpeng stared at Chen Li like crazy, and raised his hand to slap her.

Ran Ran immediately stepped forward, grabbed his hand and scolded angrily: "Hey, if you're a man, don't pester him like this!"

Zhao Yunpeng shook off Ranran's hand fiercely, glared at her arrogantly and shouted: "Don't meddle in your own business, or I will beat you together!"

Seeing my aunt being treated so viciously, Yaya felt very angry:

"Big villain, you can't beat my aunt!"

Zhao Yunpeng tilted his head and stared fiercely at Yaya: "Little brat, get away as far as I can! Don't fucking get in the way here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a burning pain on the left side of his face. His gums felt like they had been hit by an iron rod, and several teeth fell off with blood.

"Who hit me?!"

Ye Yun shot so fast that Zhao Yunpeng was stunned for a while.

Ye Yun stepped forward, grabbed Zhao Yunpeng by the collar, and stared at him coldly: "How dare you scold my daughter?"



Stared directly into Ye Yun's eyes, Zhao Yunpeng swallowed hard, feeling the hairs all over his body stand on end.

It was a look more bleak than that of a wild beast, full of boundless chill.

At first glance, it's like falling into an endless ice cellar.

Ye Yun turned his head and asked Yaya with a gentle smile: "Honey, do you know where is the farthest place in this world?"

Yaya thought for a while and said, "Is it the North Pole and the South Pole?"

"Yes." Ye Yun nodded with a smile.

When he turned his head to look at Zhao Yunpeng, his eyes were cold again: "The person who rolls as far as possible should be you!"

"What do you mean?"

Zhao Yunpeng was stunned and didn't understand what Ye Yun was talking about.

Ye Yun didn't answer, just threw it away, and Zhao Yunpeng disappeared from the window in an instant.

This process was so fast that Chen Li and a few onlookers thought that Zhao Yunpeng didn't exist at all, and they were delusional.

When Chen Li came back to her senses, she realized that Zhao Yunpeng had indeed been here, so she asked Ye Yun in surprise:

"Why did he suddenly disappear? Did you kill him?"

Ye Yun shook his head: "No, it's just a trick."

He stretched out his hand, and Zhao Yunpeng appeared again.

But at this time, Zhao Yunpeng's body was constantly emitting cold air.

The hair and skin were covered with a layer of frost, and the whole person was almost frozen into a popsicle, and the teeth were chattering.

"My God! Polar bears! Penguins!"

Zhao Yunpeng's eyes were full of panic.

In just two or three seconds, he flew from Jincheng to the North Pole, and then from the North Pole to the South Pole, scaring his heart to the point of bursting.

At this time, when he and Ye Yun looked at each other, he was almost scared out of his body.

This man is so scary!

His techniques are like ghosts and gods, even more incredible than myths and novels!

At this time, all the hostility of Zhao Yunpeng and the arrogance of the rich son were swept away, and there was only fear in his heart.

Infinite fear!
He lay on the ground and trembled all over, looking at Ye Yun as if he was facing a ghost.

Chen Li covered her mouth in surprise, she had no idea what happened to Zhao Yunpeng.

However, this incomparably handsome man helped her to teach Zhao Yunpeng a lesson, which made her extremely grateful.

So he bowed to Ye Yun and said, "Handsome guy, thank you!"

Raising her head, she stared coldly at Zhao Yunpeng: "Bastard, why don't you get out?"

"I'm going! I'm going!"

Zhao Yunpeng was so frightened that he got up and fled frantically.

However, he didn't go very far, and in a remote corner, suddenly his whole body was extremely cold, and he turned into an ice sculpture, and then boom!It exploded with a bang.

Countless ice crystals fell to the ground and turned into a puddle of ice water.

(End of this chapter)

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