Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 110 I'm Still Tired of Baba [13, please recommend and reward]

Chapter 110 I'm Still Tired of Baba [13, please recommend and reward]

The matter of Chen Li and Zhao Yunpeng was just a small episode for Ye Yun and Murong Ranran.

After parting with Chen Li, the three of them took the plane to Zhonghai, and arrived at Zhonghai International Airport two and a half hours later.

"Wow, Zhonghai is so big!"

As soon as she walked out of the lobby of the airport, Yaya cried out in surprise.

Murong smiled and said: "Of course! Zhonghai is the capital of our Huaxia Kingdom. There are seven rings inside and outside. It's huge!"

Yaya said happily: "Then auntie, you want to show me around!"

Murong Ran nodded, lovingly patted her little head: "Definitely!"

Afterwards, the three of them walked towards the side of the road together, preparing to find a taxi.

At this time, an extended version of the white Lincoln quickly drove over and stood in front of Ye Yun and the others.

A handsome man about 20 years old stepped out of the car, dressed in gorgeous clothes, and his whole body was filled with the atmosphere of a rich man.

Following the man came out three more stylishly dressed girls and two equally handsome young men.

After they got off the car, they came to Ye Yun and the others. The man who came out first stared at Murong Ranran closely, with a handsome smile:

"Of course, I guessed that you would come today!"

"It's so annoying! Why can't I miss you as soon as I arrive in Zhonghai!" Ran Ran stomped her feet angrily, with a very unhappy expression on her face.

Standing in front of her was her alumni and senior from Zhonghai University, Jiang Shaowen.

He is the young master of the Jiang family in Zhonghai, and his status is very prominent.

Although the Jiang family is not one of the top four families in Zhonghai, where the dragon is hidden and the tiger is crouching, it can definitely be ranked in the top ten.

However, I heard it said before that Jiang Shaowen's great-grandfather was a high-ranking official during the Anti-Japanese War.

Later, with the glory of the reform and opening up, he started from scratch and ran a real estate business in Zhonghai City, leading the whole family to skyrocket from then on.

In the generation of Jiang Shaowen's father, the industries under the Jiang family have diversified, covering more than ten popular industries such as real estate, hotel tourism, and mineral trade.

The total assets reached an astonishing 2500 billion yuan!
Moreover, because of being an official during the Anti-Japanese War, the Jiang family also had a deep-rooted relationship in Zhong Hai's political circles, and it could be said that they were a powerful dragon entangled in Zhong Hai.

As for Jiang Shaowen himself, he was born in a prominent family and possessed all the qualities of a son of a famous family.

In Zhonghai University, she is even known as the school girl, and is enthusiastically sought after by countless girls.

But Ranran didn't call him at all, and had already rejected his confession more than a dozen times.

Unexpectedly, when I first arrived in Zhonghai today, I ran into him.

Seeing Ranran's unhappy face, Jiang Shaowen smiled:

"However, since you entered the school, the whole school has known that I, Jiang Shaowen, only like you!"

"In order to wait for you today, I didn't even eat food all morning, so I stayed at the exit of the airport for fear of missing the pick-up time."

"As the saying goes, if I do this, there will be no credit or hard work. Why do you do this to me?"

A man standing beside Jiang Shaowen said, "Yes, Shaowen has worked hard for you!"

"Of course, do you know how many famous families in our Zhonghai City love Shaowen, and how many girls in the school are crazy about him!"

"However, for you, he rejected all the girls' confessions. For two whole years, he has been waiting for you with all his heart. Seeing that you are already a junior and he is a senior, you should accept him now!"

"How about leaving a good memory for your four years in college?"

Ran Ran glanced at the man, sneered and said:
"Fang Heng, I haven't seen you for a summer vacation, and you are good at eloquence! Did Jiang Shaowen give you a lot of benefits and make you a sycophant?"

"You!" Fang Heng was choked by Ran Ran's words, his face was flushed and he couldn't get angry, so he took half a step back resentfully, and shut up.

Ran Ran waved her hands in disgust: "You all get out of the way!"

Then he turned around and looked at Ye Yun with a smile: "Brother-in-law, let's go!"

"Brother-in-law?" Jiang Shaowen noticed Ye Yun beside Ranran, and couldn't help frowning.

He could see that Ranran had such a slight affection for Ye Yun, which was an emotion that could not be hidden.

This made him feel very unhappy!

The brother-in-law sent his sister-in-law to school, and ran so close, it was hard not to make him think.

"He looks very handsome, but what's the use of being handsome, after all, he's just a bumpkin from a small city!"

Jiang Shaowen thought bitterly in his heart, and stepped forward to block Ranran's way:

"Of course, wait! I still have a present for you!"

"I don't want it!" Ran Ran's brows were furrowed, and there was a hint of anger in her tone.

"Of course, please! Just give me a minute!" Jiang Shaowen waved his hand, and a girl behind him immediately took out a large bouquet of roses from the car.

Ran Ran glanced at it contemptuously, the flowers were very beautiful and there were many, estimated to be hundreds of them, but in her eyes, they were not worth a penny at all.

"You are so vulgar and boring!" Ran Ran's eyes were extremely contemptuous.

The corners of Jiang Shaowen's mouth curled up, and he smiled confidently:

"Of course, you underestimate me! These flowers are just ordinary flowers in other people's hands, but they are different in my hands..."

"After you have seen my magic, you can decide whether to accept me or not!"

After speaking, he tapped lightly on one of the petals with his finger.

A soft sound.

All of a sudden, the fragrance of flowers within a radius of two meters is strong.

The roses in his hand flew up one by one, spread out petal after petal in mid-air, and then slowly fell.


Flowers wither and flowers fly all over the sky.

Free flying flowers are as light as a dream.

It is clearly in the human world, but it is as intoxicating as a flower garden.

Even the romantic flower rain in love idol dramas is not one ten thousandth of what it is at this time.

"Wow! It's really beautiful! I'm so touched!"

The three girls behind Jiang Shaowen all covered their mouths with their hands, their eyes fluttered, and they stared at Jiang Shaowen with admiration.

Fang Heng and the others were also stunned by this move, and they all exclaimed:
"Damn! Shaowen, you are really talented! I didn't expect you to have such a skill!"

Jiang Shaowen smiled triumphantly, and looked at Ye Yun proudly.

Since he accidentally activated the anti-routine system in his body a month ago, he has acquired many magical abilities.

Not only can a powerful cultivation base be obtained in a short period of time, but also many things can be used in reverse.

For example, the roses in his hand use the anti-routine system to let them fly into the sky and then disperse.

Therefore, compared with his illustrious family background, he thinks this is the best way to impress Ranran.

After all, no matter how rich or powerful you are, it is not as exciting as having superpowers!
He looked at Ranran proudly, and asked with a smile, "How is it, Ranran?"

"My magic is far more than that! As long as you are with me, I can pick off all the stars in the sky and play them as balls for you!"


Yaya suddenly thought, isn't the ring Papa gave Ma Ma made of stars?
She pulled it away and said, "Auntie, my daddy can make a ring out of stars and give it to Mama. So I'm still tired of it! It's almost too late!"

 Thanks to the book friend 158******22 for the 1888 reward~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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