Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 111 Who Is The Real Frog In A Well? [23, please recommend and reward]

Chapter 111 Who Is The Real Frog In A Well? [23, please recommend and reward]

Murong Ranran also remembered that the diamond ring on her sister's hand was very beautiful, she had never seen such a complicated and exquisite shape in fashion magazines.

So he asked in surprise: "Yaya, is what you said true?"

Yaya nodded: "Yes! Papa said it was made by the planet, so it was made by the planet!"

Jiang Shaowen and others were taken aback by Yaya's words, and the three girls covered their mouths with expressions of extreme surprise.

"Hehe, there is a saying that is true, the poor love to talk big!"

Jiang Shaowen came back to his senses with a disdainful smile.

A diamond ring made of some planet, sounds like a bragging right!
At this time, he looked at Ye Yun with extremely strong contempt.

As a disciple of a rich family, he loves to show off.

But the things to show off are real, family, identity, money, the awe of others!

As for saying that the planet is made into a diamond ring and given to a lover, this is simply nonsense!

In his eyes, only those who have extremely low self-esteem but love vanity to save face can make up such absurd things!

"However, you are so outstanding, you shouldn't be with such a person." Jiang Shaowen frowned slightly, and didn't bother to look at Ye Yun anymore.

"The so-called one who is close to vermilion is red, and one who is close to ink is black. Those who know how to brag all day long, you'd better stay away!"

Knowing that he despises Ye Yun both inside and outside the words, he couldn't help stomping his feet in annoyance:

"Who is bragging? My brother-in-law has such abilities! How do you know how powerful he is!"

"I'm a frog in a well? Hahaha!" Jiang Shaowen laughed back angrily.

As the young master of Jiang's family in Zhonghai, for so many years, he has seen many important people come and go in and out of his house.

These people, in ancient times, existed at the level of prime ministers and national teachers. He had been in contact with these people since he was a child, but he never expected to be called a frog in a well!

"That's right! You are!" Ran Ran said firmly.

Yaya nodded in agreement: "Auntie is right!"

Jiang Shaowen gave Yaya a contemptuous look, and said with a sneer: "As expected, like a father, like a daughter, this habit of talking big is really cultivated since childhood."

Yaya frowned: "I'm not talking big!"

She turned her head: "Papa, you can do the rose magic trick too! Show this sorceress, you are the most beloved papa in the universe!"

Ye Yun kissed the little girl's forehead, nodded and said with a smile, "Okay! Baba won't let the baby down!"

As soon as the voice fell, a magical scene appeared.

The rose petals scattered on the ground slowly floated towards the sky.

Then, one petal after another, they gathered together and became like a rose again.

Not only that, but there was an incomparably strange floral fragrance in the air.

This smell almost drew out the souls of Jiang Shaowen and others.


Slowly, the oval rose petals turned into the shape of a heart, spinning and dancing in mid-air.

Like thousands of spirits of love, they dance gracefully and dazzle with brilliance.

"Wow! It's so beautiful! It's so touching! I feel like I'm standing in a dream!"

"What a beautiful picture! Is this really realistic? Is it a scene made by a Hollywood special effects company?"

Not only the girl brought by Jiang Shaowen, but also the surrounding crowd all sighed in surprise.

Especially those young girls, they like romance, look forward to beautiful pictures, and have imagined those romantic scenes in fairy tales countless times.

But the scene in front of them was more beautiful and moving than what they had imagined!

They couldn't help but burst into tears, their eyes were filled with emotion.

"how can that be?"

Jiang Shaowen's body was trembling, and his eyes were trembling.

He thought that with the help of the anti-routine system, he would be able to gain face in front of Ranran.

But now, the man standing in front of him used a more advanced technique to turn these petals into a fantastic beauty.

Even he couldn't help being moved and attracted!

He didn't expect that this man would trample all his pride under his feet.

This made him feel very angry and very inferior!

However, there was water in her beautiful eyes, she glanced at Ye Yun stupidly, then turned to look at Jiang Shaowen:
"See? My brother-in-law is better than you!"

Jiang Shaowen lowered his head in silence, gritted his teeth, and didn't have the courage to look up at Ranran.

Then he turned around and got into the car, took Fang Heng and the others away.

Yaya hugged Ye Yun's neck happily and kissed: "Papa, you didn't disappoint Yaya!"

Ye Yun looked at her dotingly: "Papa will never let you down!"

But with a happy smile: "Brother-in-law, Yaya, let's go too!"

The three of them quickly took a taxi to the gate of Zhonghai University.

As soon as I got out of the car, a strong academic atmosphere and a sense of culture accumulated over a century rushed over.

Zhonghai University is a century-old school founded 150 years ago, and it has always been among the best in China.

Every subject in it can be regarded as a sample of national education, and it has cultivated countless outstanding talents at home and abroad.

Although Ranran loves to play, she is as talented as her sister, she is extremely intelligent and talented.

That's why Murong Hui was reluctant to let her drop out of school in her sophomore year, otherwise, Murong Hui would regret it for the rest of her life.

Yaya opened her eyes wide, opened her small mouth, looked up and down the gate of Zhonghai University several times, clapped her hands and exclaimed:

"What a terrible school! It's much bigger than our school!"

Ye Yun smiled and said, "Honey, when you grow up, Papa will let you go to the biggest school in the universe. A door there is bigger than the entire earth."

Yaya clapped her hands in surprise: "Are you so tired? I'm so looking forward to it!"

Ye Yun nodded: "Yes! So you have to work hard and grow up!"

Yaya clenched her fists and nodded: "Yes!"

Ran Ran watched the father and daughter communicate with each other with a smile on her face. Although what Ye Yun said was exaggerated, her intuition told her that it might be true!

"Hi, of course you're here!"

Just after the three of them entered the gate, three girls walked up to them, two of them had Chinese faces, pure and beautiful.

The other is a dark-skinned beauty. She has a delicate face, a plump tun, a full waist, and a standard African beauty.

Ranran immediately waved to the three of them: "Hi! Peiling, Tongtong, Amanda!"

The three girls are her roommates, Liu Peiling, Guan Tong and Amanda from Ghana, South Africa.

"they are?"

The three girls showed surprised expressions at the same time when they saw Ye Yun and Yaya standing beside Ranran.

Ran Ran smiled and said, "This is my brother-in-law and my little niece. They sent me to school specially!"

"Wow, your brother-in-law is so handsome, and your child is so cute!"

"It must be very happy to have such a family, right?"

The three girls all showed envious looks.

Ran Ran proudly raised her chin: "Of course!"

Amanda stepped forward and held Yaya's little hand: "Little baby, can you tell me your name?"

Yaya looked at Amanda with wide eyes. This was the first time she was so close to an African girl. She smiled and said:

"My name is Murong Yunya, Auntie, you can call me Yaya!"

Amanda touched Yaya's face happily: "What a cute baby! Auntie likes you so much!"

After she finished speaking, she raised her hands for a passionate twerp dance, and asked Yaya with a smile:

"Baby, this is the twerk dance that our tribe dances when welcoming guests, do you think it looks good?"

As soon as Yaya heard it, she immediately jumped from Ye Yun's arms to the ground, came behind Amanda, stared at her buttocks, and said in surprise:
"Where's the electricity?"

 Thanks to the book friends 158******22 588 for the reward, and thanks to the wind blowing through the lonely youth city 588 for the reward~~~
(End of this chapter)

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