Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 112 I choose the third! [3, please recommend and reward]

Chapter 112 I choose the third one! [33, please recommend and reward]

"Ah? Electricity...there is no electricity!"

Although Amanda is from Africa and has a passionate and unrestrained nature, she still looks a little shy when Yaya stares at her ass in public.

Ran ran held Yaya in her arms, and said with a smile: "Yaya, twerk dance is the name of a dance, not a butt that can generate electricity!"

Yaya nodded: "Oh, Jiang Zi!"

She jumped to the ground again, looked at Amanda and said, "Then I will dance this dance too, to show that I love you!"

Amanda clapped her hands and smiled: "Okay! Let's go together!"

"Left twist! Right twist!"

Then, two girls, one big and one small, leaned together and twisted their buttocks, making everyone present laugh out loud.

When the two of them danced to their heart's content, Ye Yun took Yaya and walked towards the dormitory with Ranran and the others.

At this time, Jiang Shaowen, who had already returned home, sat on the sofa with an angry face.

He is angry and hates too!
I have worked so hard to prepare for so long, just to show my skills in front of Ranran and win her heart.

Unexpectedly, a man who was much more handsome than him and very talented appeared out of nowhere, making him lose face in front of so many people.

As a son of a wealthy family who was born in a noble family, he had never experienced such humiliation.

Even when facing the Yin family, the first family in Zhonghai, he had never had such a feeling.

"You bastard! If it weren't for Ranran's brother-in-law, I would have tried my best to make you come and go!"

Jiang Shaowen gritted his teeth and thought, for the sake of Ranran, he suppressed the killing intent in his heart.

After a few minutes, he slowly calmed down, picked up the phone and dialed a number:
"Hey, I'll give you 300 million. Help me teach a person a lesson. It's best to let him get out of Zhonghai today!"

"Also, no matter what, don't let anyone know that I ordered this matter, can it be done?"

After getting a positive reply from the other party, he nodded and sneered: "Okay, then do it like this!"


Ye Yun and Yaya have already arrived outside Ranran's dormitory courtyard.

According to regulations, non-school students are not allowed to enter.

He took Yaya around the campus, admiring the beautiful scenery of the campus.

After playing for a while, Yaya said she was thirsty, so Ye Yun led her out of the school gate and walked towards the nearby supermarket.

Before entering the door of the supermarket, four men walked up to them quickly.

The current one is a middle-aged man in his 40s.

He walks like a dragon and a tiger, with a calm and deep breath, wearing a gray and white robe, and has a bit of a fairy-like appearance.

The three men behind him, all young men in their early twenties, looked at him with awe in their eyes.

However, when they saw Ye Yun, all three of them showed very arrogant expressions.

The middle-aged man blocked Ye Yun, raised his chin and looked at him proudly: "Are you from out of town?"

Ye Yun looked at him lightly: "What's the matter?"

"Of course something happened!" A young man behind the middle-aged man came out, staring at Ye Yun with a hostile expression:

"Our master, but Master Huang Biao, the owner of the Weifu Martial Arts Academy, you, a country bumpkin from out of town, dare to block his way, do you think it's okay or not?"

Ye Yun sneered, it was clearly Huang Biao who stood in front of him just now, but now he bites back.

It seems that they are looking for trouble.

He then asked: "Are you instructed by that Jiang Shaowen to come to trouble me?"

Huang Biao was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect Ye Yun to see through his mind.

So he snorted coldly: "I'm Young Master Jiang's friend. I heard that he got angry with you, so why don't you help him out?"

"Between friends, the most important thing is to treat each other with sincerity and share weal and woe. If you humiliate Young Master Jiang, you are slapping us in the face!"

"This matter is tolerable, which is unbearable!"

After receiving Jiang Shaowen's call, he brought people to Zhonghai University to look for Ye Yun.

At the same time, he had already thought out his speech in his heart, and said that as a friend, he would fight for Jiang Shaowen's injustice.

Ye Yun smiled coldly and looked at them contemptuously.

It's really shameless to deliberately find trouble and say it so high-sounding!

Huang Biao and the other four couldn't help showing anger when they saw the disdain in Ye Yun's eyes.

The young man who spoke just now scolded angrily:
"Rand bumpkin, what kind of eyes do you have? Have you never tasted the bitterness and don't know how powerful our master is!"

As he said, he raised a hurricane with his right hand, and it looked like he was about to make a move.

Huang Biao raised his right hand to stop him and said, "Yuan Gang, step back first!"

Yuan Gang immediately put away his hands and stepped aside respectfully.

With his hands behind his back, Huang Biao said with a sneer on the corner of his mouth:
"Our Weifu Martial Arts Academy is quite well-known in the martial arts world in Zhong Hai. If we attack a foreigner casually, we will lose our face and make people think that we are bullying the small."

Yuan Gang and the three immediately nodded: "Master said so!"

Huang Biao then looked at Ye Yun, and said proudly:

"Young man, I heard that you are capable of playing tricks to fool people, but today you have humiliated Young Master Jiang, you have to explain this matter!"

Ye Yun sneered and said, "What do you want to say?"

Huang Biao sneered: "It's very simple, I'll give you two choices! The first one, get out of Zhong Hai by yourself! The second one, let me do it, and send you out of Zhong Hai!"

"Remember, you can only choose one of the two!"

Huang Biao's tone was extremely arrogant, and at the same time as he spoke, a huge aura was released from him, and the expressions of Yuan Gang and others behind him couldn't help but change slightly.

They all know that their master is a master of internal strength, and his true energy is very strong. Once released, the strong wind is not something ordinary people can bear!
Ye Yun smiled coldly and looked at Huang Biao contemptuously: "I will choose the third one, you all kneel down!"

"You... what did you say?"

The muscles on Huang Biao's face trembled.

This young man actually asked him to kneel down, he was so crazy!
However, just when he was about to release all his true energy and frighten this young man to his knees, he found a sudden sharp pain in his body.

The true qi that was originally filled in the body was swept away!

Moreover, an indescribable pressure pressed on his shoulders, directly pushing him to the ground.

At the same time, Yuan Gang and the others also had the same experience, and they all went crazy!He fell to his knees heavily.

"Ah! My knee! My knee is broken!"

The moment the knee fell to the ground, Huang Biao and Yuan Gang let out screams like killing pigs.

The terrifying pressure directly crushed their kneecaps.

And, smash the ground into eight circular pits.

The four of them were stuck in the concrete floor like this, and couldn't be pulled out.

"You... how can... be so strong?!"

Huang Biao looked at Ye Yun in horror.

He never imagined that this man, with just one look, overwhelmed himself to the ground, and even crippled his own cultivation, there was no room for resistance!
At this moment, he has already regretted to the extreme.

The cultivation base that I had cultivated so hard turned into nothing in an instant. How many 300 million can't buy this!
Originally, he wanted to rely on his deep cultivation to pretend to be aggressive, but he kicked the iron plate, and his intestines were almost green with regret!

Ye Yun ignored their wailing and fearful expressions, led Yaya to the door of the supermarket, pointed to a drink inside, and smiled softly:
"Baby, this drink is healthier, can you just drink it?"

 Thanks to the book friend 158******22 for the 388 reward~~~~ My eyes hurt so much that I can’t stand it, so I post it first, I don’t know if there are any typos 555
(End of this chapter)

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