Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 117 You are definitely no better than my aunt! [24, please recommend and reward]

Chapter 117 You are definitely no better than my aunt! [24, please recommend and reward]


Jiang Shaowen knelt heavily on the ground, propped his hands on the ground, trembling all over.

Jiang Xiaoman quickly squatted beside him: "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Jiang Shaowen's voice trembled, and there was a trace of despair and fear in it: "This person is too scary! I provoked someone I shouldn't have provoked!"

"You said he..." Jiang Xiaoman raised her head in surprise, when she looked directly into Ye Yun's eyes, she suddenly felt a chill from the bottom of her heart.

It felt like being face to face with a wild beast.

When the four eyes meet, the other person's eyes can kill you!

"Brother, let's go! Let's go now!" Jiang Xiaoman was so frightened that her face paled. After helping Jiang Shaowen up, she got into the car as if fleeing for her life.

Fang Heng and the others were stunned.

A few seconds ago, Jiang Shaowen was still a master-level master, with the same momentum.

They couldn't figure out why after just a few seconds, Jiang Shaowen was so terrified of that man, as if he was a different person.

"Even Shaowen is afraid of becoming like this, it seems that this man is really unfathomable!"

Fang Heng and the others glanced at Ye Yun in awe, and got into the car in desperation.


Liu Peiling, Guan Tong, and Amanda looked at each other speechlessly, and looked at Ye Yun in surprise, not knowing what to say.

Murong Ranran laughed first, raised her delicate white hand, and gave Ye Yun a thumbs up:

"Brother-in-law, you are invincible!"

She looked at Ye Yun with curious eyes:

"Brother-in-law, can you tell me, what method did you use to frighten Jiang Shaowen to his knees all at once?"

Liu Peiling and the others also joined together, and the eyes of the three girls were burning with a fierce thirst for knowledge.

Ye Yun, an incomparably handsome man, brought them more and more mysterious feeling.

Ye Yun smiled faintly: "Use your eyes."

Ran ran in front of Ye Yun, stared at his eyes, looked again and again, frowned and said:

"Apart from your eye-catching eyes, there is nothing special about them!"

Realizing that her words were ambiguous, she blushed and coughed quickly:

"I mean, you can abolish him as a master master with just one glance?"

Ye Yun said with a smile: "His so-called master is a fake, even if he only uses his eyes, he can't stand the test."

Ran Ran nodded: "That's amazing!"

Liu Peiling and others nodded in agreement.

Ye Yun smiled lightly, his eyes could even smash a space fighter, so what is Jiang Shaowen, who is just pretending to be forced by the system?
Then she glanced at her watch and said, "It's still early, let's go out for a stroll in the afternoon."

The three of Liu Peiling nodded in agreement at the same time, and Guan Tong said: "Then let's go to school first, and I will drive the car out."

Ran Ran nodded: "Okay!"

Guan Tong is from Zhonghai. He drives a Porsche Cayenne to school, which can fit everyone.

A few people then walked towards the school, and as soon as they entered the school gate, they saw a girl running over, took a look at them and said:
"Why did you go back to school? There are activities this afternoon. Haven't you been notified?"

Ran Ran shook her head: "No! We have been eating out all the time and didn't notice any notice."

The girl opposite is their classmate, Fang Fei, who is the deputy monitor of the class. She lives in the dormitory next door to Ranran and the others, and they usually have a good relationship.

Fang Fei smiled angrily: "You guys, you are really divided into groups, and you are all crazy, can't you see the notifications on your mobile phone after eating?"

Ran Ran took out her phone and looked, and sure enough, there was a notice from the school saying that at two o'clock in the afternoon, a centennial celebration event would be held in the auditorium.

Today marks the 150th anniversary of Zhong Hai University.

The school plans to choose a representative from all the students as the spokesperson of the school to promote the school's brand nationwide.

Putting away the phone, he said uninterestedly:

"Isn't it just a talent show? What's the big deal? I'm going out with my brother-in-law and the others in the afternoon, so I won't go here."

Fang Fei shook her head and said, "It's okay not to go! I heard from the school leaders that this event is very formal, and those who are absent without any reason will be deducted credits!"

"And our class teacher has already handed in your name, so we have to go!"

She glanced at Ye Yun and Yaya, smiled at them, and said to Ranran:
"Your brother-in-law and niece can go to watch the draft together, and it's not too late to go out to play after the event is over!"

Yaya nodded: "Yes! Auntie, if you want to be the number one girl in the universe, you can't deduct points!"

Ran Ran nodded helplessly: "Okay, then let's go together!"

Several people then walked towards the complex building of Zhong Hai University.

As soon as I arrived at the lobby on the first floor, I saw many students already gathered there, waiting in line for the elevator to go to the auditorium on the top floor.

While waiting for the elevator, Fang Fei said:

"Of course, this audition is very important. If you can become the spokesperson of our school, you can not only leave your name in the history of the school, but also get a good evaluation from the school. It will be of great benefit to your future study and work. .”

"Our class agrees that you are very likely to be elected, so you have to perform well later!"

But he waved his hand indifferently: "Whatever, I'm not very interested."

"I didn't expect you to be so good at making excuses! Do you feel that you are not sure, so you find the steps in advance?"

Suddenly a crisp voice came from behind, with a hint of contempt and mockery in his tone.

Everyone turned around, only to see a beautiful girl about 1.7 meters tall walking over.

She has slightly curly yellow hair, and her skin is tender and fair, and she looks flimsy.

She was wearing a snow-white one-shoulder dress, showing round shoulders and two deep collarbones.

Underneath the waist that she held tightly, is a pair of long, straight and delicate legs.

Wearing a pair of high-heeled shoes inlaid with crystals on her feet, she exudes a fairy-like temperament, as if she came from the sky.

Compared with Ranran's youthful beauty, her temperament has a hint of arrogance. When looking at people, her chin is always slightly raised.

Ran Ran slightly frowned: "Song Mengjie."

Yaya also frowned and asked, "Auntie, who the hell is she? Why do you say bad things about you?"

Ran Ran said: "She is also a student of our school, one class older than me."

Amanda added: "Baby, this girl was called the school girl before your aunt came to school."

"Later when your aunt came, all the classmates thought your aunt was prettier, so she was very upset, and she didn't like your aunt."

Yaya nodded: "Oh, it turned out to be Jiang Zi."

Then she looked at Song Mengjie with a smile: "Auntie, my little auntie, you will be the number one girl in the universe in the future, you must be no match for her!"

Song Mengjie smiled disdainfully, and the three girls following her also looked at Yaya and Ranran with disdain.

"People from small cities are different, and their tone of voice is outrageous! But it's so ridiculous, don't you look at how much you weigh?"

"That's right! Don't even think about it. What advantages do you have compared to Mengjie? Her father is a member of the school board, and her mother works in the Ministry of Education. A person with no background in Zhonghai is not worthy of carrying shoes for others!"

All three girls showed mocking smiles.

 This chapter was coded out in the company toilet, and it is divided into four parts. Please support Suzaku, this time Suzaku really worked hard!
(End of this chapter)

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