Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 118 Got It Wrong! [34, please recommend and reward]

Chapter 118 Got It Wrong! [34, please recommend and reward]

Yaya raised her mouth unconvinced: "Hmph! Childish!"

Her words directly amused everyone present.

Song Mengjie and the others said in a funny and contemptuous manner:

"The three-year-old kid is so immature himself, and even calls others naive! Forget it, I won't tell you!"

"Yeah, stop talking! People in small cities can't communicate!"

The four of them then looked at Ranran and them with contempt, and got on the elevator next to them with a proud face.

When we came to the auditorium on the top floor, there were already many students sitting inside, and the atmosphere was very lively.

Ye Yun and Ranran sat down in the back row.

Song Mengjie took the three girls and sat in the front row under the gaze of many people.

Not far from them, that is, in the center of the first row, is the position of the school leader.

Therefore, as soon as Song Mengjie and the others sat down, many students were amazed.

"As expected of being the daughter of the school director, this status is extraordinary, to be able to sit side by side with the school leaders."

"Yeah, Song Daxiao has a background and looks. If Murong Ranran hadn't appeared, she would definitely become the most beautiful school flower in the past 20 years!"

"Although Murong is beautiful, her family background is not good enough. I heard that she is from Jincheng, Jiangbei Province, and she is a well-known big family there."

"But in Zhonghai, it's nothing. I guess Song Mengjie is already in the bag for the [-]-year spokesperson draft!"

Since Song Mengjie entered Zhonghai University, her behavior has always been relatively high-profile, and her reputation in the school is very high.

Coupled with her prominent family background, she has a great status in the hearts of the students.

If Murong Ranran's looks were not so cute, there would be no girl in Zhonghai University who could compare with her.

Song Mengjie couldn't help raising her chin when she heard the students' discussion, like a proud swan.

Soon, after all the students were seated, Zhonghai University's principal Xie Shucheng led a group of school board members, and under the eyes of everyone, they all took their seats.

After Xie Shucheng took the stage, he first delivered a speech on the anniversary, stating the history of Zhonghai University and its status in the Chinese education circle.

Then imagine the future of the school, and what brilliant and magnificent results it will achieve in the education field of China and the whole world.

After all this was said, he went directly to the topic:
"Next, our school will hold the first centennial spokesperson event in school history."

"This spokesperson will be selected from among your classmates, and the final champion will be a good student with excellent morals, academics, and image."

"The election process is divided into two stages: first, the students vote; second, the judges score, and the one with the highest score in the end is the champion of this event, that is, our Zhonghai University, the first spokesperson in a century!"

"This spokesperson will represent our Zhonghai University to publicize our school's image, spread our school's culture, and carry forward our school's enterprising qualities to colleagues in the education field at home and abroad!"

"I hope that the students who participated in the election will work hard and strive for the final victory!"

After Xie Shucheng finished speaking, the talent show officially began.

In the first round, all the candidates, regardless of gender, went to the stage one by one to let the students vote.

It was no surprise that Murong Ranran and Song Mengjie entered the top three.

And Song Mengjie overwhelmed Murong Ranran by one vote and sat on the No.1 throne.

The whole hall erupted immediately.

"Tsk tsk, as expected of Song Daxiao, she won No.1 without any suspense!"

"Yes, although Murong Ranran is beautiful and excellent in character and learning, she is weak in Zhonghai. Compared with Song Mengjie in this regard alone, she is far behind! She can be ranked second with a one-vote disadvantage. It's not easy!"

All the students talked a lot, and they were not surprised that Song Mengjie won No.1.

As for Murong Ranran, they both admired and regretted it.

Liu Peiling and others showed unwilling eyes:

"It's a pity. In the first round, Song Mengjie was one vote behind. In the next round, the judges will have no advantage!"

Yaya asked curiously: "Auntie, is this for a god?"

Liu Peiling touched Yaya's little head and said with a smile:
"Baby, it's because these judges are all leaders of the school! Song Mengjie's father is a senior official of the school, and those judges must help her daughter!"

Yaya said disappointedly: "Doesn't that mean that Auntie will definitely lose?"

She shook her little head like a rattle: "I don't want my aunt to lose! My aunt will be the number one girl in the universe in the future, she won't lose!"

She then hugged Ye Yun's arm and shook it vigorously: "Papa, I don't want my aunt to lose! You help my aunt!"

Liu Peiling and Guan Tong Amanda shook their heads and said with a helpless smile: "Baby, your daddy can't do anything about it."

Fang Fei nodded and said, "Yes, it's already very impressive to get this result! Baby, some things can't be changed!"

"I don't believe it! My daddy is the most lovable man in the universe!" Yaya's eyes were extremely firm.

Turning to look at Ye Yun, "Papa, let's help my aunt win together, shall we?"

Ye Yun fondled her little head: "Okay! Auntie will definitely win!"

Seeing this, Liu Peiling and the others couldn't help but shook their heads and smiled helplessly.

In their view, what Ye Yun said was nothing more than words to comfort the children.

Soon, when the three judges showed up, Liu Peiling and the others all let out a long sigh:
"There is no hope! There is no hope at all! The three judges all have a good relationship with Song Mengjie's father."

"Hey! This is too fake, they are all Song Mengjie's people!"

They feel disappointed and helpless.

Ranran and Song Mengjie stood side by side on the stage, facing the three judges.

The corners of Song Mengjie's mouth curled up slightly, with a victor's smile on her face, she turned her head and took a look at Ranran.

At this time, in her beautiful eyes, there was a hint of arrogance, a hint of disdain, and a hint of pride.

It was as if he was saying to Ranran: "Look, no matter how hard you try, no matter what others say about you, you can't compare with me in Zhong Hai!"

Song Mengjie's three girlfriends also laughed at the same time, and said in a proud voice:

"Come on, Mengjie! No one can compare to you!"

"Yes! You have a first-class image, excellent character and learning, and you are the most ideal candidate in our hearts!"

Song Mengjie nodded with a smile. Her smile was beautiful, with a hint of smugness, and she looked down upon the audience.

The three judges bowed their heads and discussed, and evaluated all the situations of Ranran and Song Mengjie on the paper. After they finished, Xie Shucheng said:

"Then, three judges, please vote for the two contestants!"

After he finished speaking, the audience was silent.

Everyone pricked up their ears, nervously listening to the final result.

As soon as this result comes out, Zhong Hai University's No. 1 endorsement in the century will be produced immediately!
A judge sitting in the middle got up first and said loudly, "I vote for Murong Ranran!"

When he said this, the audience was shocked.

"Is it wrong? Is this a joke?"

"Why did you vote for Murong Ranran, shouldn't it be Song Mengjie?"

Many people exclaimed.

They couldn't believe that this person who had a good relationship with Song Mengjie's father voted for Murong Ranran without hesitation.

But the shock is far from over!

The next two judges also got up one after another.

Their voices shocked everyone's eardrums.

"I vote for Murong Ranran!"

"I also vote for Murong Ranran!"

(End of this chapter)

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