Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 119 Eunuch Sun Heard My Chapter! [44, please recommend and reward]

Chapter 119 Eunuch Sun heard me! [44, please recommend and reward]

When the next two judges voted for Murong Ranran, the audience exploded instantly.

"My God, what's going on? All three of them voted for Murong Ranran. Is this filming?"

"This is simply a joke! Liu Ziming, Zhao Chun, and Wang Lei are all members of the school board of directors. They are usually very kind and have a good relationship with Song Mengjie's father. How could they do such a blatant slap in the face? "

"That's right! Song Liangzhong's status in the school board is not low, basically equal to that of the vice principal. These three people don't need to be in front of all the teachers and students. Don't give Song Liangzhong any face!"

"Joke! They must be joking!"

The teachers and students present, as well as many school leaders, all looked puzzled and puzzled.

From their point of view, this kind of talent show is actually just a formality, and the champion has basically been decided a long time ago, and that is Song Liangzhong's daughter Song Mengjie.

As a century-old prestigious school, Zhonghai University must choose students who are both good in character and learning, and have a good image and good temperament.

Song Mengjie was previously recognized as a school belle in the school, and her academic performance was also very good, and she received scholarships from the school all the year round.

And in the communication with overseas universities, there is also a good performance.

There are even rumors that Harvard University in the United States, as well as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, are paying attention to her and want to invite her to continue her studies in the United States.

Therefore, Song Mengjie's various qualities can meet the requirements of the spokesperson.

Also, her father was a member of the school board and her mother was an official in the Ministry of Education.

It can be said that there is a wide network of contacts inside and outside the school, which caused many people to immediately believe that the champion was Song Mengjie after hearing about this talent show.

After all, in China, this is a society that emphasizes human relations and relationships. Song Mengjie has a unique advantage in this regard.

It can be said that the right time, place and people have been taken by her, and she can't do without winning the championship!
However, no one expected that at the most critical moment, the three judges would unanimously recommend Murong Ranran. This is simply unimaginable!

Song Mengjie recovered from the shock, fixed her beautiful eyes on Liu Ziming and the three of them, and said in a low voice, "Uncle Liu, why are you..."

She didn't go on because she saw everyone's eyes were on her.

In their eyes, there were doubts, bewilderment, shock, and a hint of schadenfreude.

At the moment, she feels helpless, hopeless and terrified.

She felt that God made a joke with herself, a big joke!

All of her previous pride and pride were instantly shattered, and her body was completely injured!
Song Liangzhong was sitting next to the three of Liu Ziming, and he looked at Liu Ziming blushing:

"Ziming, which song do you sing?"

He no longer cared about the vice principal and other high-level leaders who were by his side, and just wanted to figure it out as soon as possible.

Liu Ziming said loudly: "The reason why I voted for Murong Ranran is because she fully meets the requirements of a spokesperson!"

"As for Song Mengjie, her image and temperament are equal to Murong Ran's, and her academic performance is also excellent. However, her moral character still has a little flaw, that is, she is arrogant and overly conceited!"

"Such a person cannot be the spokesperson of our Zhonghai University at present!"

Zhao Chun nodded: "I agree with Mr. Liu Ziming's opinion!"

Wang Lei also nodded and said, "I also agree with Mr. Liu Ziming's opinion! We can't lose justice because of our personal relationship!"

After the three expressed their views, the audience fell into a commotion again.

But this time, almost everyone agrees with them.

Song Mengjie is indeed more conceited, and in this alone, she cannot be compared with Murong Ranran.

Xie Shucheng raised his hand to signal for everyone to be quiet, and then said:

"I announce that Murong Ranran has been elected as the spokesperson for the century!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the audience immediately burst into thunderous applause.

Murong Ranran, at this moment, deserves her name!

With tears in her eyes, Song Mengjie bit her cherry lips and stared at Ranran. After a long time, she walked up to Ranran and said with a slight smile:
"Of course, congratulations! You are indeed better than me! And I, because of my ego, paid the price, I want to learn from you!"

However, she is a straightforward person. When she saw Song Mengjie taking the initiative to show her favor, she also showed her a sincere smile:
"Mengjie, you are also excellent, let's learn from each other in the future!"

"Okay!" Song Mengjie smiled with tears in her eyes, and embraced Ranran tightly.

The centenary celebration of Zhonghai University ended in the beautiful scene of the embrace of these two school beauties!


"Brother-in-law, I heard Peiling and the others say that when I was on stage, you promised Yaya to help me win the championship. Could it be because of you, Liu Ziming and others, that they voted for me?"

After the school celebration, Guan Tong drove Ye Yun, Ranran and the others to Tiananmen Square.

At this time, Ranran and Ye Yun were sitting in the back seat, and Yaya was sitting between them. Ranran turned her head and asked Ye Yun.

Ye Yun shook his head and smiled, "I just had a premonition that they would vote for you, so I promised Yaya that you would win."

In fact, after Ye Yun agreed to Yaya, he used the method of the gods to control the minds of Liu Ziming and others, so that they could not do hypocritical things or say hypocritical words.

Force them to show their most sincere self in public.

That's why they disregarded their friendship with Song Liangzhong and said those impassioned words.

Of course, in the final analysis, he is still a good person and won the hearts of the people. Compared with the proud and conceited Song Mengjie, he is easier to accept.

Ran Ran smiled and said: "I only know that women's sixth sense is very accurate, but I didn't expect your hunch to be so accurate, even such an incredible thing can be guessed."

Ye Yun smiled lightly, but did not answer.

Soon, the car came to Tiananmen Square.

Ranran hugged Yaya and said, "Yaya, this is the greatest building in China, and it is also the place where the greatest people in China stay!"

Yaya clapped her hands and exclaimed, "It's really big, it's so boring!"

She jumped to the ground, ran a few steps forward, then turned around and made a poss: "Auntie, I want to take a picture for Mama to see!"

"Okay!" Ran Ran smiled and took out her phone and took a photo of Yaya.

"Show me!" Yaya looked at the photo, her little mouth pouted slightly:
"I saw that the picture on TV was very bright and beautiful! Why is my picture a bit worse?"

Ran Ran raised her head and glanced at the sky: "It should be because the weather is not good. I read the weather forecast and said that these two days will be cloudy. Without the sun, the effect of the photo will be a little bit worse."

"What a pity!" Yaya was a little helpless, "It would be great if there was sun!"

After hearing this, Ye Yun smiled slightly, and looked up at the sky. Immediately, all the dark clouds dispersed, and a round of red sun illuminated the entire Tiananmen Square.

On the square, the flags are swaying, the red grass and green grass are glorious and moving, so beautiful!
"Wow! Eunuch Sun heard me!"

Yaya clapped her hands happily.

Ran Ran and Liu Peiling stared at the sky in shock, feeling as if they were in a dream.

(End of this chapter)

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