Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 120 Meeting Luo Xuewei again [14, please recommend and reward]

Chapter 120 Meeting Luo Xuewei again [14, please recommend and reward]

"Mr. Ye!"

When Ye Yun and the others were wandering around Tiananmen Square, an extremely sweet voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Everyone looked back, only to see a big beauty over 1.7 meters walking towards this side.

She was wearing a pair of black round sunglasses, covering half of her delicate face.

The extremely white skin and the black frame set off each other, making it particularly conspicuous.

A head of slightly curly long hair parted in the middle hangs down to her waist, fluttering slightly in the wind, like a fairy coming out of the dust.

She was wearing a purple tight-fitting long-sleeved T-shirt on her upper body, and a pair of tight jeans underneath, which completely outlined her slender legs.

That straight curve, like the jade legs of a beautiful girl in cartoons, is full of graceful feeling no matter how you look at it.

"Wow, another big beauty!" Murong Ranran exclaimed.

Then he turned his head and asked Ye Yun with a malicious face: "Brother-in-law, do you still have acquaintances in Zhong Hai?"

Ye Yun could tell that this girl was Luo Xuewei, so he smiled and said, "Well, we met once."

"Oh?" Ran Ran looked at Luo Xuewei who was walking forward, her eyebrows were slightly frowned, and she always felt that this girl was a little familiar.

Yaya pointed at Luo Xuewei and smiled, "This is the aunt who gave me the certificate!"

Luo Xuewei stepped forward, took off her sunglasses, and waved to Yaya with a smile:
"Hi, baby, hello! I didn't expect you to have such a good memory, and you recognized me right away!"

Ran Ran and Liu Peiling couldn't help covering their mouths and exclaiming, "Luo Xuewei!"

Luo Xuewei is the most famous female anchor of Diaoyu TV, and also the hottest new goddess in the entire Chinese entertainment industry.

Unlike ordinary anchors, her live broadcast neither sings nor dances, nor does she rely on some vulgar plots to please the audience for rewards.

All of her live broadcast content is related to public welfare.

For example, helping the Red Cross raise funds, providing various assistance to children in mountainous areas, and even providing assistance to refugees overseas.

China Central Television once filmed a documentary specifically for Luo Xuewei.

It recorded in detail the public welfare activities that Luo Xuewei had done, adding up the whole thing, there were as many as 650 times!
Moreover, as the niece of the head of the Yin family, the giant in Zhonghai, Luo Xuewei would never rely on her status to sit back and reap the rewards.

She is a very self-motivated and hard-working girl.

In the documentary, she tracked and shot the whole process of her climbing Mount Everest.

At that time, this strong, independent, kind and brave girl left a very deep impression on the hearts of countless people across the country.

Therefore, of course, when they saw her, they didn't feel any rejection at all, but they felt very close.

Luo Xuewei greeted Ranran and the others with a smile, and then smiled at Ranran:

"Are you Murong Ranran? Sure enough, you look very similar to your sister. They are both first-class beauties!"

She took out a business card from her Chanel bag and handed it to Ranran: "This is my contact information, add a WeChat later, and keep in touch!"

However, I was a little surprised, I didn't expect her to contact you so proactively.

But thinking that she had met her brother-in-law once, she was relieved, so she took the business card and nodded with a smile: "Okay!"

Liu Peiling and the others all looked at Ranran with a hint of envy.

One must know that with an identity like Luo Xuewei's, in ancient times, she was a princess of the princess level, and it was enviable for her to take the initiative to ask for contact.

Luo Xuewei then looked at Ye Yun with a smile in her beautiful eyes:
"Mr. Ye, my company is not far ahead. I happened to meet here. Why don't you visit my company!"

Then she stretched out her hand to Yaya: "Baby, can Auntie show you around my company?"

"Okay!" Yaya threw herself into Luo Xuewei's arms without admitting she was born.

Ye Yun smiled, followed Yaya to sit in Luo Xuewei's car, and then went to the headquarters of Fishing TV with Ranran and the others.

After getting off the car, Ran ran to Ye Yun's side and asked, "Brother-in-law, what kind of friendship do you have with Luo Xuewei?"

"Look at her being so polite to you, and taking the initiative to greet you, and inviting you to visit the company, it's clear that she treats you as a distinguished guest!"

Ye Yun smiled lightly: "She gave Yaya an award in the last cute baby contest."

Ran Ran was surprised: "Shouldn't that be that you owe her a favor? How can it be like she owes you?"

Ye Yun shook his head: "I don't know about that either."

He guessed in his heart that this should be what Xiao Huang did to Luo Xuewei, so he sent a voice transmission to Zijin Dragon Emperor in his heart:

"Xiao Huang, when you brought Luo Xuewei here, did you tell her your identity or reveal your real body?"

Xiao Huang immediately replied: "No!"

He thought for a while and asked, "Boss, do you think it's strange that Luo Xuewei is very polite to you?"

Ye Yun nodded: "Yes."

Xiao Huang smiled and said, "I guess, it should be due to my girlfriend Chen Yajing."

"Ya Jing has seen how I dealt with the Wang family. She once said in front of Luo Xuewei that I am a god and you are my boss. That's why Luo Xuewei thinks you are even more powerful. Why don't you be so polite to you!"

Ye Yun nodded slightly, Xiao Huang's guess is not impossible.

After all, as a relative of the Yin family in Zhong Hai, Luo Xuewei might help the Yin family win over if she saw some capable people.

You must know that the earth is the same as other worlds in the universe. Every surviving big family is looking for various top talents all the time.

Only by continuously introducing all kinds of capable people and strangers can these families be invincible forever and survive for a long time.

From the current point of view, Luo Xuewei is very likely, and it is also for this purpose.

However, for Ye Yun, the supreme god of killing, these are insignificant. So far, he has not found any abnormality or badness in Luo Xuewei.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to get close to Yaya at all.

Since she is so interested in inviting herself, and Yaya likes this girl more, it doesn't hurt to come to Fishing TV headquarters for a stroll.

A group of people soon came to the lobby on the first floor of the Diaoyu Building, and saw that the interior was magnificently decorated and extremely grand.

As the most famous live broadcast platform in China, Fishing TV has gathered two-thirds of the country's top anchors.

The daily active users of the website have reached an astonishing 1 million, making them the most profitable platform in the live broadcast industry.

That's why they were able to buy an entire office building in the most prosperous area of ​​Zhonghai.

You must know that this office building has 35 floors, and the total value must be at least 150 billion.

Ranran saw that Luo Xuewei could take people with her, and was able to come and go freely in this very security-tight office building, so she asked curiously:

"Xuewei, do you often come to work here?"

Luo Xuewei shook her head: "No, I come here three times a year at most! So it's a coincidence that I can meet you in front of me today!"

"Hehe, it's a coincidence." Ran Ran nodded and smiled.

Just when the group came to the rest area in the lobby, a young and handsome man stood up from the sofa, walked quickly to Luo Xuewei, and said with a smile:

"Xuewei, I found out that you came to the company today, but I didn't expect to meet you!"

Luo Xuewei gave him a cold look: "Qin Yujie, you are really boring!"

 Thank you for the autumn wind blowing through Lonely Boys City 100 rewards~~~
(End of this chapter)

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