Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 121 What a low quality bastard! [24, please recommend and reward]

Chapter 121 What a low quality bastard! [24, please recommend and reward]

Qin Yujie shook his head and said, "If you love someone, how can you say it's boring?"

He walked to a place one meter away from Luo Xuewei and stood there, looked at her affectionately and said:
"Xuewei, I know that you are a girl of heaven, and there are countless men pursuing you behind you, but I don't mind being one of these thousands of people."

"Counting the days, it has been 520 days since I first saw you. During this period of time, I have never given up on pursuing you!"

"You should be able to feel my sincerity, right?"

Murong Ranran and the others were beside them, seeing Qin Yujie's affection for Luo Xuewei, they couldn't help but nodded slightly.

As a woman, Luo Xuewei is perfect in every aspect. In this world, there are very few men who have no idea about her.

However, Qin Yujie can remember the time when the two met so clearly, which shows that he is more attentive.

Luo Xuewei sneered and said, "This is exactly what I think makes you boring. In this world, there are many things that you can't get just by thinking."

"You spend so much thought on me, but you don't know that I am not your scenery at all!"

"You should put your energy on the right person and take good care of her with your heart!"

"No!" Qin Yujie shook his head vigorously, "You are the most beautiful scenery in my heart!"

His eyes trembled: "Xuewei, you are the niece of the head of the Yin family and a famous star in the whole country. Compared with you, I am a little behind, but this gap is not irreparable!"

"Our Qin family has been senior intellectuals for generations. It can be said to be a scholarly family. Since my grandfather's generation, our Qin family has worked in important institutions of the country. My grandfather, my parents, including me, They are all people who are valued by the country!"

"Although the economic strength of our Qin family is incomparable to that of Zhong Hai's big families, in the political world, we can definitely wrestle with them!"

"Xuewei, believe me, as long as you nod your head and agree now, I, Qin Yujie, swear with my life that from this moment on, you will become the happiest woman in the world!"

Luo Xuewei sighed lightly: "You are very infatuated, but unfortunately you found the wrong partner."

She turned around and looked at Ye Yun and Ranran with some embarrassment, "Let's go."

"Don't go!"

Qin Yujie was anxious, and quickly stood in front of Luo Xuewei.

This was the first time he met Luo Xuewei this year, and he didn't want to let go of this opportunity so easily.

"I hate you like a dog skin plaster the most, you don't look like a man at all!"

Suddenly, a rough and arrogant voice came from behind the crowd.

I saw a middle-aged man who was not tall and a little fat, and was walking quickly with a strong man.

The middle-aged man was wearing sunglasses, with a cigar dangling from his mouth, he had the demeanor of a gangster.

The strong man behind him has a thin face and extremely sharp eyes. There are several scars on his face that make him look murderous.

Luo Xuewei frowned slightly: "Xiong Guoqing."

Ran Ran asked in a low voice, "Who is he?"

Luo Xuewei said: "He is a relative of our vice president and often comes to our company. I met him once before."

Ran Ran smiled and said, "Then he is also one of your suitors?"

Luo Xuewei shook her head: "That's not true, he is not like many men who can't walk when they see beautiful women."

"However, he has a perverse temper and is rather domineering. When he sees people or things he doesn't like, he always intervenes."

Ran Ran was surprised: "That's it, I think he looks like a mafia boss. Is it because he is more famous in your Zhonghai, that's why he is so arrogant?"

Luo Xuewei nodded: "That's right! But the most important thing is his brother, who is a genuine master. You must know that there are only about [-] masters in our entire Zhonghai. His brother is in the martial arts world of Zhonghai. High status."

"For ordinary people, it is even more unattainable, like a fairy!"

Ran Ran nodded: "So that's how it is! I've heard from my father before that in China, the Grandmaster exists like a dragon, and his status is very high!"

In between words, Xiong Guoqing had already arrived in front of Qin Yujie.

Qin Yujie was taken aback by his arrogance, but thought that Luo Xuewei was behind him, so he couldn't be cowardly, so he straightened his back and said:

"Don't worry about my affairs!"

"Don't care? Humph! I don't like it, so I have to!" Xiong Guoqing raised his finger and pointed to the door, "Give you five seconds to get out of here! Otherwise, I will throw you out!"

Qin Yujie was enraged by his words, and roared angrily: "How dare you!"

As soon as he said that, Xiong Guoqing slapped him hard on the face.

Xiong Guoqing scolded angrily: "You coward, how dare you talk back to me?"

He waved his hand, "Dark Eagle, give him a good memory! Otherwise, this bastard won't know me, Mr. Xiong!"

The strong man Dark Eagle behind him immediately stepped forward, picked up Qin Yujie and beat him violently.

Luo Xuewei frowned and said, "Okay! Is it necessary for you to do this to a stranger?"

Xiong Guoqing smirked: "Miss Luo, I'll help you teach this bastard a lesson. You scolded me instead of thanking me? Besides, I can't stand such cowardice. It's still light to beat him up!"

He proudly gave a thumbs up and pointed behind him:
"My follower is called Dark Eagle, but he is an authentic special soldier. He has experienced the Vietnam counterattack and the Afghan war. He is a killing machine crawling out of the dead."

"I'm just giving this bastard a slight lesson today, otherwise, a slap from Dark Eagle could turn him into a pulp!"

Luo Xuewei said sternly: "Since you know that you are powerful, how dare you beat him like this?"

Ran Ran and Liu Peiling couldn't stand it any longer, they stepped forward and said, "Xuewei is right! You can't hit people casually like this!"

Xiong Guoqing smiled triumphantly:
"I can hit whoever I like, don't think that you are all beauties, I will give you face! When I have enough beatings, I will naturally let him go!"

After speaking, he took a deep puff of the cigar, and exhaled a big puff of smoke in front of everyone, with a very arrogant look.

"Ahem, it's so choking!"

Yaya quickly covered her nose with a distressed expression.

"Come to the side baby, don't smoke second-hand smoke."

Ye Yun quickly pulled Yaya aside, and at the same time gave Xiong Guoqing a cold look.

"Okay, enough!"

One minute later, when Qin Yujie was unable to scream, Xiong Guoqing raised his hand to stop him, "Throw this bastard out!"

Afterwards, he took the dark eagle and swaggered past Luo Xuewei and the others.

Turning his head, he took another puff of cigarette at them, and walked away with an arrogant look on his face.

"What a bastard, the quality is too low!"

However, they all held small pink fists and raised their hands towards Xiong Guoqing's back.

Xiong Guoqing took the dark eagle into the elevator, tilted his head and smoked a cigar, and said with a sneer:

"It's really a bunch of little girls who have never seen the world. They dare to mess with me. Who am I afraid of, Mr. Xiong!"

Dark Eagle nodded and said with a smile: "That's right! Your brother is a Master of Transformation Realm. Few in this Zhong Hai would dare to offend you!"

In between words, the elevator has reached the No.13 floor.

Suddenly Karma!With a bang, the elevator stopped, and at the same time, the power inside was cut off, and it became pitch black.

Immediately afterwards, the cigar in Xiong Guoqing's hand suddenly spewed out a large ball of flames.

call!With a bang, it was like a bucket of water was splashed from his head.

In an instant, he was burned into gas!
"God, this is, what's going on?!"

"Have you seen a ghost?!"

Having experienced several major wars, the special soldier Dark Eagle who crawled out from the dead was so frightened that he collapsed to the ground with a foul smell under his body.

(End of this chapter)

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