Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 123 Are You Making a Mistake? [44, please recommend and reward]

Chapter 123 Are You Making a Mistake? [44, please recommend and reward]

" are not good enough for him?"

Su Yuansong's body trembled, as if he had seen the most incredible thing in the world.

As one of the vice presidents of Fishing TV, he has been in the business world over the years and has seen countless things.

Especially in the live broadcast industry, good and bad people are mixed, and all kinds of weird things can happen at any time.

But compared with Qiu Susu's words just now, no matter how bizarre and unbelievable these things are, they are not as shocking as she brought!
"Susu, your sentence is the most ridiculous joke I've ever heard! You must be joking, right?"

Su Yuansong would never believe that with Qiu Susu's beauty, he would say such demeaning words about himself.

Qiu Susu sighed lightly: "Why should I be joking?"

She glanced at Ye Yun again, her voice trembling slightly:
"I have lived for so many years, and I have never experienced that kind of heart-beating feeling, but just now, I have experienced it!"

"However, when I wanted to reach out and grab this feeling, I realized that it didn't belong to me!"

After she finished speaking, she lowered her head, leaving Su Yuansong a lonely back, and returned to the live broadcast area.


Su Yuansong frowned.

Qiu Susu is one of the three goddesses recognized by Diaoyu TV. She is naturally charming and is said to be the reincarnation of Daji.

I don't know how many men in Huaxia are dreaming of her.

As the vice president, I have hinted to her again and again, but she has always rejected him mercilessly.

Unexpectedly, this little boy sitting there, looking nothing but handsome, could make Qiu Susu's heart move like this.

Moreover, it also made Qiu Susu feel inferior in front of him!

This is not only unbelievable, but also makes him very angry.

As the vice president of Fishing TV, Qiu Susu dismissed him as a heavyweight in China's entertainment circle, and Qiu Susu said that he was not worthy of this little boy.

In that case, wouldn't he be even more unworthy to compare with this little boy as a dignified vice president?


Su Yuansong became more and more angry as he thought about it, cursed fiercely in his heart, stared at Ye Yun and said:

"We Fishing TV's office building does not allow outsiders to enter or leave at will. Now please tell us your identity and what you are doing here, otherwise, I will ask the security to throw you out!"

Ye Yun glanced at him lightly:
"You don't need to know who I am. As for me, I came here because I was invited by your company."

"Invitation?" Su Yuansong sneered, "You can't even tell who you are, how dare you say you were invited? Tell me, who invited you?"

"it's me!"

A pleasant voice came from behind, and Luo Xuewei walked towards Ye Yun slowly, holding a cup of coffee.

She put the coffee on the tea table in front of Ye Yun, and smiled sweetly:
"Mr. Ye, this is the coffee I made for you. Do you like it after a taste?"

Ye Yun took a sip, nodded and said, "Not bad, thank you."


Seeing that Luo Xuewei was so respectful to Ye Yun, and Ye Yun's demeanor was always indifferent, Su Yuansong couldn't believe his eyes.

Standing in front of him was China's new No. [-] goddess, Luo Xuewei, who was backed by Zhonghai Yin's family, the heavenly girl!
In Huaxia, apart from the head of the Yin family, there are probably few people who can make Luo Xuewei so respectful and flattering.

Could it be that this little boy of unknown origin is a big shot with a deep background?
Su Yuansong shook his head immediately, he could tell that Ye Yun spoke with a foreign accent, not from Zhonghai.

Since he is not from Zhonghai, he is definitely not some earth-shattering big shot, but why did Luo Xuewei show his favor like this?
Su Yuansong stood there in a daze, feeling his head was a mess.

Suddenly he had a flash of inspiration: "That's right! This little boy must have used some shady means to lure these young girls!"

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth, stepped forward and stared at Ye Yun viciously:

"Boy, I will give you one last chance to tell who you are and where you are from, otherwise, I will be rude to you!"

Luo Xuewei frowned tightly: "Su Yuansong, don't go too far!"

Su Yuansong sneered: "Miss Luo, don't be fooled by him! Just now Susu was just like you, she was played around by him, I have a problem when I see him!"

"Now, give me 1 minute, let me cross-examine him, I will definitely not let him hurt you!"

Luo Xuewei said coldly: "Su Yuansong, Mr. Ye is my distinguished guest, if you disrespect him like this, be careful that you won't be able to bear the consequences!"

"Honored guest?" Su Yuansong laughed loudly, "Miss Luo, you are indeed bewitched by him! It seems that this little boy is really not simple!"

He stared at Ye Yun viciously: "Will you tell me?"

Ye Yun sneered: "If I don't tell you, what do you want?"

Su Yuansong showed a ferocious look: "Then throw you out!"

He picked up his mobile phone and called the security room:

"You all get the hell out of here, someone is causing trouble in the Goddess live broadcast area, throw him out!"

Soon, more than a dozen well-armed security guards rushed in front of Ye Yun and the others aggressively.

Su Yuansong pointed at Ye Yun and shouted:

"This kid is here to make trouble, throw him out! If he still dares to come in, break his leg!"

Su Yuansong felt relieved. He felt that there was no one in this world who could make Luo Xuewei and Qiu Susu so fascinated at the same time.

If so, then he must have used shady means.

As for myself, now I want to punish rape and eradicate evil, and come out as a hero to save the beauty.

Let Qiu Susu and Luo Xuewei see that he, the vice president, knows every detail and is working hard to protect them!

The security guards took a look at Luo Xuewei, walked quickly to Su Yuansong, and set him up.

"Ah..., what are you doing?" Su Yuansong was confused.

"The person who wants to drive away is this little boy, why are you arresting me?"

The security manager sneered and said:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Su, we drove you out on the orders of Mr. Tang."

"Also, don't ever enter this office building again, you've been fired!"

Su Yuansong's body trembled, and his face turned ashen. The Mr. Tang mentioned by the security guard was Tang Jianguo, the president of Diaoyu TV.


"Why did President Tang fire me?!"

Su Yuansong kept howling.

But the security guard ignored him, dragged him directly into the elevator, and threw him out of the office building of Fishing TV.

Soon, the elevator doors opened again.

A man about 50 years old came out from the inside. He had a solemn demeanor, majestic eyes, and the aura of a long-standing superior.

He is Tang Jianguo, the president of Diaoyu TV, a super boss who ranks among the top three in China's entertainment industry.

Seeing Tang Jianguo, Luo Xuewei immediately stepped forward and smiled coquettishly: "Father, I didn't expect you to strike so fast!"

Tang Jianguo smiled fondly at Luo Xuewei:
"Girl, you bring friends to the company, and you don't want your father to be a landlord first?"

He walked up to Ye Yun, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Mr. Ye, I have long admired you!"

(End of this chapter)

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