Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 124 This Is Not What I Want! [14, please recommend and reward]

Chapter 124 This Is Not What I Want! [14, please recommend and reward]

Ye Yun nodded lightly, and then asked: "Looking at you, it seems that you knew me before?"

Tang Jianguo sat down beside Ye Yun, and suddenly became much gentler from the boss who looked down on everyone just now. He smiled at Ye Yun and said:

"When Mr. Ye attended the dinner held by Xiao Xuanzong in Jiangbei, an old friend of mine was also there. He briefly told me about Mr. Ye's behavior at that time. Since then, I have always admired Mr. Ye."

Ye Yun nodded slightly.

Just as I guessed, there was a reason for Luo Xuewei to agree to go to Sioux City to present awards to Yaya, and to warmly receive her again and again, including Tang Jianguo firing the vice president of their company for her own sake.

Luo Xuewei smiled and said: "After hearing about your feat, Dad kept praising you. Later, Chen Yajing found me and said that she wanted to ask me to replace her in Sucheng, Jiangbei Province, and give a gift to a man named Murong Yun. Presenting awards to Ya’s children.”

"I asked someone to find out that this kid turned out to be your biological daughter, Mr. Ye, so I immediately went to Su City with your little brother."

Ye Yun smiled slightly: "I still have to thank you for the Yaya matter."

Luo Xuewei smiled sweetly, shook her head and said, "You don't have to be so polite, these are voluntary."

Feeling that what she said seemed a bit ambiguous, she then blushed pretty, stuck out her tongue lightly, stepped back and lowered her head and smiled.

Tang Jianguo saw his daughter's embarrassment, coughed awkwardly, and said with a smile:

"Mr. Ye, speaking of it, my grandfather's generation was also from Jiangcheng, and they lived on the edge of Jincheng and Jiangcheng. Later, when it was my grandfather's generation, our family moved to Zhonghai."

"Relying on my grandpa's elder brother-in-law, who is the grandfather of the current head of the Yin family, Yin Tianyou, our Tang family has gradually gained a firm foothold in Zhong Hai."

It was only then that Ye Yun learned about the relationship between the Tang family and the Yin family. It turned out that Tang Jianguo's grandfather had such a deep relationship with Yin Tianyou's grandfather.

Tang Jianguo then laughed and said, "So, Mr. Ye, you don't need to thank Mr. Ye for these trivial matters, we are considered half fellows!"

Now that he said so, Ye Yun was not pretentious, nodded and smiled: "Okay!"

Tang Jianguo coughed and continued:

"Mr. Ye, based on your feat at Xiao Xuanzong's banquet, I can say with certainty that you are a dragon in the world, and you should fly to the wider sky!"

"This time, since you came to Zhong Hai and we met by fate, why don't you think about it and stay in Zhong Hai, stay with our Tang family, and work hard to create a new world?"

Luo Xuewei was shocked. Although she knew that her father wanted to win Ye Yun over, she never expected that he would cut straight to the point and make such a request when they met for the first time.

Ye Yun didn't even think about it, so he shook his head and refused: "Sorry, I'm not interested!"

Tang Jianguo smiled, as if he had expected Ye Yun to refuse, and continued:

"Mr. Ye, Jincheng is always too small, and you need a bigger stage. Zhonghai is the capital of China and the heart of the whole country, occupying an extremely important position in the world."

"With your talent, you can show your skills here, and it will be of great help to your wife, including the Murong family in the future!"

"Our Tang family ranks among the top ten in Zhonghai. Although we can't compare with the top four big families such as the Yin family, we are definitely a leader in any other city in the country, including Shanghai."

"If you come to our Tang family, it will be like a tiger with wings added to us, and we can help you soar to the sky."

"I believe that within three to five years, you will be able to work hard to create a new world. By that time, the Murong family will not only expand tenfold?"

Ye Yun sighed softly: "Even if it is enlarged a hundred times and a thousand times, it is not what I want."

Tang Jianguo was startled: "Mr. Ye, you don't mean the head of state, do you?"

Luo Xuewei also showed a curious look.

She felt that a man like Ye Yun must be very ambitious, otherwise he would not openly deal with Xiao Xuanzong.

If even hundreds of thousands of Murong families are not in his eyes, then only the head of state can get into his eyes!

Ye Yun shook his head and smiled, "You think too much, what you said is just your worldly opinion."

"And I just want to stay with my wife and daughter, accompany my daughter to grow up, take good care of them, let them eat and drink well, I will be considerate when they are tired, and I will comfort them when they are unhappy. This is enough !"


Tang Jianguo and Luo Xuewei were stunned for a moment.

It turned out that this was what Ye Yun really wanted!

The two were speechless for a moment, Ye Yun said so, no matter how many and best conditions he offered, it would all be in vain!
Ye Yun said with a smile: "But I'm curious, your Tang family is also very powerful in Zhonghai, you should be able to recruit many experts, there is no need to persuade me again and again like this?"

Tang Jianguo smiled and said, "Well, to tell you the truth, we only started thinking about it in the last six months."

"Before, our Tang family focused on developing business, but later discovered that in this world, not all problems can be solved with money."

"My in-laws, Yin Tianyou also told me about this a long time ago, but I have never paid attention to it. I just recently felt that we should find more experts like you to join our Tang family and seek common development!"

"As for you, you are the first master we have found who has not been recruited by other families, so I want to persuade you well."

Ye Yun smiled slightly: "That will only disappoint you."

Tang Jianguo shook his head and said with a smile, "It's okay, everyone has their own aspirations! Mr. Ye is so capable, but he only cares about his wife and children. This true love is enough to touch people's hearts!"

Luo Xuewei nodded slightly at the side, her beautiful eyes sparkled, she didn't know what she was thinking.

At this time, Murong Ranran and the others took Yaya away and walked out of the live broadcast area.

The girls were obviously having a good time, with happy smiles on their faces.

Ye Yun stepped forward to hug Yaya, and asked with a smile, "Honey, are you having fun?"

Yaya nodded: "Of course I am happy! However, they all said that I would be angry, but I don't want to be angry, papa!"

She looked back at the live broadcast area with some horror:

"The fire hurts! I don't want the fire, so I turned off their computers!"

"Haha, so baby is so talented, give me a kiss!" Ye Yun kissed Yaya lovingly.

He also didn't want Yaya to show her face on the live broadcast. It just so happened that the little girl did a good job and didn't let herself be seen by audiences across the country.

Tang Jianguo stood up and said, "Mr. Ye, no matter what, you and I are destined to be together. Tonight, please do me a favor and come to our Tang family!"

Luo Xuewei walked to Ranran and said with a smile, "Ranran, you should go to my house for dinner too!"

However, a few people, who are about the same age as Luo Xuewei, are very playful, and they nodded immediately when they heard the words: "Okay!"

Yaya put her arms around Ye Yun's neck: "Papa, let's go too. Aunt Xuewei said that there is a mountain in her home, shall we go climbing?"

Ye Yun nodded and smiled, "Okay! Then let's go and have a look."

At six o'clock in the evening, Ye Yun and Ranran arrived at the Tang family's mansion.

The Tang family is located at the foot of Taihang Mountain, covering an area of ​​over a thousand acres, with carved railings and jade bricks, it is very luxurious.

Under the leadership of Tang Jianguo, Ye Yun and the others came to the main hall of the Tang family.

At this time, Tang Jianguo's other two brothers, the eldest brother Tang Yaobang and the younger brother Tang Qiusheng, were waiting there with their families.

Seeing Ye Yun and the others coming, Tang Yaobang and Tang Qiusheng greeted them very warmly.

They knew that the people who could bring Tang Jianguo home were not the ones who would wait for nothing.

Ye Yun nodded to them, hugged Yaya, and sat down under Tang Jianguo's leadership.

After everyone sat down, the sky outside suddenly darkened, and the temperature of the entire Tang family mansion dropped by more than ten degrees.

Everyone turned their heads and saw howling wind in the courtyard, countless black skeletons fell from the air, rushing towards the house like a tide.

That scene is comparable to lying bones in the wilderness and evil forest, listening to ghosts crying in the bleak wind and rain, it is creepy.


 Thanks to the book friend 158******22 for the reward~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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