Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 125 The One Who Should Make Apology Is You! [24, please recommend and reward]

Chapter 125 The One Who Should Make Apology Is You! [24, please recommend and reward]

"Ah! What is this?!"

Murong Ranran and the others were taken aback by this sudden scene.

Yaya widened her eyes, pointed at the charging skeleton and said:

"Is this also a ghost? Why isn't it cute at all!"

Ye Yun shook his head: "It's not a ghost, it's a ghost."

"I don't like it! I don't like it!" Yaya immediately hugged her little head and shook her head like a rattle.

Tang Jianguo reached out his hand to signal Murong Ranran and the others to calm down:
"Everyone, don't be afraid, they won't hurt people, just wait a while and you'll be fine."

Tang Yaobang and Tang Qiusheng's family also ate their meals calmly, as if they were used to this scene.

However, they looked at Tang Jianguo in surprise, and saw Luo Xuewei's calm expression, so they forced themselves to calm down and stared at those hideous skeletons cautiously.

The black skeletons quickly filled the room, they opened their mouths and roared at everyone.

Yaya pointed to the skeleton in front of her and said loudly, "Would they bite?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the dozens of skeletons in front roared and rushed towards her fiercely.

Yaya was taken aback, and quickly shrank back into Ye Yun's arms: "They are so fierce!"

Those dozens of skeletons reached the top of Yaya in the blink of an eye, and then rushed towards her like a tide.

Yaya was really frightened this time, she covered her eyes and dared not look: "Don't hit me!"

Seeing this, Ye Yun frowned: "Dare to scare my daughter?"

He then moved his fingers.

The skeletons all over the room disappeared in an instant, and the dark light also disappeared without a trace.

The space is restored to its original appearance.

"Mr. Ye, this..."

Tang Jianguo stood up in shock and looked at Ye Yun.

"Hmph! Jianguo, look at who you invited back and what good things they did!"

Tang Yaobang, who had been very polite to Ye Yun before, changed his expression in the blink of an eye and stared at Ye Yun angrily.

"Second brother, you didn't mean to bring someone back to make trouble, did you?" Tang Qiusheng directly fired at Tang Jianguo.

Tang Jianguo stomped his feet angrily:

"How could I make trouble? I care more about Dad's condition than anyone else, but who would have thought..."

He turned to Ye Yun, with a hint of blame in his tone:
"Mr. Ye, you shouldn't have shot just now! Your shot will kill people!"

Ye Yun looked at Tang Jianguo calmly: "These ghosts scare my daughter, of course I will take action to destroy them."

"Ignorant! Irritable!" Tang Yaobang's eyes became even more angry.

"Mr. Ye, right? Do you know that these ghosts are related to our father's life. Originally, as long as today's things are done well, my father can be cured. Now it's a good thing, you make trouble, and it is very likely that he will die. !"

The more he talked, the more excited he became. It seemed that if Ye Yun was not a guest invited by Tang Jianguo, he might have stepped forward to do something.

Ye Yun thought for a while, then smiled lightly: "You say they can save lives, this is the most absurd and ignorant thing."

"You!" Tang Yaobang was so angry that his face trembled, he turned and looked at Tang Jianguo: "Look at Jianguo! This is the guest you brought back?!"

Tang Qiusheng also said reproachfully: "Second brother, you have always been prudent and reliable in dealing with people, how could you be so confused this time!"

"This Mr. Ye looks like someone who has never seen anything big in the world. You bring him back, this is great! Dad is going to be killed by him!"

Tang Jianguo saw the reproachful eyes of everyone, couldn't help stamping his feet, and sighed heavily.

He originally thought that Ye Yun was just a person in martial arts and didn't understand things like gods and ghosts. He didn't expect that he would ruin a big event as soon as he made a move.

"Who the hell is interfering with my spellcasting?"

Just when everyone in the Tang family was feeling annoyed, a hearty voice suddenly came from outside the house.

A middle-aged man wearing a gray and white robe and a long gray beard is approaching.

He walked lightly, with a hint of pride on his face.

That way, it's like returning to the world of mortals from the fairyland, with a detached temperament.

"Master Qiu, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

"Miraculous doctor Qiu, we were reckless! Please forgive me!"

Seeing the man approaching, the three brothers Tang Jianguo, Tang Yaobang, and Tang Qiusheng ran out the door as if seeing a savior, apologizing and making amends, their voices full of awe.

Ran Ran asked Luo Xuewei curiously: "Who is he? Why are your father and the others so scared?"

Luo Xuewei said: "He is a well-known miracle doctor in our Zhonghai, and also a master of metaphysics, his name is Qiu Yuanhe."

"It is said that in the whole of China, masters like him who are both peerless medical skills and invincible metaphysics are as rare as rare."

"Not long ago, my grandfather got a strange disease. He invited all the top doctors in China, and even sent special planes to bring in medical professors from the United States and Germany, but they couldn't cure him."

"In the end, my father, under the introduction of Yin's family, found Master Qiu, a genius doctor, to treat my grandfather. After he examined my grandfather, he said that my grandfather was eroded by a thousand-year-old yin energy in the Taihang Mountains. The way to save him is to set up a formation, manipulate a group of ghosts into his body, and fight poison with poison."

"Originally, Master Qiu said that the course of treatment would be divided into three times. He promised that after three times, Grandpa would definitely recover! Today is just the third time. I didn't expect this to happen."

Ran Ran nodded and said, "Oh, so that's the case."

She looked at Ye Yun and said: "But I still believe in my brother-in-law's judgment. If my brother-in-law says no, I think it is no good!"

Luo Xuewei's eyes flashed: "You mean, Mr. Ye can cure my grandfather?"

Ran Ran said: "I don't know if he understands these things, but if I had to choose, I would still choose to believe him!"

Yaya heard the conversation between the two, and immediately gave Ranran a thumbs up: "Auntie, you have eyes! My dad is number one in the universe, and I believe him too!"

Tang Yaobang and Tang Qiusheng's family couldn't help frowning after hearing Yaya's words.

"This kid speaks so ignorantly, he must have learned it from an adult!"

"I didn't expect this man to be so handsome, but to be so unreliable in his words and deeds. Jianguo really made friends!"

Everyone thought of this, and their opinion of Ye Yun was even worse.

While speaking, Qiu Yuanhe had already walked in, glanced at everyone proudly, frowned and said:
"Who the hell broke my business?"

Ye Yun said lightly: "It's me."

"Hmph! Reckless!" Qiu Yuanhe snorted angrily.

"Do you know that I am using these ghosts to save people's lives? As long as this is done well for the last time, the old man of the Tang family will recover."

"Because of you now, not only have I lost more than half of my vitality in vain, but even the old man is dying of illness, and I'm afraid it will be very difficult to save him!"

Upon hearing Qiu Yuanhe's words, the three Tang Jianguo brothers and a group of family members were all trembling with fright.

"Master Qiu, Doctor Qiu, you must find a way to save my father's life!"

Tang Jianguo and the others repeatedly apologized to Qiu Yuanhe, for fear that he would let him go if he got angry.

Qiu Yuanhe looked at Ye Yun contemptuously: "You ruined my good deed, why don't you come up and make amends?"

Ye Yun smiled disdainfully: "You treat people indiscriminately, and you are the one who should make amends."

"Ignorance! Arrogance!" Qiu Yuanhe put his hands behind his back and squinted at Ye Yun with a look of disdain.

"Mr. Ye, you!" Tang Jianguo was extremely helpless.

Seeing that Ye Yun is young and promising today, I wanted to invite him home to make some connections, but I didn't expect that because of him, not only did he delay my father's treatment, but I also offended Qiu Yuanhe.

"Papa, if you say they are wrong, just prove it to them and make them apologize, okay?"

Seeing that everyone was blaming Ye Yun, Yaya felt very unconvinced.

Ye Yun nodded and smiled, "Of course I have to prove it to them."

Qiu Yuanhe's face was extremely disdainful: "If you can prove me wrong, I can kowtow to you and admit my mistake!"

Ye Yun ignored him and asked Tang Jianguo to take him to Mr. Tang.

The matter had developed to this point, Tang Jianguo had no choice but to act as a living horse doctor and let Ye Yun try it.

Ye Yun and the others came to Mr. Tang's bed. With a wave of his hand, Ye Yun saw a gray light flashing from Mr. Tang's body.

Inside the light, Mr. Tang was being bitten by countless black skeletons, howling continuously, with an extremely miserable expression.

Seeing this scene, Qiu Yuanhe's legs suddenly went limp, plop!Kneeling down on the ground:
"Senior, I was wrong! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Please save the old man, or I will die!"

(End of this chapter)

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