Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 126: Jade Seal?How about peeling a big crab for the baby! [1, please recommend and reward]

Chapter 126: Jade Seal?How about peeling a big crab for the baby! [34, please recommend and reward]

"Master Qiu, what do you mean?"

Tang Jianguo and others looked at Qiu Yuanhe in surprise.

How could Qiu Yuanhe, who was confident just now and was about to watch Ye Yun's jokes, suddenly kneel on the ground like a different person?
Qiu Yuanhe said apologetically:

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry to your Tang family! Originally, I thought that the root of the old man's disease was the thousand-year-old yin energy. I originally wanted to rely on these ghosts to fight the virus with poison and get rid of the root of his disease."

"But it wasn't until this senior took action that I realized that instead of helping the old man relieve his pain, I actually made his condition worse!"

He pointed to the gray light and said:

"All people have three souls and seven souls. These three souls are the soul of heaven, the soul of earth and the soul of fate."

"After Mr. Tang was eroded by Yin Qi, the Heavenly Soul and Earth Soul were damaged, but the Fate Soul was temporarily unaffected, but I used the Yin Qi from heaven and earth to form an array and forcibly drove so many ghosts into his body."

"Because my skill is still weak, these ghosts not only can't repair his damaged sky soul and earth soul, but even his life soul has been greatly damaged."

"What you are seeing now is that Mr. Tang's soul is struggling. If he delays any longer, I'm afraid his soul will be swallowed up, and he will really die!"


Hearing what he said, Tang Jianguo and the others couldn't help but gasp.

Although they didn't quite understand what Qiu Yuanhe was talking about, seeing his father's painful expression, they could guess that his father was already in danger.

"Mr. Ye, it seems that only you can save my father!"

Tang Jianguo bowed to Ye Yun, bending his body at ninety degrees.

"Mr. Ye, it's our Tang family who misunderstood you! Please help our Tang family this time. From now on, you will be our Tang family's great benefactor. Our Tang family will always remember your kindness! "

"Yes, Mr. Ye, you adults don't remember the mistakes of villains, please forgive us for our mistakes!"

Tang Yaobang, Tang Qiusheng and others also looked apologetic.

Ye Yun glanced at them lightly:
"I can shoot, but in doing so, I just tell my daughter that her judgment is right."

"As for your Tang family, whether you are grateful or misunderstood, it doesn't matter to me."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand lightly, and a golden light shone.

Then I saw that Mr. Tang's whole body lit up, and his originally dark skin quickly turned white, and his blood color was evident.

"Cough cough!"

Mr. Tang opened his mouth and coughed twice, exhaling a stream of black smoke.

Then he opened his eyes and looked at everyone in surprise: "You guys are... Huh? I've recovered!"

"This... is amazing!"

Everyone in the Tang family turned their worries into joy, and hurriedly bowed to Ye Yun:
"Mr. Ye, you are really a great benefactor of our Tang family! From now on, all members of the Tang family are willing to listen to your orders!"

Even the well-known master of double material Qiu Yuanhe couldn't solve the big trouble, but Ye Yun solved it with a single raise of his hand!

At this time, even the most stupid people could see that Ye Yun's ability was astonishing.

The Tang family's property is 5000 billion, so what if it is the top ten super family in Zhong Hai?
At this moment, they felt that if they could have a relationship with Ye Yun, they would be the Tang family's top climber!
Mr. Tang, Tang Taishan, is also a very sensible person.

He immediately got up from the bed and looked at Ye Yun gratefully:

"Mr. Xiao, I'm a bad old man. I don't have anything to sell, so I'll give you this imperial jade seal as a souvenir!"

As he spoke, he took out a red nanmu box from the safe beside the bed.

Opening the box, a jade seal carved from He's Bi appeared in front of everyone.

"Dad, is this the family heirloom of our Tang family, the Jade Seal from the Qin Dynasty?"

Tang Jianguo and the others looked at Yuxi with fiery eyes.

Tang Taishan nodded: "That's right! It is the heirloom of our Tang family, the Jade Seal of the Qin Dynasty!"

This jade seal has been handed down in the Tang family for hundreds of years, and is regarded as a family heirloom by every generation of the Tang family.

If calculated according to the current market value, at least 500 billion.

But more importantly, it is its inestimable cultural value.

You must know that it is the jade seal used by Qin Shihuang. From ancient times to the present, how many countries, how many rich and powerful people have worked hard to obtain this jade seal.

If you can get this jade seal, you can experience the sense of accomplishment of China's first emperor who ruled the world. No amount of money can buy this feeling!

The three brothers Tang Jianguo couldn't help feeling a little distressed when they saw that Tang Taishan had actually handed over the Chuanguo Yuxi.

But thinking of Ye Yun's unfathomable depths, he can easily kill human flesh and bones, his ability is no different from that of a god, so they had no choice but to reluctantly part with each other.

After all, no matter how valuable the Chuanguo Yuxi is, it is just an item.

But if you can use it to make friends with a master like Ye Yun, the benefits for the whole family will be immeasurable!
To the surprise of the Tang family, Ye Yun didn't even look at the Chuanguo Yuxi, but hugged Yaya dotingly and said:
"Baby, let's go to eat, after so long delay, are you hungry?"

Yaya smiled and hugged Ye Yun's neck:
"Very hungry! There was a big crab there just now, and I haven't eaten it yet!"

Ye Yun laughed and walked out the door with her in his arms.

Behind him, Ran Ran and Luo Xuewei smiled at each other, and followed along with Liu Peiling and the others.

Tang Taishan and Tang Jianguo and others were stunned, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

After several minutes, Tang Taishan came back to his senses and let out a long sigh:
"This person doesn't even pay attention to Chuan Guo Yuxi, his vision is beyond imagination!"

"Our Tang family, although we can't become friends with him, we will definitely benefit a lot from getting to know him once!"


After Ye Yun had dinner at Tang's house, he took Yaya to the hotel.

Early the next morning, after bidding farewell reluctantly, he took Yaya on the plane back to Jincheng.

When we returned to Murong Villa, it was past eleven o'clock. Ye Yun asked Yaya to play by herself in the living room, while he hurried into the kitchen to prepare lunch.

At around 12:30 noon, before Murong Yan came home, Ye Yun called her.

After the call was connected, Murong Yan's slightly tired voice came:
"Ye Yun, my car's trip computer is out of order, and it's parked on the road right now, you guys eat first, and then go back after I fix it."

Ye Yun asked with concern: "Then how long will it take you to fix it?"

Murong Yan sighed softly and said, "It probably will take a long time! The tow truck from the 4S store has arrived, but they said it's not easy to get the car on, and they've been increasing the price for me, so they haven't lifted the car up until now."

Ye Yun frowned, these tow truck workers made it clear that they were killing people.

He then said, "Honey, tell me where you are, and I'll go find you now!"

Soon, Ye Yun drove Yaya to the place where Murong Yan broke down.

A trailer was parked in front of her Ferrari, and behind the trailer stood two 4S shop workers in uniform, talking to Murong Yan.

Ye Yun stepped forward, smiled at Murong Yan and said, "Honey, if you're tired from work, go rest in the car first, and I'll talk to them here."

Murong Yan nodded, and said softly: "Okay, but these people are greedy and difficult to deal with."

Ye Yun smiled slightly: "Don't worry, I have a way to convince them."

After Murong Yan got into the car, Ye Yun walked up to the two tow truck workers and asked:

"How much is the standard charge for towing a car once?"

One of the towing workers replied: "1000 yuan."

Ye Yun asked again: "Then how much will it take to drag my car over for repair now?"

The towing man smiled wickedly:
"Your car is very expensive. We don't dare to damage it a little bit, so it's extremely difficult to lift it into the car. Calculated back and forth, it will cost at least 3."

"And, maybe there will be a little more, let's calculate the details at that time!"

Ye Yun sneered: "That is to say, if I lift it up, it will only cost 1000 yuan, right?"

"Yes!" The two tow truck workers nodded at the same time, and looked at Ye Yun jokingly:

"If you can get it up, don't say 1000 yuan, I can give you free!"

Ye Yun smiled: "Then do this."

As soon as he finished speaking, a strange gale blew up, and the Ferrari was swept into the air, and then landed firmly on the trailer.

When the two tow truck workers looked back, they trembled in fright.


" did the car get up by itself?!"

(End of this chapter)

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