Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 127 Take you to the most beautiful place! [44, please recommend and reward]

Chapter 127 Take you to the most beautiful place! [44, please recommend and reward]

The two workers turned their heads, and when they looked at Ye Yun again, their eyes were no different from looking at a monster.

There were waves of chills in the hearts of both of them.

This handsome man is actually a terrifying monster!
Ye Yun smiled and said: "According to the agreement just now, will you drag it to the 4S store for free?"

"Yes yes yes! Of course!"

The two nodded their heads like chickens pecking at rice, for fear of offending the person in front of them, if they were accidentally blown into the sky, it would be over.

Ye Yun turned around and said lightly: "Be careful, don't scratch the car."

The two workers quickly agreed: "Don't worry, it will be delivered to the store safely for you, and a piece of paint will never be lost!"

Seeing Ye Yun leave, the two wiped off the cold sweat from their foreheads, climbed into the car, and checked the Ferrari back and forth carefully.

That focused and serious demeanor was like treating a peerless treasure with utmost care.


After Ye Yun and Murong Yan returned home, they went to the table for lunch.

Seeing the table full of dishes, Murong Yan couldn't help being startled, stretched out her jade to count, and said in surprise:
"Ten dishes and two soups, you have cooked so much!"

Ye Yun said with a smile: "I wasted a day in Zhonghai yesterday, and I will make up for you by ordering more dishes today."

Murong Yan swallowed her saliva lightly, these dishes were delicious, delicious and very attractive, she then smiled and said:
"Ye Yun, aren't you worried that I'll get fat after eating so much? If I become fat and ugly, will you dislike me?"

Ye Yun laughed: "Don't say you won't get fat no matter how much you eat these dishes, even if you do get fat, you are still the most beautiful woman in my heart!"

"I have lived my whole life until now, and I have nothing else to ask for, I just hope to be by your side forever!"

"The way you are in my heart will always stay in the most beautiful moment."

As soon as Murong Yan picked up the chopsticks, she couldn't help shaking her little hands when she heard the words, and bit her cherry lips lightly, tears were already rolling in her eyes, she said angrily:

"You, you still say such provocative things while eating, and you still want to make people eat well?"

Ye Yun smiled, and gently wiped away her tears with a tissue: "Okay, okay, it's all my fault, eat quickly!"

Murong Yan nodded, and said again: "By the way, what you said just now, why do you sound like an old man who has lived for decades?"

Ye Yun smiled slightly. If he really had to count, he had already lived for more than 4 years, and he didn't know how many more 4 years he would live in the future.

How can this sentiment, this lovesickness, be expressed in just a few decades?

Yaya looked at the two with wide eyes, and said seriously:
"Papa, Mama, I found a very serious problem!"

Ye Yun and Murong Yan asked curiously at the same time: "What's the question?"

Yaya snorted softly and said, "You guys always focus on dating and forget the next meal!"

"Really? Hehehe!"

Ye Yun and Murong Yan couldn't help shaking their heads and laughing, "Little baby, you're getting better at summarizing, you're worthy of being a mommy baby, you're really smart!"

"for sure!"

Yaya laughed happily, and then ate happily with Murong Yan.

After the meal, Yaya asked Ye Yun to take out her mobile phone and find out the photos she and Ye Yun took in Zhonghai Tiananmen Square.

"Look, Mom, is my photo pretty? Is Papa's photo handsome?"

The little girl stuffed the phone into Murong Yan's hand like offering a treasure.

Murong Yan flipped through one after another, nodded and said, "Baby is very beautiful, and Papa is also very handsome!"

Suddenly she sighed softly: "It's a pity, Ma Ma has too many things to worry about, and I can spend too little time with you!"

After washing the dishes, Ye Yun walked to Murong Yan's side and said with a smile:
"Honey, it's been a long time at noon, why don't we take Yaya out to play again, how about I take some photos for you?"

Murong Yan was surprised and said: "There are no good scenic spots in Jincheng, so are you going to other places?"

Ye Yun shook his head: "No need, I will take you to a place that is more beautiful than all the scenic spots!"

There was a gleam in Murong Yan's eyes: "Is it the beach from last time?"

Ye Yun continued to shake his head: "It's even more beautiful than last time! You close your eyes first, and open them after I agree."

"En." Murong Yan and Yaya closed their eyes at the same time, they knew that Ye Yun was going to perform a magic trick again.

With a wave of Ye Yun's hand, the three disappeared immediately.

When they reappeared, they were already in a place like a fairyland.

"Okay, you can open your eyes!" Ye Yun smiled.


When Murong Yan and Yaya opened their eyes, they were shocked by the scene in front of them.


The trees are full of shade, the flowers are red and the grass is green.

Bright colors, warm weathered butterflies.

The lakes and mountains are beautiful, and there are clouds and mists, like a dream.

One after another, a trace, an indescribable fragrance filled the nostrils.

It smells like the pores of the whole body are open, full of infinite comfort.

In the center of this indescribably beautiful scenery, there is also a hot spring.

The white mist floats slowly, reflecting the bright red sun in the sky, which is so beautiful that it makes people intoxicated.

"Ye Yun, where is this?" Murong Yan asked curiously, "I feel that there is no such scenery in the world. Is this a fairyland?"

Ye Yun smiled and said, "This is the fairyland in Kunlun Mountain."

"Yaochi?" Murong Yan covered her mouth in surprise, "The real Yaochi is not so beautiful. Could this be the mythical Yaochi?"

Ye Yun nodded: "It can be understood in this way. In fact, this is only the world of earth practitioners."

"Oh." Murong Yan nodded slightly.

She only knows a little about Gu Wu Xiuzhen.

But with her intelligence, she can also imagine that the world where those cultivators live is stronger and better than the world of ordinary people.

Then she walked to the Yaochi, stood in front of a strange flower with Yaya in her arms, and said with a smile, "Take a picture for us!"

"Okay!" Ye Yun nodded with a smile, adjusted the camera to the best, and took many beautiful photos of Murong Yan and Yaya.

"So beautiful! So beautiful!"

When Murong Yan and Yaya looked at the photos, Yaya clapped her hands happily.

Suddenly, she glanced and saw a colorful apple growing out of a tree not far away.

The little girl hurriedly pulled Ye Yun and Murong Yan to look there: "Baba, Mama, what a cute apple!"

Ye Yun said with a smile: "That's a spiritual fruit. Eating it is very good for your health. Baby, do you want to eat it?"

Yaya nodded: "Think again!"

"Then I'll pick it for you." Ye Yun walked towards the spirit tree.

"Stop me!"

Just when Ye Yun came under the tree and wanted to stretch out his hand, a voice suddenly sounded in the air.

I saw an old man in white robe, sitting on the back of a white crane, flying in front of Ye Yun, he stared at Ye Yun coldly:

"Which family are you from, dare to come here to snatch my spirit fruit?"

Ye Yun frowned and glanced at him: "I'm not from an aristocratic family."

"Not from the family?"

The old man turned his head to look at Murong Yan and Yaya, and immediately scolded: "So you are just a human cultivator, how dare you bring mortals here?"

There was a white light all over his body, and the air within a hundred meters was filled with powerful fluctuations:
"If you are sensible, leave me quickly, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

Ye Yun gave him a cold look: "Talking too much."

As soon as the words fell, a terrifying force hit the old man's chest, knocking him off Bai He's back to the ground.

The old man wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and asked with a terrified expression, "You... who are you?"

He was guessing just now that the man in front of him should be a cultivator from the world.

But unexpectedly, the opponent was able to knock him to the ground with just one glance.

This kind of power is really terrifying!

You must know that he is a master in the mid-innate stage, and in the world, he is a real land fairy!
And he is a master among the land gods!
A monk from the human world beat him to such a mess so easily, this is simply a joke!

He doesn't believe it!
He felt that this man must be a child of a certain family, and it was impossible for him to come from the world!

Ye Yun ignored the old man, but took off the spirit fruit, then divided it into two halves and handed them to Murong Yan and Yaya, looking at them tenderly:

"This spiritual fruit bears fruit once every 500 years. Come and see if it suits your taste."

(End of this chapter)

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